What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I never said they were. But they should be free not to cater to satan's minions because it violates their 1st amendment rights which is my original claim.

ie. if he doesn't want to make cakes for homo's nobody should have the right to make him.

If nobody wants to cater to cripples, blacks or Christians they "shouldn't have to"...have you asked your legislator to repeal the civil rights act yet?
If it violates their religion yes.

Christians aren't covered under the civil rights act.
Homosexuals can not reproduce period and if men wrote the Lord's word, what they wanted in it would have been put in there, but what they want in there is obviously not in there, is it?

Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

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The late Qui-Gon Jinn once said, "Always remember... your focus determines your reality."

LockeJaw primarily focuses on homosexuality. What does this mean? :)

Well, if we go by Qui-Gon Jinn, LockeJaw isn't the only one that applies to. :D

You actually are friends with that freak? You mustve not seen her recent praise of Adolf Hitler as an "amazing human being".

Smh...long as they're part of the LGBT tribe, it's all gravy, eh, baby?
JOSweetheart, I know the answer to the first question. Because Nature, along with everyone else who tells them what they're doing is unnatural, is just a big bigot. We need to enact legislation right away to force nature to treat their couplings as natural! Force Nature To Make It Possible For Two People Of The Same Sex To Be Able to Reproduce Naturally!

We cannot allow this bigotry from nature to continue...

Homosexuals can not reproduce period and if men wrote the Lord's word, what they wanted in it would have been put in there, but what they want in there is obviously not in there, is it?

Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

Homosexuals can not reproduce period and if men wrote the Lord's word, what they wanted in it would have been put in there, but what they want in there is obviously not in there, is it?

Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?
Now that you have finally admitted what it is that I have been saying this whole time, I just have one question for you: Have you ever wondered why that is, why homosexuals can not reproduce with who they want to reproduce with?

So you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?
If that's the way that the Lord will do things and I believe that it is, then yes.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


And why evolution hasn't taken care of that problem?

Things that make you go hmmmmmm
i'm starting to suspect that GISMYS is a troll pretending to be a bible-thumping loon.

She/He/It never engages in actual discussions, it just preaches at people.

Did you suspect that about the time I mentioned it for the 100th time?

He's probably holed up in a victorian apartment in the Castro District giggling with his buddies while he's posting. But like all B actors, he goes a little heavy and cues you into the ruse. Though I'm sure he's sure that going overboard is working to get sympathy for the LGBT crowd. Kind of backfired though.
Christians aren't covered under the civil rights act.

They are covered under the 1st amendment.

I misspoke in a way, they are not explicitly covered. Religion is.

So all LGBTs have to do is get their behavior declared a religion and they should be good to go. Failing that, they'll have to present their case to the US Supreme Court as to why just their behaviors and not other deviant sexual practitioners...or any other behavior for that matter, can rule over the majority when it comes to setting laws for social standards. Of course they aren't a race. But nobody is telling us just which classification they fall under. They aren't a specific gender either. Nor are they a country of origin. So religion is all they have left.

Funny how all the court cases you hear about are moving forward under the false premise that LGBTs are somehow a "race" of people? Or did they think they were a religion? What are they saying LGBTs are as to the 14th?

If they say they are a "class" of people, they'll have to get 2/3rds of Congress to rewrite the Constitution. Because there are many classes of people and not all are from race. There are the behaviors and the ages too. Can minors as a "class" petition for unlimited access to priveleges previously denied to them? At least they could argue theirs isn't behavioral, but temporal. Behaviors getting special privelges threatens our penal and civil codes at their core. Since when does a minority dictate to a majority which acquired-behaviors can do what?
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i'm starting to suspect that GISMYS is a troll pretending to be a bible-thumping loon.

She/He/It never engages in actual discussions, it just preaches at people.

First person I ever put on ignore. I've been on forums for over 20 years.

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