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What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Follow the bouncing ball Starkey & Deliaro, if you can:
"No-smoking-gun-has-been-found-so-far. In-spite-of-massive-research-efforts, no-gene-or -group-of-genes-has-been-definitively-proven-to-cause-homosexuality."

Nothing you or anyone else can say or do at this point in time changes that FACT of REALITY, okay Starkey?

Post 270, for the fourth time, proves that there is a group of men loving genes that can cause men to be gay.

No, that's more bullshit just like the phony alcoholic gene claim, and the gay gene. It's not proven.

Just stop dude. I've already read the few sources I could find on you cockamamey "man loving/woman loving gene". It's not proven.

The truth is if you're born with the plumbing, you were born to reproduce. Anything that deviates from heterosexuality is caused by enviromental & social causes. I'm tired of arguing with you folks. You have no solid proof...and most of these studies are backed by the gay lobby financially so I don't and won't buy your politically driven science, okay?

Have a good one.
Homosexuality is no different from beastality (to lie down sexually with animals) Sodomite perverseness is men and women desiring to perform the unlawfulness and unnaturalness of intercourse with men or women through invading the (rear) of their body, and or any oral or any sexual intercourse with of the same sex gender.
Follow the bouncing ball Starkey & Deliaro, if you can:
"No-smoking-gun-has-been-found-so-far. In-spite-of-massive-research-efforts, no-gene-or -group-of-genes-has-been-definitively-proven-to-cause-homosexuality."

Nothing you or anyone else can say or do at this point in time changes that FACT of REALITY, okay Starkey?

Post 270, for the fourth time, proves that there is a group of men loving genes that can cause men to be gay.

No, that's more bullshit just like the phony alcoholic gene claim, and the gay gene. It's not proven.

Just stop dude. I've already read the few sources I could find on you cockamamey "man loving/woman loving gene". It's not proven.

The truth is if you're born with the plumbing, you were born to reproduce. Anything that deviates from heterosexuality is caused by enviromental & social causes. I'm tired of arguing with you folks. You have no solid proof...and most of these studies are backed by the gay lobby financially so I don't and won't buy your politically driven science, okay?

Have a good one.

Explain Pedophiles then. You think they chose to be pedophiles.
Left handed people.
Foot Fetuses.
The dispute is over the use of the term "ZERO". Zero means nothing whatsoever. Obviously that is false given all the factual evidence provided above that points to a plausible epigenetic cause.

Oh that's so cute - poor frustrated little fella :lol:

That would be true, if all he said was . But in the context you are using it - you're simply quoting him out of context The word zero was used as an adjective to describe the word CONCRETE. The word CONCRETE was used as an adjective to describe evidence - to quote in context tou need all three words - failure to do so is altering the intent of someones statement , and I know you're a bigger person than that .

Obviously that is false given all the factual evidence provided above that points to a plausible epigenetic cause

You still don't understand the difference between Fact and Theory ?

I think I need to re-evaluate my opinion of your caliber , you just went down a few notches there my friend. Although I will credit you with recognizing that "Plausible" only means it could conceivably, possibly maybe be factual if and when the theory ever proves out .

Perhaps it's a matter of intelligence ? Is English yourfirst Language ?

tu capti ? .... Certe pessimus omnium hominum es, an necesse sit !

The context that LJ framed his allegation was "Zero Concrete Evidence".

No matter how you want to parse those 3 terms he is wrong!

The term "zero" is utterly false. The term "evidence" is fallacious in the light of the indisputable known genetic and epigenetic facts that relate to how gender and sexual attraction develops in the fetus. Therefore using the terms "zero evidence" is erroneous because indisputable genetic evidence exists.

The feeble attempt to qualify his allegation with the term "concrete" merely compounds the fallacy. The term implies that the evidence must be "irrefutable" in order to be acceptable to those whose homophobia is based purely upon their beliefs in religious texts whose veracity has be taken on faith alone.

Science is not about absolutes. It is about knowledge. As new knowledge is acquired it builds upon, and sometimes refutes, prior knowledge. But it is never an absolute. That is something that only those with religious faith believe in.

So the use of the term "concrete" exposes an ignorance of the scientific process and the deliverables in terms of knowledge. Inheritance has something that had only been investigated since 1866. The concept of DNA was unknown prior to 1950. It took another 50 years from discovering the chemical basis of DNA to actually mapping the human genome.

So to expect that science has developed absolute "concrete evidence" about one specific obscure aspect of the immense complexity of human DNA and exactly how every single step of how it works from the joining of the egg and the sperm through to the final development of a fully functioning adult is nothing short of absurd in the 13 year time frame since the mapping of the genome.

Given that you are defending LJ and have been vocal about your own antipathy towards facts and knowledge it is unlikely that you followed any of the above. So feel free to continue to amuse me and others with your unenlightened rantings about the "evils" of homosexuals.

You're an Asshole -I can tolerate people being wrong , even I am wrong sometimes, it's rare but it happens. You're wrong, you've been proven wrong 7 ways to tuesday yet you are not man enough to admit your error - Basically, even though we are on opposite sides of the fence on most issues -I had some respect for you - I was wrong [See like I said -even I am wrong sometimes] - I'll terminate this discussion with 3 words - You're an Asshole
Heb.13:4 says, Marriage is honourable in all(saved&unsaved), and the bed undefiled(your sexual relations are clean): but whoremongers(all unlawful sex acts and partners) and adulterers(marriage defilers&divorcers) God will judge. (Gen.2: 18-25 /St.Matt.19:4-6/ I.Cor.11:2,3/ Titus2: 1-9)

Those that love their demon possession,in their ignorant defense they accept the LIE that God has made them this way! God is the reason they are homosexuals. They say,"Ive been this way all my life, even since my childhood", or "Ive tried the opposite sex and it just doesnt feel right to me", or "I hate the opposite sex, dont even want to live with them". This is not strange news at all because according to the scriptures, demons can possess causing you to become more and more, one with the perverseness of homosexuality.

The man in the second Video is Nicholas Cummings -he is the Author of the motion to have Homosexuality removed from the DSM . He later realized his mistake and the fact that he helped open a Pandoras Box.

Nicholas Cummings was one of the primary movers in having Homosexuality declassified as a mental Illness back in the 70s.
In fact, he wrote the proposal to remove it from the DSM. In recent years he made the following admission ...

I made the resolution that being gay was not a mental illness, that it was characterological,.... I also said with that, that the APA, if it passes this resolution, will also vote to continue research that demonstrates whatever the research demonstrates. Unbiased, open research.

Dr Cummings, is a true scientist and a firm believer in Scientific Objectivity, which is a basis of all science, or at least its supposed to be. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc . Today, it is nowhere to be found in the APA Scientific Objectivity has been swept under the carpet and completely forgotten. Since at least the Mid 90s leftist Ideology rules at the APA. Cummings has stated that its members are cherrypicking results to fit their Agenda. As per Cummings the gay rights movement sort of captured the APA. See: American Psychological Association Owned by the Gays Being Gay is Sick
So, if you wanted to, you could be homosexual.

I couldn't.

I cannot say that I really understand homosexuality but I accept that it exists. Having had good friends who are gay, I've read a bit and - bottom line is, with the single condition that it be between consenting adults, its none of my business.

Just as what YOU do in your personal and sexual life is none of my business and -

Just as what I do in my personal and sexual life is none of your business.

Your PS is true though - its her problem just as your personal and sexual life is your problem and just as my personal and sexual life is MY problem.

I don't believe that a person minding their own business is a one way street. If you want someone to mind their own business, don't go getting into their business first.

God bless you always!!!

Quite frankly, I don't care anymore. And what the fuck is a foot fetus?
Post 270, for the fourth time, proves that there is a group of men loving genes that can cause men to be gay.

No, that's more bullshit just like the phony alcoholic gene claim, and the gay gene. It's not proven.

Just stop dude. I've already read the few sources I could find on you cockamamey "man loving/woman loving gene". It's not proven.

The truth is if you're born with the plumbing, you were born to reproduce. Anything that deviates from heterosexuality is caused by enviromental & social causes. I'm tired of arguing with you folks. You have no solid proof...and most of these studies are backed by the gay lobby financially so I don't and won't buy your politically driven science, okay?

Have a good one.

Explain Pedophiles then. You think they chose to be pedophiles.
Left handed people.
Foot Fetuses.
Christian churches don't rule America and the Constitution is secular.

Go start a Christian Republic in South Carolina.

That wasn't what I asked. You appear defensive.

You are defensive that your question means nothing to the discussion. I was merely pointing that out. :lol: Really, Ibentoken, no one is mad at you.

Why don't you just say you can't give an answer to my question instead of your rope trick.
If I'd got here before the poll closed, I'd have voted: They should be protected from any discrimination -- just like anyone else.

Incidentally, anyone calling homosexuality a "lifestyle choice" has to explain how heterosexuality isn't; and if they believe that it is, then I'd be fascinated to know what that process was like for them, when, as a child, they sat down, head in hand, pondered their future, weighed the pros and cons of various sexual orientations, and made such a major "lifestyle choice." As for me, it happened quite naturally on its own, and I had no choice in the matter: girls went from being not very interesting, to very interesting indeed; and this is the same process homosexuals undergo -- they just begin having sexual and romantic feelings toward members of the same sex. And let's not forget the other animals who engage in homosexual and bisexual behavior, which, presumably, never sit down to make a "lifestyle choice" about anything.
If I'd got here before the poll closed, I'd have voted: They should be protected from any discrimination -- just like anyone else.

Incidentally, anyone calling homosexuality a "lifestyle choice" has to explain how heterose
xuality isn't; and if they believe that it is, then I'd be fascinated to know what that process was like for them, when, as a child, they sat down, head in hand, pondered their future, weighed the pros and cons of various sexual orientations, and made such a major "lifestyle choice." As for me, it happened quite naturally on its own, and I had no choice in the matter: girls went from being not very interesting, to very interesting indeed; and this is the same process homosexuals undergo -- they just begin having sexual and romantic feelings toward members of the same sex. And let's not forget the other animals who engage in homosexual and bisexual behavior, which, presumably, never sit down to make a "lifestyle choice" about anything.

Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. Therefore, homosexuality would be a choice.
How can men and women deny the truth about how wrong and sinful homosexuality is? In Gen.19: 4-24; II.Pet 2:6-8; Jude1: 7, tells us the truth about homosexuality. Its very clear on what the sexual interest and behavior were of the men of Sodom. In Rom.1:24-"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet". This shows how this desire burns and drives the individual into performing these unnatural acts. It also without a doubt shows us how God feels about. God called and said it is a abomination unto the Lord thy God! Gods judgement came down upon the men of Sodom and Gomorrah by raining brimstone and fire from heaven.God will repeat this judgement again in the "Great Tribulation" and for eternity in the "Lake of Fire". (Rev.16: 1-21; 21:8; 22:15
If I'd got here before the poll closed, I'd have voted: They should be protected from any discrimination -- just like anyone else.

Incidentally, anyone calling homosexuality a "lifestyle choice" has to explain how heterosexuality isn't; and if they believe that it is, then I'd be fascinated to know what that process was like for them, when, as a child, they sat down, head in hand, pondered their future, weighed the pros and cons of various sexual orientations, and made such a major "lifestyle choice." As for me, it happened quite naturally on its own, and I had no choice in the matter: girls went from being not very interesting, to very interesting indeed; and this is the same process homosexuals undergo -- they just begin having sexual and romantic feelings toward members of the same sex. And let's not forget the other animals who engage in homosexual and bisexual behavior, which, presumably, never sit down to make a "lifestyle choice" about anything.

Oh looky here ,somebody unleashed a new sock - so which faggot do you belong to Digital Boy ?
Quite frankly, I don't care anymore. And what the fuck is a foot fetus?
No, that's more bullshit just like the phony alcoholic gene claim, and the gay gene. It's not proven.

Just stop dude. I've already read the few sources I could find on you cockamamey "man loving/woman loving gene". It's not proven.

The truth is if you're born with the plumbing, you were born to reproduce. Anything that deviates from heterosexuality is caused by enviromental & social causes. I'm tired of arguing with you folks. You have no solid proof...and most of these studies are backed by the gay lobby financially so I don't and won't buy your politically driven science, okay?

Have a good one.

Explain Pedophiles then. You think they chose to be pedophiles.
Left handed people.
Foot Fetuses.

People who like sucking toes. You need to get out more.
Fornication, adultery, raping of men,women and children, beastality, incest, polygamy, oral sex, pornography, prostitution". All of these sexual works are of the same sexual demons. Thats why we also see today, the manifestation of "effeminate" spirit(demon) in men and women. Like men wanting to be female and women wanting to be a male, having sex changes, being crossdressers, transgender changing their role and behaviour to the opposite sex(I.Cor.6:9) All of these acts are sexual perverseness. GOD will indeed JUDGE you accordingly. Man's judgement is just as long as two consenting adults wants to do it ,then its ok, and you have the right, but you just have been decieved by sin and Satan. There is no difference in a man that believes in incest, than a man that believes that God has given him another man to be his soul mate. They both want rights to be equal to what is right, they both will claim that their sex lives are private and will not make a difference on their wonderful character as being a good person in the community. Heres how to discern this, the way God does in Psa.15:4-In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. Prov.12:8- A man shall be commended according to his wisdom: but he that is of a perverse heart shall be despised. Rom.1:24-For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections. Homosexuality is vile, its sexual behaviour thats morally debased, or despicable with God.
No, it's obvious why we are heterosexual, I don't need to prove squat. If you're born with a dick, it goes in a fuckin' pussy. If you're born with a pussy, it's supposed to get fucked by a dick...get it? And then after that happens, unless you're woman or man is infertile, 9 months later a baby pops out of said woman's pussy.

Assholes were designed for exit only. It doesn't have any natural lubrication..that's nature's way of telling you it's EXIT ONLY. Just because you can fuck it doesn't mean it was designed for you to do so.

You pro-gay people are all retarded beyond belief.
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How can men and women deny the truth about how wrong and sinful homosexuality is? In Gen.19: 4-24; II.Pet 2:6-8; Jude1: 7, tells us the truth about homosexuality. Its very clear on what the sexual interest and behavior were of the men of Sodom. In Rom.1:24-"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet". This shows how this desire burns and drives the individual into performing these unnatural acts. It also without a doubt shows us how God feels about. God called and said it is a abomination unto the Lord thy God! Gods judgement came down upon the men of Sodom and Gomorrah by raining brimstone and fire from heaven.God will repeat this judgement again in the "Great Tribulation" and for eternity in the "Lake of Fire". (Rev.16: 1-21; 21:8; 22:15

Go and pedal your crap elsewhere.

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