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What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Now we have "gay" Bishops, gay ministers, teachers, choir singers and parents!!!God help us all! They treat the scriptures as a joke. Notice the no "fear of the Lord " in their lives. Just another proof that religion is of men and devils. There is no such thing as a gay saint, a saved homosexual. Why? Because all UNLAWFUL sexual acts are transgressions, which means this is something that God has said for us not to do! Those that practice this way of life,help demons to infest and to influence the human race with sickness and diseases by convincing them to go against Gods word and to live a lifestyle resulting from the curses of God. I.Cor.6:9- Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Quite frankly, I don't care anymore. And what the fuck is a foot fetus?
Explain Pedophiles then. You think they chose to be pedophiles.
Left handed people.
Foot Fetuses.

People who like sucking toes. You need to get out more.

A foot fetish you mean? Fetuses are a stage babies go through before they are born. You need to learn the difference before pretending to understand science, buddy.
How can men and women deny the truth about how wrong and sinful homosexuality is? In Gen.19: 4-24; II.Pet 2:6-8; Jude1: 7, tells us the truth about homosexuality. Its very clear on what the sexual interest and behavior were of the men of Sodom. In Rom.1:24-"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet". This shows how this desire burns and drives the individual into performing these unnatural acts. It also without a doubt shows us how God feels about. God called and said it is a abomination unto the Lord thy God! Gods judgement came down upon the men of Sodom and Gomorrah by raining brimstone and fire from heaven.God will repeat this judgement again in the "Great Tribulation" and for eternity in the "Lake of Fire". (Rev.16: 1-21; 21:8; 22:15

Go and pedal your crap elsewhere.

Shove a polar vortex up your ass and sing "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy."
Being normal, I don't choose anything...I did what my instincts say I am supposed to once I hit puberty and that is have sex with women. You idiots need to stop. My instincts to drain my huevos in a woman to reproduce, and so in a poonanny is where I drain my huevos.

So don't tell me I had to choose what comes natural.
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Being normal, I don't choose anything...I did what my instincts say I am supposed to once I hit puberty and that is have sex with women. You idiots need to stop. My instincts to drain my huevos in a woman to reproduce, and instinct says a poonanny is where I should drain my huevos.

So don't tell me I had to choose what comes natural.

They're so cute with their false premises. Humans are naturally heterosexual. No choice there. They all say the exact same line. Nothing original.
You are defensive that your question means nothing to the discussion. I was merely pointing that out. :lol: Really, Ibentoken, no one is mad at you.

Why don't you just say you can't give an answer to my question instead of your rope trick.

Don't even waste your time on Starkey , he's a useless imbecile -perhaps the dumbest MF on USMB - But he can be funny at times -wind him upo and watch him go :cuckoo:

Greenbean Snow, you know you know nothing. :lol:

The science on the subject strongly indicates hard wiring more than not.

Even Governor Perry agrees on that, though he believes the homosexual should control the wicked desire. Well, I never Rick would get that far, so there is some hope for him.

What the Bible says about the issue is immaterial to the coming SCOTUS ruling.
God himself hates homosexuality, that's why clearly he declares it an ABOMINATION! The bible states that God will also charge as guilty, anyone who condones or accepts or take pleasure in the perverted sexual acts that he has forbid, as in Rom.1:32-Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. So ,then should I accept what the blind world wants me to, or should I be a true child of God, a true son of God. Should not I serve God with faith, fear and love towards him always. I should then be holy as God the Father and Creator is Holy. I should love what God loves and hate what God hates. Why should I compromise God's laws and not have true integrity . For if we don't have integrity then we are a worthless nothing and will be condemn with the world.
Yes I love the person ,which means "I will work no ill(sin) to you". But you have accepted to be and go against God, and by this I will not be a part of. The bible says this about "Lot" when he was living in the midst of the perversion of homosexuality-II.Pet.2:6- And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) Love doesn't mean I have to pacify your sexually perversion and I have to keep a blind eye towards it. Its simple ,no one can have integrity and at the same time be a abomination sinner. For the bible says concerning those that will and will not be in his eternal life of peace, in Rev.21:27-And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
If I'd got here before the poll closed, I'd have voted: They should be protected from any discrimination -- just like anyone else.

Incidentally, anyone calling homosexuality a "lifestyle choice" has to explain how heterosexuality isn't; and if they believe that it is, then I'd be fascinated to know what that process was like for them, when, as a child, they sat down, head in hand, pondered their future, weighed the pros and cons of various sexual orientations, and made such a major "lifestyle choice." As for me, it happened quite naturally on its own, and I had no choice in the matter: girls went from being not very interesting, to very interesting indeed; and this is the same process homosexuals undergo -- they just begin having sexual and romantic feelings toward members of the same sex. And let's not forget the other animals who engage in homosexual and bisexual behavior, which, presumably, never sit down to make a "lifestyle choice" about anything.

Good observations. Using the homophobes analogy, a homosexual man really is attracted to women but goes for men because?? I'm attracted to women. There is no way I would ever be attracted to men. Sexual attraction is what it is. You can't 'fake' it...
Not good observations, I am instinctually driven to mate with the opposite sex. I don't know if gays choose to be gay or if it is a nurture over nature thing, it's a proven fact that practicing homosexuality changes the brain structure, as well as the texture of skin & the scent of the practicing homersexual...And it's a fact your brain is made of a plastic like substance and it changes with different experiences...so my belief is that something happened either at birth or perhaps after to influence the change in brain structure.

But I do not have to choose to be straight in order for gays to choose to be gay. That's, as ibentoken said, a false premise.

I naturally like females because that is how humans reproduce, to say that I have to choose it if someone else chooses the other route is absurd. Period.

If I'd got here before the poll closed, I'd have voted: They should be protected from any discrimination -- just like anyone else.

Incidentally, anyone calling homosexuality a "lifestyle choice" has to explain how heterosexuality isn't; and if they believe that it is, then I'd be fascinated to know what that process was like for them, when, as a child, they sat down, head in hand, pondered their future, weighed the pros and cons of various sexual orientations, and made such a major "lifestyle choice." As for me, it happened quite naturally on its own, and I had no choice in the matter: girls went from being not very interesting, to very interesting indeed; and this is the same process homosexuals undergo -- they just begin having sexual and romantic feelings toward members of the same sex. And let's not forget the other animals who engage in homosexual and bisexual behavior, which, presumably, never sit down to make a "lifestyle choice" about anything.

Good observations. Using the homophobes analogy, a homosexual man really is attracted to women but goes for men because?? I'm attracted to women. There is no way I would ever be attracted to men. Sexual attraction is what it is. You can't 'fake' it...
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Why don't you just say you can't give an answer to my question instead of your rope trick.

Don't even waste your time on Starkey , he's a useless imbecile -perhaps the dumbest MF on USMB - But he can be funny at times -wind him upo and watch him go :cuckoo:

Blah Blah Barf

The science on the subject strongly indicates hard wiring more than not.

There is Zero Concrete Evidence to indicate as such

Even Governor Perry agrees on that, though he believes the homosexual should control the wicked desire. Well, I never Rick would get that far, so there is some hope for him.

Not certain where you got that from, but Perry believes Homosexuals can be treated and has likened them to alcoholics - hard wired would imply it's non-treatable so which is it ?

I would like to see the link from where you mined that data. :link: And no Jake - I don't want to see a picture of Uranus .

What the Bible says about the issue is immaterial to the coming SCOTUS ruling.

Why do simpletons such as yourself allways insist on bringing Religous Beliefs into the conversation ? :cuckoo:
Follow the bouncing ball Starkey & Deliaro, if you can:
"No-smoking-gun-has-been-found-so-far. In-spite-of-massive-research-efforts, no-gene-or -group-of-genes-has-been-definitively-proven-to-cause-homosexuality."

Nothing you or anyone else can say or do at this point in time changes that FACT of REALITY, okay Starkey?

Yup, the evidence leans strongly against your opinion, and if you deny it, you are lying.

As we would say in Lake Charles, "Awite."

How's the bid to rent the Board going. You have been told I get a share, have you?

Where in the bible is homosexuality condoned?

Where precisely in the bible does Jesus himself condemn homosexuality?

Instead we have Jesus saying these words to his 12 male disciples.

John 13:34
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
Yup, the evidence leans strongly against your opinion, and if you deny it, you are lying.

As we would say in Lake Charles, "Awite."

How's the bid to rent the Board going. You have been told I get a share, have you?

Where in the bible is homosexuality condoned?

Where precisely in the bible does Jesus himself condemn homosexuality?

Instead we have Jesus saying these words to his 12 male disciples.

John 13:34
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

EVERYTHING in the New Testament was a teaching of Jesus that was recorded as either a quote of Him or was a teaching passed on from Him.

You are splitting hairs that do not exist.

Romans chapter one has assertions that come straight from what St Paul heard of Jesus teachings, probably as he spied on Jesus working for the Sanhedrin, and thus he was qualified to be an Apostle.
Not mine, societies. It used to be okay to be openly racist...now it isn't. It used to be okay to be openly anti gay...now it isn't. I'm glad of both.


Bullshit - you mistake the Hollywood elite for "society."

Society finds homosexuality at best uncomfortable, despite the propaganda efforts of Hollywood to shove it down everyone's throat. Phil Robertson is consistent with the view of that overwhelming majority of society.

You need to wake up and smell the 21st century. It's not okay to bash the fags anymore and I'm not sorry.

U.S. Acceptance of Gay/Lesbian Relations Is the New Normal

You and Duck Fuck are the minority these days...and again, I'm not sorry.

Defamation? :lol: who was "defamed"? If you are publicly anti gay, you're as uncool as people who are openly racist. Yeah, I'm okay with that, sue me. :lol:

Any person who DARES hold an opinion against special privilege for homosexuals and the mainstreaming of aberrant behavior. Robertson and Cathy instantly pop to mind. Because the anti-culture controls the media, demagoguery is the primary weapon in your war on culture.

So then, discriminating against eating rat poison is the same as discriminating against red heads?

And you want to rule the rest of us? :eek:

Yup...just like anyone who makes publicly racists statements...they suffer the consequences. Good.

Name an instance of this anti Christian bigotry you allege. I don't want to keep Christians from marrying and I can't, by law, deny them Public Accommodation even if I wanted to (which I don't)

You have to be fucking kidding me...

At this second you don't have the ability to deny housing and employment to Christians - at least not openly, but that is creeping in by the day.

The anti-culture HATES Christians above all.

If it's "creeping", it's not me that's creeping it, it's ya'll that claim you want to get rid of Public Accommodation laws (and I assume that means the protections in the Civil Rights Act that protects Christians). You actually can deny gays housing, employment AND Public Accommodation in some places, but not Christians anywhere. Which one would you change?

Nobody has asked you to celebrate anything. You can cry yourself to sleep for all I care. Gays are marrying whether you "give a fuck" or not and it's not okay to be anti gay publicly. I'm glad.

Demanding that homosexuals can force bakers to bake cakes for them is no different than forcing McDonalds to serve dog turds, to fulfill your culinary delights.

The anti-culture are thugs, forcing your views on all others.

So I reiterate, fuck the queers - you are anti-liberty thugs.

No, it's nothing like that. It's like a racist having to serve blacks. Oh well, get over it....or get that Civil Rights Act repealed.
Actually I know orientation is not a choice. That you think you can choose leads to only one conclusion, bisexuality. You believe you could choose to be with a woman. That must mean there is an underlying attraction, yes? See, there is no way I could choose to be emotionally and sexually attracted to a man. I wasn't born that way. I can't make myself want to be attracted to men, but since you think you could make yourself attracted to women, the only logical explanation is that you are bisexual or gay.
You just love being wrong, don't you? :D :D :D

To me, it is all about capability. I believe that we are all capable of going with whoever we want to, just like we are all capable of lying, stealing, cheating, etc., but it doesn't mean that we will actually do such things. I believe that you are capable of going with someone opposite your gender. You are just convinced that you do not have it in you to do such a thing.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me, it will always be a choice and if you or anyone else don't like anyone having such a belief, it is your problem and no one else's.

Lying, cheating and stealing is not sexual orientation. You don't make a choice in your orientation unless you're bisexual and decide to just choose one gender. Is that what you did?
Follow the bouncing ball Starkey & Deliaro, if you can:
"No-smoking-gun-has-been-found-so-far. In-spite-of-massive-research-efforts, no-gene-or -group-of-genes-has-been-definitively-proven-to-cause-homosexuality."

Nothing you or anyone else can say or do at this point in time changes that FACT of REALITY, okay Starkey?

Post 270, for the fourth time, proves that there is a group of men loving genes that can cause men to be gay.

No, that's more bullshit just like the phony alcoholic gene claim, and the gay gene. It's not proven.

Just stop dude. I've already read the few sources I could find on you cockamamey "man loving/woman loving gene". It's not proven.

The truth is if you're born with the plumbing, you were born to reproduce. Anything that deviates from heterosexuality is caused by enviromental & social causes. I'm tired of arguing with you folks. You have no solid proof...and most of these studies are backed by the gay lobby financially so I don't and won't buy your politically driven science, okay?

Have a good one.

More irony from LJ since he has "Zero Concrete Evidence" to prove that deviations from heterosexuality are "caused by enviromental [sic] & social causes".


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