What are your favorite songs made for or made famous by TV shows or movies?

I'm sure that a huge part of the reason I dig this song as much as I do is because of Lauren Hill's "Ready Or Not", where I essentially fell in love with the sample before realizing it was that cool track from the end of that shitty Stephen King flick, but it's still one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of good music from movies.

Not sure if this song was popular outside of the US prior to Layer Cake, but based on virtually everyone I've ever spoken to who knows this song, online or off, I'd personally call it movie music.

The show has gone way downhill since bypassing the book series, and the decline had already begun by the time this song happened, but damn I love this melody.


Threads like this always make me remember movies I have pretty much forgotten about. While you may forget a lot about the movie, you never forget the songs. :)

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