What are your political persuasions here? I gather

Psychoblues said:
many of you are not conservative in the classic sense. Many seem to tend toward the elaborate rather than the literate. Others are, quite simply, illiterate and their writing proves as much.

National debt is not something to be proud of. Especially when a great surplus was inherited by the present administration but, in my opinion, squandered by ridiculous wind-fall out-pouring of national funding to the peoples that needed it least. I know for sure that the working and working poor will all be held to task and accountable for the debt. The perpetuation of working and working poor is vital to some, and some of the working and working poor fall victim to the lies and innuendo presented by the profitteers. You can figure out where you might lie in that scenario.

Pretty words and seeming understanding with agreeing links and argument do not make one credible. De Facto is what I'm after. Screw the partisans. All the parties have their faults and fallacies and hypocricies. I gotta hang with the one that can "BEST" represent me and my interests. And so should you. We all desire independence. None of us have it and in an enlightened society will never have it. But some have a lot more of it than they deserve or should be given. Guess what? Independence requires alot of clout and ability to think for one's self. Even then, living in American society is an exercise in the concept of Democracy and the reliance of justice and fairness keeps us strong. I am not a Mountain Man.

Speaking of "Mountain Man", I don't think it would be any surprise to you that it is "conservative" ideology that prevents us from being "independent". Have you not comprehended your latest corporate DIRECTIVES? What do the conglomeration of "corporate" and "government" produce?

"Fascism". Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and hundreds of others have warned us against the closeness of corporate and governmental entities. As well they have warned us against religious and governmental conglomeration. It's all "fascism" in their definitions.

Thank GOD for our Constitution. Thank our most excellent founders for it as well. We can be religious and somewhat independent or not. It's our choice and nothing more. Let's be certain that OUR choice is properly documented. Voting is our tool and proper documentation of such is our lifeblood. In GOD we trust, all others must document by immediate payment or otherwise legal and successful argument. But that brings on another long and contentious subject, doesn't it?


Once again, please return to reality. There was no surplus from the last administration. The so called "surplus" was a 10 projected surplus. That means that we would have had the surplus in 10 years assuming the economy was growing the rate it was when the dot com bubble burst. The idea of projected surplus was to give Al Gore something to dupe the people with while he ran to distract from the failing economy. Looks like it worked on some people.

On top of the Clinton recession which killed any chance for that projected surplus, we have had 911 which severely crippled our economy for a year or two. Thanks to the President's policy to encourage enterprenuers. we have a strong economy right now.

Facism is an outgrowth of marxist socialist ideas. It is one of the government methods of implimenting those policies. Marx was completely unknown to the founders and to Abraham Lincoln. Marx was a modernist. Lincoln lived in the victorian age prior to modernism.
Stephanie said:
Pysco. If you think we're all a bunch of illiterate's and some stupid backwood hick's, why do you continue to bombard us with all your so called intellectual Bs.
:clap: Steph, the first word in your post is spelled incorrectly. You might want to pay attention to those things when you're defending your literacy.:laugh: Not trying to start a fight, just enjoying the irony. :rotflmao:
Psychoblues won't be back. He's been nothing but a pain in the ass here, and the unwarranted slander/bullshit 'whore' comment crossed the line, IMHO.

- Darin
Psychoblues said:
Dear Stephanie,

I am not a doctor and I can't solve your self esteem dilemma. Can you address mine? I asked, honestly!!!!!


Let me help here ... you're an idiot and a liar. Questions?
dmp said:
Psychoblues won't be back. He's been nothing but a pain in the ass here, and the unwarranted slander/bullshit 'whore' comment crossed the line, IMHO.

- Darin

Damn .... a wasted response. :laugh:
Hagbard Celine said:
:clap: Steph, the first word in your post is spelled incorrectly. You might want to pay attention to those things when you're defending your literacy.:laugh: Not trying to start a fight, just enjoying the irony. :rotflmao:

YOU may want choose your irony more carefully.
Psychoblues said:
Please quote that post, Kthy. I don't feel imprisoned at all and I enjoy the freedoms that I demand. And I ain't in jail yet. Some jerks would rather see me gone or otherwise imprisoned but I have just as much right here as they do and they can't stand it. Are you one of those?

Don't make up crap about me, kathy. I am guilty of enough on my own.


If you enjoy all the freedom you demand, what the heck are you complaining about?

Dude get over yourself.
Psychoblues said:
Are you trying to be funny or are you the whore that you present yourself as being? 50 bucks is cheap even in China.


Psycho, my drunken buddy, now why did you go and have to resort to this crap? See what happens when you hit the bong and down that Pabst shit all night long?

I don't believe for a second that you're a bad guy. I think you have the best of intentions for the US and I admire that. And if you're military and political stories are true, I thank you for your service to our country. I think you're a fucked up dude who still has the bong pressed against his lips since the 60's (not that that's a bad thing!) and doesn't fully live in todays reality. I can forgive you for that as you remind me of that one guy that grew up in my neighborhood who we assumed haunted the streets. He was a creepy fucker who always had the good weed and told us the most outlandish stories of his escapades. He was a delusional character but he was harmless.

I cannot forgive you for what you said to Stephanie, only she can do that. I'll give you the same courtesy I have extended to other long standing members of the board. Shoot me an email apologizing to Stephanie for your out of line comments, I'll post your words here, and if Stephanie accepts your apology and ok's it we will reinstate your account.

C'mon, buddy, all kidding aside, do the right thing. Sometimes we all make comments that we wish later on that we had not. I'm hoping this is what happened with you. Some humility and an apology can go a long way. Can you dig it, my inibriated buddy? Email me at jimnyc(at)usmessageboard.com
Hagbard Celine said:
:clap: Steph, the first word in your post is spelled incorrectly. You might want to pay attention to those things when you're defending your literacy.:laugh: Not trying to start a fight, just enjoying the irony. :rotflmao:

Laugh away little sonny boy....... It just shows how mature you are :dunno: :baby4:
Psychoblues said:
I live in a trailer house. I give honestly of myself and for my country. I've done one helluva lot to preserve the freedoms I now enjoy. I care a lot about you and your kind. I've never presented myself to the contrary. Are you trying to be funny or are you the whore that you present yourself as being? 50 bucks is cheap even in China.


Dear Stephanie,

I am one thousand, that's 1,000, percent sorry I used the word "whore" in the post quoted above. I certainly didn't think it would've caused the uproar that it did. I love you, Stephanie, and I love USMB. Sometimes I get out of line and I always accept responsibility for my transgressions. I do in this case as well. But,,,,,,,naw, I just ain't gonna go there right now.

I understand USMB as being a message board for Americans. We agree and disagree and when we do we expect reasonable agreement and disagreement as verbalized in the responses to our proposals and opinions that are expressed here. I only wish that you would be so kind as to offer up your objections or agreement in the argument presented.

Again, I am truly sorry and apologetic that I mentioned the word "whore" in my last reply to you and I am equally saddened that you took the remark so literally and personally.

Your TRUE friend forever,


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