What are your Predictions for the South Carolina primary, GOP Tomorrow, Dems on Tuesday

My only prediction is that another Trump win will sadden me.
As to Hillary & Sanders.....well, what's the difference? If either one of them becomes potus we're fucked.

I am going to disagree on the Hillary and Sanders part. Sanders is far from perfect but a hell of a lot better than that fucking bitch! ( Pardon the damn language )

my 2nd oldest brother is a hardcore democrat

he likes sanders

but said he will vote for trump over hillary
I've been bashing Trump for months but I'll be the first to say I was wrong if he does a good job.

Same here... I believe he is sell hard right to convince the stupid to support him and will come to the middle in the General Election...

The only thing that pisses me off is his mouth...

Tonight I had a idiot cut my driver off ( I do not drive at night ) and I got out and cussed that other driver out, and my driver told me I reminded him of Trump, and realized I would be a horrible President and ask the driver if he would elect me to office and he told me no because he knew me personally...

Now I know you will shrug this off, but if I have the same anger issues as Trump then he is not fit to be President...
Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

She has like 450+ delegates already without a clear win anywhere.

Yeah, DEMOCRATIC Party, sure.
Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!

my brother like that sanders

they are about the same age

Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

She has like 450+ delegates already without a clear win anywhere.

Yeah, DEMOCRATIC Party, sure.

looks just a little rigged

Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

She has like 450+ delegates already without a clear win anywhere.

Yeah, DEMOCRATIC Party, sure.

If she is anointed then let Trump be President!
Trump 31%, Rubio 20%, Cruz 16%, Carson 15%, Kasich 9%, Bush 9%

Expect the Pope's comments about Trump's Christianity to anger Evangelicals in South Carolina. Polls show Evangelicals breaking for Trump late. This will seal the deal.

Expect Bush to give it one more go in Nevada before ultimately hanging 'em up.

Hillary 52% Sanders 48%

No comment.

depending on how many underhanded things cruz can pull off between now and tomorrow







Pardon the damn language but fuck Cruz!

i dont care for cruz either

he is an establishment politician in sheep clothing

Right, that's why all the establishment guys love him so much, give me a break.

Cruz is 2016 Huckabee or Santorum!

He is the religious right candidate but not a serious candidate for the oval office...

depending on how many underhanded things cruz can pull off between now and tomorrow







Pardon the damn language but fuck Cruz!

i dont care for cruz either

he is an establishment politician in sheep clothing

Right, that's why all the establishment guys love him so much, give me a break.

that is all a game

why would the attorney for Mitch McConnell have a super pac for cruz
Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
You know, I don't like Trump personally either but I think when you look at the records of the other candidates you will see that they are all pretty much alike. They promise whatever they have to to get your vote, then they do whatever the hell they want after you put them in office. Just look at the 2014 mid term election. Trump is the only one I see that will actually try to do what's right for the country (and he doesn't have to grease any palms of donors). I don't have to like him personally. I don't vote on emotions.
Trump wins S.C.
Clinton wins S.C.

I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
You know, I don't like Trump personally either but I think when you look at the records of the other candidates you will see that they are all pretty much alike. They promise whatever they have to to get your vote, then they do whatever the hell they want after you put them in office. Just look at the 2014 mid term election. Trump is the only one I see that will actually try to do what's right for the country (and he doesn't have to grease any palms of donors). I don't have to like him personally. I don't vote on emotions.

I am Scottish from the Clan of MacEachern and if you google the Clan it has no Septs nor are they Septs... ( I know this is weird but go with me )

Trump bloodline is different than mine and us Highland Scots have a weird way of looking at things ( yes there is that damn Lebanese grandfather in my bloodline ) and we look at a man being of honor and strong, and not bitching about a cheat like Cruz, so he need to man up, and be a man and whip Cruz ass fairly ( no not with a sword ) and he can.

Cruz is a punk.

My horse in this race is Kasich, so let me say if it is Trump vs Hillary then Trump should win but Sanders vs Trump, well I can live with four years of Sanders and the Senate and House staying GOP...

depending on how many underhanded things cruz can pull off between now and tomorrow







Pardon the damn language but fuck Cruz!

i dont care for cruz either

he is an establishment politician in sheep clothing

Right, that's why all the establishment guys love him so much, give me a break.

Cruz is 2016 Huckabee or Santorum!

He is the religious right candidate but not a serious candidate for the oval office...

He is a religious man and he makes no apologies for that, and he shouldn't have to, but when it comes to governance he is a constitutionalist, the lefts and establishment republicans, worse nightmare. All of these accusations of him wanting a theocracy are BS scare tactics

depending on how many underhanded things cruz can pull off between now and tomorrow







Pardon the damn language but fuck Cruz!

i dont care for cruz either

he is an establishment politician in sheep clothing

Right, that's why all the establishment guys love him so much, give me a break.

that is all a game

why would the attorney for Mitch McConnell have a super pac for cruz

Maybe the attorney is a constitutionalist also.
I hate you...


Writing Clinton win in South Carolina!
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
You know, I don't like Trump personally either but I think when you look at the records of the other candidates you will see that they are all pretty much alike. They promise whatever they have to to get your vote, then they do whatever the hell they want after you put them in office. Just look at the 2014 mid term election. Trump is the only one I see that will actually try to do what's right for the country (and he doesn't have to grease any palms of donors). I don't have to like him personally. I don't vote on emotions.

I am Scottish from the Clan of MacEachern and if you google the Clan it has no Septs nor are they Septs... ( I know this is weird but go with me )

Trump bloodline is different than mine and us Highland Scots have a weird way of looking at things ( yes there is that damn Lebanese grandfather in my bloodline ) and we look at a man being of honor and strong, and not bitching about a cheat like Cruz, so he need to man up, and be a man and whip Cruz ass fairly ( no not with a sword ) and he can.

Cruz is a punk.

My horse in this race is Kasich, so let me say if it is Trump vs Hillary then Trump should win but Sanders vs Trump, well I can live with four years of Sanders and the Senate and House staying GOP...
Don't forget about Supreme Court appointments. Sanders will appoint communists. I'm not comfortable with that, are you?

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