What are your Predictions for the South Carolina primary, GOP Tomorrow, Dems on Tuesday

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
You know, I don't like Trump personally either but I think when you look at the records of the other candidates you will see that they are all pretty much alike. They promise whatever they have to to get your vote, then they do whatever the hell they want after you put them in office. Just look at the 2014 mid term election. Trump is the only one I see that will actually try to do what's right for the country (and he doesn't have to grease any palms of donors). I don't have to like him personally. I don't vote on emotions.

I am Scottish from the Clan of MacEachern and if you google the Clan it has no Septs nor are they Septs... ( I know this is weird but go with me )

Trump bloodline is different than mine and us Highland Scots have a weird way of looking at things ( yes there is that damn Lebanese grandfather in my bloodline ) and we look at a man being of honor and strong, and not bitching about a cheat like Cruz, so he need to man up, and be a man and whip Cruz ass fairly ( no not with a sword ) and he can.

Cruz is a punk.

My horse in this race is Kasich, so let me say if it is Trump vs Hillary then Trump should win but Sanders vs Trump, well I can live with four years of Sanders and the Senate and House staying GOP...
Don't forget about Supreme Court appointments. Sanders will appoint communists. I'm not comfortable with that, are you?

Senate will stay GOP, so unless the GOP want to be tied to allowing communist to rise in the USSC they will not let it happen... I know, I know, I know...
I hope they don't but they don't have a real good track record for standing their ground. Know what I mean?
I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
You know, I don't like Trump personally either but I think when you look at the records of the other candidates you will see that they are all pretty much alike. They promise whatever they have to to get your vote, then they do whatever the hell they want after you put them in office. Just look at the 2014 mid term election. Trump is the only one I see that will actually try to do what's right for the country (and he doesn't have to grease any palms of donors). I don't have to like him personally. I don't vote on emotions.

I am Scottish from the Clan of MacEachern and if you google the Clan it has no Septs nor are they Septs... ( I know this is weird but go with me )

Trump bloodline is different than mine and us Highland Scots have a weird way of looking at things ( yes there is that damn Lebanese grandfather in my bloodline ) and we look at a man being of honor and strong, and not bitching about a cheat like Cruz, so he need to man up, and be a man and whip Cruz ass fairly ( no not with a sword ) and he can.

Cruz is a punk.

My horse in this race is Kasich, so let me say if it is Trump vs Hillary then Trump should win but Sanders vs Trump, well I can live with four years of Sanders and the Senate and House staying GOP...
Don't forget about Supreme Court appointments. Sanders will appoint communists. I'm not comfortable with that, are you?

Senate will stay GOP, so unless the GOP want to be tied to allowing communist to rise in the USSC they will not let it happen... I know, I know, I know...
I hope they don't but they don't have a real good track record for standing their ground. Know what I mean?

That is why I wrote I know but they did stand firm against one of Bush's appointments and we got Roberts instead... Wait...
If you had ever met him you would know the opposite is the truth. He is the only politician I've voted for in my life time that has actually tried his best, against all odds, to keep his promises. That's exactly why I will vote for him again next week. The only reason I haven't done it yet is I'm still looking at the down ballot candidates.

Vote for him all you want but in the end America will not vote for him, and he is hated within his own political party and will be a one hit wonder...

Trump is correct no matter how much I despise how he says it but Cruz is nasty and no one within the GOP likes him, and I mean no one except for Tea Party members...

Seriously, I think those are positives as many other do, anyone who is disliked by Jemma Carter and Bob Dole has to be doing something right.

I disagree and believe sometimes you have to play the game to get shit done like Paul Ryan is doing...

Do you actually believe Ryan enjoy dealing with President Obama and if so then please think about how much Newt loved Bill while trying to impeach him and put Al " The Bore " Gore in as President...

Cruz is not Presidential and Iowa sealed it for me!

So you are holding something a staffer did without his knowledge against him, got it.

Damn right I am and you and him can claim he did not know but in my opinion and remember it is my opinion he did know and endorsed it and if he did not know then that make it even worse because it tell you the type of low life he would employ...

So yeah I will hold it against him because he is a typical politician even if you wish to stay blinded to the reality...

Sorry, I believed his explanation, so once again we'll have to agree to disagree. BTW what part of the State are you in?
Vote for him all you want but in the end America will not vote for him, and he is hated within his own political party and will be a one hit wonder...

Trump is correct no matter how much I despise how he says it but Cruz is nasty and no one within the GOP likes him, and I mean no one except for Tea Party members...

Seriously, I think those are positives as many other do, anyone who is disliked by Jemma Carter and Bob Dole has to be doing something right.

I disagree and believe sometimes you have to play the game to get shit done like Paul Ryan is doing...

Do you actually believe Ryan enjoy dealing with President Obama and if so then please think about how much Newt loved Bill while trying to impeach him and put Al " The Bore " Gore in as President...

Cruz is not Presidential and Iowa sealed it for me!

So you are holding something a staffer did without his knowledge against him, got it.

Damn right I am and you and him can claim he did not know but in my opinion and remember it is my opinion he did know and endorsed it and if he did not know then that make it even worse because it tell you the type of low life he would employ...

So yeah I will hold it against him because he is a typical politician even if you wish to stay blinded to the reality...

Sorry, I believed his explanation, so once again we'll have to agree to disagree. BTW what part of the State are you in?

The worst part and no not El Paso or Laredo but outside Houston!

I hate Houston!
Seriously, I think those are positives as many other do, anyone who is disliked by Jemma Carter and Bob Dole has to be doing something right.

I disagree and believe sometimes you have to play the game to get shit done like Paul Ryan is doing...

Do you actually believe Ryan enjoy dealing with President Obama and if so then please think about how much Newt loved Bill while trying to impeach him and put Al " The Bore " Gore in as President...

Cruz is not Presidential and Iowa sealed it for me!

So you are holding something a staffer did without his knowledge against him, got it.

Damn right I am and you and him can claim he did not know but in my opinion and remember it is my opinion he did know and endorsed it and if he did not know then that make it even worse because it tell you the type of low life he would employ...

So yeah I will hold it against him because he is a typical politician even if you wish to stay blinded to the reality...

Sorry, I believed his explanation, so once again we'll have to agree to disagree. BTW what part of the State are you in?

The worst part and no not El Paso or Laredo but outside Houston!

I hate Houston!

I knew we would find common ground, I hate Houston also, never go there unless I'm armed.
I disagree and believe sometimes you have to play the game to get shit done like Paul Ryan is doing...

Do you actually believe Ryan enjoy dealing with President Obama and if so then please think about how much Newt loved Bill while trying to impeach him and put Al " The Bore " Gore in as President...

Cruz is not Presidential and Iowa sealed it for me!

So you are holding something a staffer did without his knowledge against him, got it.

Damn right I am and you and him can claim he did not know but in my opinion and remember it is my opinion he did know and endorsed it and if he did not know then that make it even worse because it tell you the type of low life he would employ...

So yeah I will hold it against him because he is a typical politician even if you wish to stay blinded to the reality...

Sorry, I believed his explanation, so once again we'll have to agree to disagree. BTW what part of the State are you in?

The worst part and no not El Paso or Laredo but outside Houston!

I hate Houston!

I knew we would find common ground, I hate Houston also, never go there unless I'm armed.

You are not kidding!
Oh, I almost forgot my prediction.

Trump low 30's
Cruz upper 20"s
Rubio around 20
Kasich mid teens
Carson around 10 should be gone
Bush < 10 and gone.

Dems closer than you think, maybe the hildabitch by 5
Trump 38%, Cruz 23%, Rubio 20%, Bush < 10% and withdraws. Carson withdraws later.

Clinton 58%, Sanders 42% after Sanders has a huge win in Nevada tomorrow.

Trump 38%, Cruz 23%, Rubio 20%, Bush < 10% and withdraws. Carson withdraws later.

Clinton 58%, Sanders 42% after Sanders has a huge win in Nevada tomorrow.

I'm too tired to come up with a set of numbers I'd have much confidence in. I have to come up with something though just in case I'm close enough to have even modest bragging rights. So lets see...
I think you're too high on Trump's total and his margin of victory in SC . I see him around 30% with Cruz at 25%. Rubio 23%. And weird as it may be I have a feeling Bush might get a "sympathy" bounce and come up with a surprise maybe 13 - 14%.

Same with dems in SC. Clinto with a lower total, say 53% Bernie 47%.

No way Bernie gets a "huge" win in Nevada. I'm going to go with Clinton in a close 52% to Bernie's 48%

Just for interest, you know how precincts settle a tie in
Nevada? They take a new pack of cards, throw out the jokers, shuffle the deck seven times, each side cuts a card, highest card is awarded one delegate, if the card cut results in the same number or face card drawn the winner is decided by suit.

depending on how many underhanded things cruz can pull off between now and tomorrow







Pardon the damn language but fuck Cruz!

i dont care for cruz either

he is an establishment politician in sheep clothing

Right, that's why all the establishment guys love him so much, give me a break.

in this case I think the charge is that Cruz is a defender of the Wall Street establishment, not the GOPe.
I'm too tired to come up with a set of numbers I'd have much confidence in. I have to come up with something though just in case I'm close enough to have even modest bragging rights. So lets see...
I think you're too high on Trump's total and his margin of victory in SC . I see him around 30% with Cruz at 25%. Rubio 23%. And weird as it may be I have a feeling Bush might get a "sympathy" bounce and come up with a surprise maybe 13 - 14%.

Same with dems in SC. Clinto with a lower total, say 53% Bernie 47%.

No way Bernie gets a "huge" win in Nevada. I'm going to go with Clinton in a close 52% to Bernie's 48%

IF Clinton wins SC by such a low percentage, that would be a disaster for her.I definitely think that Sanders popularity is spreading like wildfire in Nevada where he is showing a slight lead in polls and has been steadily gaining for weeks.

Just for interest, you know how precincts settle a tie in
Nevada? They take a new pack of cards, throw out the jokers, shuffle the deck seven times, each side cuts a card, highest card is awarded one delegate, if the card cut results in the same number or face card drawn the winner is decided by suit.

I knew they cut cards, but not the errata. Thanks!

Do you know if the suit order is clubs lowest, then diamonds, then hearts, then spades highest?
Trump 31%, Rubio 20%, Cruz 16%, Carson 15%, Kasich 9%, Bush 9%

Expect the Pope's comments about Trump's Christianity to anger Evangelicals in South Carolina. Polls show Evangelicals breaking for Trump late. This will seal the deal.

Expect Bush to give it one more go in Nevada before ultimately hanging 'em up.

Hillary 52% Sanders 48%

No comment.

Interesting that you expect Cruz to get passed by Rubio. That would kill his momentum going into Super Tuesday, dont you think?

I have heard a rumor that Bush is already shutting down his staff, but you still think he stays in past Tuesday, or ends that day?

And it is funny you say all that then end with 'no comment'.
Not about who I like but who I think will win. If Hillary doesn't keel over dead from a damn stroke, the super delegates will give her the nomination. It sucks but that's the way it is.

they would keep her alive forever if needed


I had a Grandmother that many said the Devil kept her alive because he did not need his bride back ( I am not being sarcastic ) and when i think of the bride of Satan Hillary Clinton is his bitch to own!

I hated her as First Lady, and will never vote for her. I might be persuaded to vote for Sanders over Cruz but I am with your brother when it come to voting Trump over Hillary!
You know, I don't like Trump personally either but I think when you look at the records of the other candidates you will see that they are all pretty much alike. They promise whatever they have to to get your vote, then they do whatever the hell they want after you put them in office. Just look at the 2014 mid term election. Trump is the only one I see that will actually try to do what's right for the country (and he doesn't have to grease any palms of donors). I don't have to like him personally. I don't vote on emotions.

I am Scottish from the Clan of MacEachern and if you google the Clan it has no Septs nor are they Septs... ( I know this is weird but go with me )

Trump bloodline is different than mine and us Highland Scots have a weird way of looking at things ( yes there is that damn Lebanese grandfather in my bloodline ) and we look at a man being of honor and strong, and not bitching about a cheat like Cruz, so he need to man up, and be a man and whip Cruz ass fairly ( no not with a sword ) and he can.

Cruz is a punk.

My horse in this race is Kasich, so let me say if it is Trump vs Hillary then Trump should win but Sanders vs Trump, well I can live with four years of Sanders and the Senate and House staying GOP...
Don't forget about Supreme Court appointments. Sanders will appoint communists. I'm not comfortable with that, are you?

SCOTUS is lost already with the GOP Senate eventually completely caving in after another play fight with Obama.
I have a soft heart for the crazy old man but I had the same soft heart for McCain, so that tell you much!

It tells me you like leftists

It isnt necessarily only ideology that drives people to like candidates.

I think Washington needs a strong does of honest statesmanship and I think Sanders is among the few (Trump, Cruz, Carson) who can deliver that medicine.
I have a soft heart for the crazy old man but I had the same soft heart for McCain, so that tell you much!

It tells me you like leftists

It isnt necessarily only ideology that drives people to like candidates.

I think Washington needs a strong does of honest statesmanship and I think Sanders is among the few (Trump, Cruz, Carson) who can deliver that medicine.

So a candidate can tell you any policy they want to and as long as they are "honest" about it you're willing to elect them President?

Did you support Rand Paul then before he dropped out? He was the most honest candidate in either party. Read some of Bernie's comments. They sure aren't all "honest." He plays the political win at all costs games just like the rest of them. Rand went down because he wouldn't take more popular views to get elected
Interesting that you expect Cruz to get passed by Rubio. That would kill his momentum going into Super Tuesday, dont you think?

In my mind endorsements mean something. Rubio getting one from Haley will propel him to at least a 2nd place finish. Cruz seems to be fading to me.

I have heard a rumor that Bush is already shutting down his staff, but you still think he stays in past Tuesday, or ends that day?

Bush's campaign is in its death throes, no matter his insistence to the contrary. He needs to quit while he's behind if he doesn't finish at least fourth. If not, he could end it between today and a few days before Nevada.

And it is funny you say all that then end with 'no comment'.

Well, Batman needs to drop by and take those two to Arkham Asylum. They're both kooks. And the DNC is losing its mind because Hillary isn't running away with it.
I have a soft heart for the crazy old man but I had the same soft heart for McCain, so that tell you much!

It tells me you like leftists

It isnt necessarily only ideology that drives people to like candidates.

I think Washington needs a strong does of honest statesmanship and I think Sanders is among the few (Trump, Cruz, Carson) who can deliver that medicine.

So a candidate can tell you any policy they want to and as long as they are "honest" about it you're willing to elect them President?

Did you support Rand Paul then before he dropped out? He was the most honest candidate in either party. Read some of Bernie's comments. They sure aren't all "honest." He plays the political win at all costs games just like the rest of them. Rand went down because he wouldn't take more popular views to get elected
Yes, I supported Rand Paul, but his performance politically was lacking. He had avenues his advisors wanted him to take and he refused.

As to honesty, if they are not career politicians that have already sold out and their votes in Congress demonstrate them to be sell outs, then I trust what they say.
  • Thanks
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I'll tell you when I think Trump is not going to win.

For Hillary and Sanders, Hillary 'loses' with a 53-48 win in the primary.

Why does Hillary lose? This one of those states that Hillary should landslide Bernie chances into oblivion but instead barely stays in her corner!! The minority vote accounts for more than 5% in SC, thus the shift from Hillary to Sanders becomes noticable to Democrats.

Troubling times are foretold for Clinton after this primary!
Sanders will win Nevada. I have no clue how the GOP will go but I trust that Divine Providence will act on our behalf. I just hope the people will accept it

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