What are your Predictions for the South Carolina primary, GOP Tomorrow, Dems on Tuesday

If Rubio gets second in SC, he will win the nomination.

Dont think that that necesarily follows.

It all depends on how long Cruz can hang in there splitting the anti-establishment vote. Methinks he runs out of money soon if he doesnt win some more states. Plus I think about half the voters of the less popular candidate goes for whoever they think will win, and that sounds like Trump to me. The rest will gravitate to the more similar candidate to their own values, and that I think is an even split.

If Rubio wins the nomination, the Democrats will win the general election no matter who they put up as the record is clear that Rubio is an Open Borders Establishment whore and about a third of the GOP will sit at home on election day. I will vote for Sanders or third party.

I am no longer going to vote for the lesser of two evils, Rubio vrs Clinton.
If Rubio gets second in SC, he will win the nomination.

Oh poor far left drones and their inability to pick winners as they are used to their winners being chosen for them!

However for those that like to be informed here is a link:

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

Caution to far left drones, that site contains real information and may make your brain melt!

Parrot says

SQWAK!! Far left drone!! SQWAK!!

And this is how the far left acts when you post real information to help inform them, they reject it..

Political Figures: S-W

Kosh the parrot, repeating the same thing over and over and over again, types with his beak.

If Rubio gets second in SC, he will win the nomination.

Oh poor far left drones and their inability to pick winners as they are used to their winners being chosen for them!

However for those that like to be informed here is a link:

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

Caution to far left drones, that site contains real information and may make your brain melt!

Parrot says

SQWAK!! Far left drone!! SQWAK!!

And this is how the far left acts when you post real information to help inform them, they reject it..

Political Figures: S-W

Looks very good for Trump

Rubio has favorable 42% and unfavorable 28% +14%
Political Figures: R (2)

Trump 60% to 34% +26%
Political Figures: S-W
If Rubio gets second in SC, he will win the nomination.

Oh poor far left drones and their inability to pick winners as they are used to their winners being chosen for them!

However for those that like to be informed here is a link:

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

Caution to far left drones, that site contains real information and may make your brain melt!

Parrot says

SQWAK!! Far left drone!! SQWAK!!

And this is how the far left acts when you post real information to help inform them, they reject it..

Political Figures: S-W

Kosh the parrot, repeating the same thing over and over and over again, types with his beak.


Another perfect example of a far left drone when they are handed real information!

They reject over their religious narratives..

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
If Rubio gets second in SC, he will win the nomination.

Oh poor far left drones and their inability to pick winners as they are used to their winners being chosen for them!

However for those that like to be informed here is a link:

2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

Caution to far left drones, that site contains real information and may make your brain melt!

Parrot says

SQWAK!! Far left drone!! SQWAK!!

And this is how the far left acts when you post real information to help inform them, they reject it..

Political Figures: S-W

Looks very good for Trump

Rubio has favorable 42% and unfavorable 28% +14%
Political Figures: R (2)

Trump 60% to 34% +26%
Political Figures: S-W

Well the far left wanted Bush to be the nomination for the Republicans, now they want Rubio!

However this election may be Trump vs Sanders!
South Carolina Primary Results
Feb. 20, 2016, 7:48 PM ET
Republican primary

Vote Pct. Delegates
Donald J. Trump 11,883 32.5%
Marco Rubio 8,031 22.0
Ted Cruz 7,865 21.5
Jeb Bush 3,632 9.9
John Kasich 2,867 7.8
Ben Carson 2,287 6.3

36,565 votes, 2% reporting (48 of 2,239 precincts)

Winner called by A.P.
If Rubio gets second in SC, he will win the nomination.

Dont think that that necesarily follows.

It all depends on how long Cruz can hang in there splitting the anti-establishment vote. Methinks he runs out of money soon if he doesnt win some more states. Plus I think about half the voters of the less popular candidate goes for whoever they think will win, and that sounds like Trump to me. The rest will gravitate to the more similar candidate to their own values, and that I think is an even split.

If Rubio wins the nomination, the Democrats will win the general election no matter who they put up as the record is clear that Rubio is an Open Borders Establishment whore and about a third of the GOP will sit at home on election day. I will vote for Sanders or third party.

I am no longer going to vote for the lesser of two evils, Rubio vrs Clinton.

I do agree that it depends on how long Cruz hangs on. He might hang around for awhile. If he does, he increases the odds of Trump winning.

Both Rubio and Cruz beat Trump handily in head-to-head match-ups. Trump wins if all three, or more, are in the contest. A third of Republicans are going to vote for Trump no matter what, but after his core supporters, he has little support.

Rubio beats Clinton in the general election.

Immigration is NOT the only issue that matters. Rubio consistently scores very high as a conservative. One-issue voters is what Democrats of the 70s and 80s would do. And they lost over and over again. Republicans and "conservatives" who do this are consigned to lose.
Just curious am I the only one who gets sick of networks calling elections 30 minutes or less after the polls close and then giving us three hours or more of analysis? If they want to call it that soon fine but after that just do updates every hour or half hour.
Then, Rubio pulls ahead of Cruz.

It's a good night for Rubio.
Looks like there ain't no stopping Trump.
It's good for Rubio if he sticks close to Cruz, or finishes above him, and Kasich and Bush are way down. It puts pressure on Kasich and Bush to quit, and reinforces that Cruz can't beat Trump in the South. If Cruz can't beat Trump in the South, he can't win the nomination.
Looks like there ain't no stopping Trump.

Trump will win the nomination only if Cruz stays in the race.

Otherwise, Rubio will beat him handily.

Trump has shown no ability to expand beyond the 1/3 of Republicans who would vote for him even if he drowned puppies on live TV.
Looks like there ain't no stopping Trump.

Trump will win the nomination only if Cruz stays in the race.

Otherwise, Rubio will beat him handily.

Trump has shown no ability to expand beyond the 1/3 of Republicans who would vote for him even if he drowned puppies on live TV.

I don't think Rubio or Cruz are planning to exit the race anytime soon. Maybe one of them have a chance to challenge Trump if the field dwindles to three.

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