What Are Your Religious Beliefs?

Do you realize the creation of a cell takes longer than the theorized creation of the universe?
well if there is a God, he cares.
if there is no God - we're just here doing our own thing
if there is a God that doesn't care about you, he's just another selfish being, like us.. but more powerful/knowledgeable...
It is said that were were made in God's image, God has boobs and a penis?

It is said that were were made in God's image, God has boobs and a penis?

Who is 'It?'
I am not religious. I find man made religion to be nothing more than man made..
I do not doubt a supreme being, but as far as the Abrahamic interpretation of our creator, no.
I think us being an experiment from aliens is just as likely as a totalitarian psychopath that demands conformity or you burn in fire for eternity. If something was as smart as to create the universe, or us, they wouldn't get their rocks off from support caused by fear.
Very well put. Totally agree and I would add that the concept of an interventionist God also eludes me. The idea that the maker of the Universe would attempt to manipulate the day to day events of human life makes no sense.
My religious beliefs are personal and private, but I can share a little bit.

Beware those who claim to be prophets or speakers for God.
Beware those who claim to be christians and a follower of Christ while showing/acting/talking the exact opposite of what Jesus stood for.
Beware those who claim only human beings have souls. If God made it and it is alive, it is of God and does have a soul.
Beware those who spew vulagarity but claim to be of God. They speak with forked tongue.
Here's what what I have learned about God:

(1) He's inerrant, meaning, he can't sin or make mistakes.
(2) Regardless of what we feel is best for us, only God knows what is best for us. God views us not just as people living on earth for 70 years or so, but as eternal souls. He wants us with him in eternity
(3) His was are not our ways. We can't "table" what our ideas of right and wrong are and defer to God because we view this as "shutting our brains off".
(4) God created us with "free will". Events can be changed for his purpose
(5) As a perfect creator, we have no place to question Him.
My religious beliefs are personal and private, but I can share a little bit.

Beware those who claim to be prophets or speakers for God.
Beware those who claim to be christians and a follower of Christ while showing/acting/talking the exact opposite of what Jesus stood for.
Beware those who claim only human beings have souls. If God made it and it is alive, it is of God and does have a soul.
Beware those who spew vulagarity but claim to be of God. They speak with forked tongue.
Sounds like you.
And you sound like a nutbar. Oh. wait. You ARE a nutbar.
Your beliefs sound like you. Show me how using insults is a part of your moral code.
I don't have to show you diddly squat. I follow my own path and that does not include dragging someone else to do my dirty work nor set someone up only to laugh when they fall at my instructions.
And you sound like a nutbar. Oh. wait. You ARE a nutbar.
Your beliefs sound like you. Show me how using insults is a part of your moral code.
I don't have to show you diddly squat. I follow my own path and that does not include dragging someone else to do my dirty work nor set someone up only to laugh when they fall at my instructions.
I have no idea what you're talking about. As usual you are interpreting who knows what.

Bravo, for following your own path. It appears to be part of your path to act like judge, jury and executioner with people you don't understand and dislike.
And you sound like a nutbar. Oh. wait. You ARE a nutbar.
Your beliefs sound like you. Show me how using insults is a part of your moral code.
I don't have to show you diddly squat. I follow my own path and that does not include dragging someone else to do my dirty work nor set someone up only to laugh when they fall at my instructions.
I have no idea what you're talking about. As usual you are interpreting who knows what.

Bravo, for following your own path. It appears to be part of your path to act like judge, jury and executioner with people you don't understand and dislike.
My path also means not being a doormat or believe false people who are so chickenshit and mentally ill, they use other people to prop themselves up. Nope..I am not perfect but I understand manipulators very well. So did Jesus. He uplifted tables and tossed them across the room. I just yank masks off.
And you sound like a nutbar. Oh. wait. You ARE a nutbar.
Your beliefs sound like you. Show me how using insults is a part of your moral code.
I don't have to show you diddly squat. I follow my own path and that does not include dragging someone else to do my dirty work nor set someone up only to laugh when they fall at my instructions.
I have no idea what you're talking about. As usual you are interpreting who knows what.

Bravo, for following your own path. It appears to be part of your path to act like judge, jury and executioner with people you don't understand and dislike.
My path also means not being a doormat or believe false people who are so chickenshit and mentally ill, they use other people to prop themselves up. Nope..I am not perfect but I understand manipulators very well. So did Jesus. He uplifted tables and tossed them across the room. I just yank masks off.
Your path appears to be about making false accusations of people. YOU've made 3 of me in one day. Let's yank the mask of your hostility off your face right now.

You're a liar.
Proof is in da puddin'. No shit, no lie. All one has to do is look for your other name and the posts you made.

Anywho...this isn't about me. You go ahead and make it all about you, m'kay?

And you sound like a nutbar. Oh. wait. You ARE a nutbar.
Your beliefs sound like you. Show me how using insults is a part of your moral code.
I don't have to show you diddly squat. I follow my own path and that does not include dragging someone else to do my dirty work nor set someone up only to laugh when they fall at my instructions.
I have no idea what you're talking about. As usual you are interpreting who knows what.

Bravo, for following your own path. It appears to be part of your path to act like judge, jury and executioner with people you don't understand and dislike.
My path also means not being a doormat or believe false people who are so chickenshit and mentally ill, they use other people to prop themselves up. Nope..I am not perfect but I understand manipulators very well. So did Jesus. He uplifted tables and tossed them across the room. I just yank masks off.
Your path appears to be about making false accusations of people. YOU've made 3 of me in one day. Let's yank the mask of your hostility off your face right now.

You're a liar.
You accused me of data mining Angels and Demons and privately giving the info to Bonzi so she could attack A and D. Lie number one.
Proof is in da puddin'. No shit, no lie. All one has to do is look for your other name and the posts you made.

Anywho...this isn't about me. You go ahead and make it all about you, m'kay?

This is about YOU darlin' all day long. Your posts.
Proof is in da puddin'. No shit, no lie. All one has to do is look for your other name and the posts you made.

Anywho...this isn't about me. You go ahead and make it all about you, m'kay?

Look for your other name? WTF are you talking about? You want to accuse me of a crime and you know to do so openly would get you banned. That's the kind of moral code you have.
What Are Your Religious Beliefs?

I believe all believers in a sky fairy are mentally ill to varying degrees.

Most true believers in god and jesus are victims of Schizophrenia. It is listed as the most dangerous of mental diseases.

What It Is

Schizophrenia, in short, is a loss of reality. Symptoms include inappropriate (or few) emotions, paranoia, obsession with media, false beliefs about the body, beliefs of being famous or powerful, auditory and visual hallucinations, and catatonia (a completely unaware and unresponsive state). Unmedicated schizophrenics can’t tell what is in their head and what is real, leading them to act strangely. There are different levels in the loss of reality, some are able to function normally for short periods of time.

Top 10 'Craziest' Mental Disorders - Toptenz.net

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