What are your Three Christmas Wishes?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I wish for Universal peace, an end to poverty/hunger, and a solid one month long orgasm. (Steve Martin nailed it years ago)

Anyone else?
I wish for Universal peace, an end to poverty/hunger, and a solid one month long orgasm. (Steve Martin nailed it years ago)

Anyone else?

"I wish for Universal peace, an end to poverty/hunger"

WTF you Hippy you are channelling Bono and Bob Fucking Geldof now, stop it already :meow:
To crush my enemies.
See them driven before me.
And to hear the lamentation of their women. Conan the barbarian...
1. International Tribunal on Deep State and all its puppets, all the wars will stop automatically without their financing and support.
2. Russia and USA good partners not enemies.
3. Eastern Ukraine where I'm from (the historical Russian lands) reunites with Russia like Crimea, civil war in Donbass stops and all the world gets to know about the numerous crimes committed by Deep State puppets in Ukraine.
You know, I'd like to see a bit more unity in this country rather than the divide we are currently undergoing.

I'd like to see terrorists miss a wire while they are making their bombs and take themselves and their terrorist allies out, while reducing their infrastructure and places to hide.

For myself? I'd like lagniappe in the Cajun understanding of the word. Enough, and a little extra.
as far as I know-----this Christmas day has been very peaceful------did I miss anything?
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I win the lottery
I win the lottery
I win the lottery

Fuck the rest of the world, it's already beyond hope.
I didn't even KNOW that I get three wishes today-------the jewish controlled media
did not so much as MENTION it
More ammo, warmer weather, and that Santa would clean those reindeer turds off my roof.
You know, I'd like to see a bit more unity in this country rather than the divide we are currently undergoing.

I'd like to see terrorists miss a wire while they are making their bombs and take themselves and their terrorist allies out, while reducing their infrastructure and places to hide.

For myself? I'd like lagniappe in the Cajun understanding of the word. Enough, and a little extra.

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Trump is elected again,
Trump keeps pissing off the libs,
I'm reincarnated as Frank Sinatra
I have one Christmas wish every year: a hooker who resembles Sigourney Weaver in the first Alien movie (or a blond who looks like Seven of Nine in Star Trek: Voyager) to sneak over to my house late at night, handcuff me to the bed, and do unspeakable things to me with a turkey baster. I'm sure that will help get me into the "jolly" Christmas spirit of things.

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