What average Ukrainians think of capitalism.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

In socialism if you are not rich, you are a nobody. In other words, in those socialist paradises, there really is no middle class. That, my friends is Feudalism.

The dumbest people on the planet are middle class American socialists. Especially, the female ones.
Someone should have asked them what they thought of free markets. There's a widespread problem with definitions and understnding of what kind of monetary policy we actually have. If you put capitalism and free markets together, no, we don't have that. We have economic interventionism. We have a planned economy, we have a welfare state, we have inflationism, we have central economic planning by a central bank, we have a belief in deficit financing.

Didn't hear anyone mention anything about that in the vid, sorry. If they did, I must have missed it. I doubt it, though. Highly.
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