What both sides should NOT do

Tell me why I should vote for you, I already know why I should not vote for Trump.

Every election gets labelled as the "election of our lifetime" now. Tell me how you will be different.

How do I know what the others stand for if all they do is tell me how bad Trump is?

You obviously didn't read my post carefully. The Dem candidates should talk about their policy positions, but pointing out that Trump is a racist and a danger to our democracy is much more important.

If you don't see that and you don't see how Trump is worse than previous presidents, then you haven't been paying attention. Trump is allowing Russia to attack our elections with impunity. No president has ever been this reckless.

I'm also not interested in conspiracy theories. Trump won because of one reason. Hillary.

Yes, the Mueller Report is a conspiracy theory. Got it, dude.

One observation: most people are independents simply because they don't know very much. I'm afraid you fall into that category.

Here we go again.......make it about me as opposed to what I said. "Mueller" no longer carries any weight. None.

The emails were an internal release by someone upset with the (D)'s cheating for Hillary.

The Mueller report carries no weight? Is it false? Is the new bipartisan Senate report that says Russia is going to interfere in the 2020 election also false?

I thought you were a high-and-mighty independent who considers all of the facts?

I never said what I was. All countries try and interfere in other countries elections. We are the only country that kills to do it.
Your point of view is misguided. Here's why - you should NEVER try to normalize a racist, dangerous bully like Trump. Yes, we liberals despise Trump and he should be called out on his hateful bullshit ever single day of his disastrous Presidency.

And do you really think Dems are going to be able to work with Repugs to get any legislation passed? Were you asleep during Obama's presidency?

Regardless, trying to have a high-minded legislative policy debate when we have a fascist in the White House is absolutely pointless. Everything takes a back seat to removing Trump. No progress can be made in this country until his evil ass is gone.
I’m not a fan of president Trump, he is an entertainer and should be in that arena not a position of esteem or leadership... however I can’t agree with your assessment. All that does is validate the tit for tat that bounces right back once the dems gain power. The socialist hyperbole then takes over and it’s all about obstruction to save America from becoming Venezuela. The end result is nothing gets done. You are in the minority and the opposition party right now. You should act in a way that you’d like the republicans to act once your party is in power and they are the minority.

I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.
You obviously didn't read my post carefully. The Dem candidates should talk about their policy positions, but pointing out that Trump is a racist and a danger to our democracy is much more important.

If you don't see that and you don't see how Trump is worse than previous presidents, then you haven't been paying attention. Trump is allowing Russia to attack our elections with impunity. No president has ever been this reckless.

I'm also not interested in conspiracy theories. Trump won because of one reason. Hillary.

Yes, the Mueller Report is a conspiracy theory. Got it, dude.

One observation: most people are independents simply because they don't know very much. I'm afraid you fall into that category.

Here we go again.......make it about me as opposed to what I said. "Mueller" no longer carries any weight. None.

The emails were an internal release by someone upset with the (D)'s cheating for Hillary.

The Mueller report carries no weight? Is it false? Is the new bipartisan Senate report that says Russia is going to interfere in the 2020 election also false?

I thought you were a high-and-mighty independent who considers all of the facts?

I never said what I was. All countries try and interfere in other countries elections. We are the only country that kills to do it.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that you are not really an independent, with your childish comments about the Mueller report.

As both sides gear up for the 2020 election, here is what each side should NOT do:

Democrats - Stop bitching about Donald Trump. I don't agree with everything Rush Limbaugh says, but he is correct in pointing out Democrats do that more complaining about Trump than they do anything else - including legislation regarding our infrastructure, national debt, healthcare, education, military veterans etc. Democrats need to seek bipartisan legislation with Republicans, rather than insisting on having things their own way. If all the Democrats can do is bitch about Trump, they will get their butts kicked again, and deservedly so!

Everything Democrats Complain About Trump Is Fixing | Rush Limbaugh | iHeartRadio

Republicans - Stop using socialism as a scare tactic: It's not working anymore, especially among women, today over half of women would prefer to live in a socialist country, while a majority of men would prefer to live in a capitalist one (and socialism is growing in popularity among men too!) The reasons for this is healthcare and education, 2 things America cannot - or will not - provide for its citizens. The GOP can try this scare tactic of course, but socialism is becoming more popular, it's not so scary anymore.

Poll: Socialism gaining in popularity

3 reasons why socialism is gaining popularity in America
So you think Dems should stop lying about Trump and the Repubs should stop telling the truth about Democrat Socialists?
I'm also not interested in conspiracy theories. Trump won because of one reason. Hillary.

Yes, the Mueller Report is a conspiracy theory. Got it, dude.

One observation: most people are independents simply because they don't know very much. I'm afraid you fall into that category.

Here we go again.......make it about me as opposed to what I said. "Mueller" no longer carries any weight. None.

The emails were an internal release by someone upset with the (D)'s cheating for Hillary.

The Mueller report carries no weight? Is it false? Is the new bipartisan Senate report that says Russia is going to interfere in the 2020 election also false?

I thought you were a high-and-mighty independent who considers all of the facts?

I never said what I was. All countries try and interfere in other countries elections. We are the only country that kills to do it.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that you are not really an independent, with your childish comments about the Mueller report.

You can have your faith in the report. Bothers me none. The emails were an internal release. All countries try and mess with other countries elections.
If we want that to end, we have to stop it also.
I’m not a fan of president Trump, he is an entertainer and should be in that arena not a position of esteem or leadership... however I can’t agree with your assessment. All that does is validate the tit for tat that bounces right back once the dems gain power. The socialist hyperbole then takes over and it’s all about obstruction to save America from becoming Venezuela. The end result is nothing gets done. You are in the minority and the opposition party right now. You should act in a way that you’d like the republicans to act once your party is in power and they are the minority.

I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.

We don't "gotta ask", we just like to watch you inarticulate, unsophisticated, know-nothing Repugs stumble around trying to explain your fucked-up political positions.
Your point of view is misguided. Here's why - you should NEVER try to normalize a racist, dangerous bully like Trump. Yes, we liberals despise Trump and he should be called out on his hateful bullshit ever single day of his disastrous Presidency.

And do you really think Dems are going to be able to work with Repugs to get any legislation passed? Were you asleep during Obama's presidency?

Regardless, trying to have a high-minded legislative policy debate when we have a fascist in the White House is absolutely pointless. Everything takes a back seat to removing Trump. No progress can be made in this country until his evil ass is gone.
I’m not a fan of president Trump, he is an entertainer and should be in that arena not a position of esteem or leadership... however I can’t agree with your assessment. All that does is validate the tit for tat that bounces right back once the dems gain power. The socialist hyperbole then takes over and it’s all about obstruction to save America from becoming Venezuela. The end result is nothing gets done. You are in the minority and the opposition party right now. You should act in a way that you’d like the republicans to act once your party is in power and they are the minority.

I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

Repubs to Obama - legislative obstruction

Dems to Trump - legislative obstruction, endless Congressional investigations with a Special Prosecutor aimed at everyone around him including his family, and the constant threat of impeachment, along with a media constantly supporting all of the above.
And I haven't even gotten to the 'soft coup' by the intelligence agencies.

You are a true horse's ass for even asking!

Man, the fuck up....
I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.

We don't "gotta ask", we just like to watch you inarticulate, unsophisticated, know-nothing Repugs stumble around trying to explain your fucked-up political positions.

Yet you do...go figure, dumbass.
It sounds like you're the one who doesn't believe in democracy. Trump was elected President.

What's your point? So Trump should be allowed to make racists comments every day, because he was elected President? He should do nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections?

Pelosi and the Dems are going to regret not impeaching this menace.
First off they can’t impeach him... second don’t you think it’s a more powerful and healthy statement for him to be kicked out of office by the American people in an election and not by the opposition party? Impeachment makes him a martyr and ensures a political civil war beyond what we’ve ever seen. Why would you want that?

The Dems most certainly can impeach Trump. They just won't be able to remove him from office because they will never get enough spineless Repugs in the Senate to support it.

If the Dems do not impeach Trump, then they are setting a dangerous precedent that future presidents' reckless, dangerous, anti-democratic behavior will also go unpunished. If Trump isn't impeached, then on what grounds can a president EVER be impeached in the future?

Impeachment is the only instrument that Congress has to hold Trump accountable. Shame on the Dems if they fail to use it, even if Trump ultimately remains in office. The Dems should force the spineless Repubs in the Senate to go on the record during an impeachment trial and say that Trump should remain in office, despite all of his crimes. There may actually be a few surprises where some Repubs do the right thing and vote for removing Trump from office.

Impeachment does not make Trump a martyr. How can it, when 55% - 60% of Americans already know Trump is a racist, bullying asshole? If anything, it makes the Dems looks extremely small and weak, allowing Trump to get away with this behavior. This country is already as divided as it's going to get, that argument holds no weight.

Yes, I will be thrilled if Trump is defeated next year. However, there is no guarantee that it will be a fair election with Putin intent on getting Trump re-elected. Not to mention all of the voter suppression tactics that Repugs have become very adept at. And Trump has a built-in advantage with the Electoral College, just like in 2016.

I don't know where to begin with you.

You talk in circles. Just like the politicians that we've had for decades in this country!

You fail to appreciate that the 2020 election is a major crossroad in our country's direction.

But, I do know where to end with you.

I'll be perfectly clear for your small mind - Trump is a racist and a traitor. He wants Vladimir Putin to help him steal the 2020 election because he is an anti-democratic piece of shit.

Furthermore, 90% of Trump's supporters are racists. Which means there is a 90% chance that you are also a racist.

There's a 99.99% chance that you can't find your ass with both hands.
What's your point? So Trump should be allowed to make racists comments every day, because he was elected President? He should do nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections?

Pelosi and the Dems are going to regret not impeaching this menace.
First off they can’t impeach him... second don’t you think it’s a more powerful and healthy statement for him to be kicked out of office by the American people in an election and not by the opposition party? Impeachment makes him a martyr and ensures a political civil war beyond what we’ve ever seen. Why would you want that?

The Dems most certainly can impeach Trump. They just won't be able to remove him from office because they will never get enough spineless Repugs in the Senate to support it.

If the Dems do not impeach Trump, then they are setting a dangerous precedent that future presidents' reckless, dangerous, anti-democratic behavior will also go unpunished. If Trump isn't impeached, then on what grounds can a president EVER be impeached in the future?

Impeachment is the only instrument that Congress has to hold Trump accountable. Shame on the Dems if they fail to use it, even if Trump ultimately remains in office. The Dems should force the spineless Repubs in the Senate to go on the record during an impeachment trial and say that Trump should remain in office, despite all of his crimes. There may actually be a few surprises where some Repubs do the right thing and vote for removing Trump from office.

Impeachment does not make Trump a martyr. How can it, when 55% - 60% of Americans already know Trump is a racist, bullying asshole? If anything, it makes the Dems looks extremely small and weak, allowing Trump to get away with this behavior. This country is already as divided as it's going to get, that argument holds no weight.

Yes, I will be thrilled if Trump is defeated next year. However, there is no guarantee that it will be a fair election with Putin intent on getting Trump re-elected. Not to mention all of the voter suppression tactics that Repugs have become very adept at. And Trump has a built-in advantage with the Electoral College, just like in 2016.

I don't know where to begin with you.

You talk in circles. Just like the politicians that we've had for decades in this country!

You fail to appreciate that the 2020 election is a major crossroad in our country's direction.

But, I do know where to end with you.

I'll be perfectly clear for your small mind - Trump is a racist and a traitor. He wants Vladimir Putin to help him steal the 2020 election because he is an anti-democratic piece of shit.

Furthermore, 90% of Trump's supporters are racists. Which means there is a 90% chance that you are also a racist.

There's a 99.99% chance that you can't find your ass with both hands.

Since you're a Trump supporter, there's a 100% chance you can't.
I’m not a fan of president Trump, he is an entertainer and should be in that arena not a position of esteem or leadership... however I can’t agree with your assessment. All that does is validate the tit for tat that bounces right back once the dems gain power. The socialist hyperbole then takes over and it’s all about obstruction to save America from becoming Venezuela. The end result is nothing gets done. You are in the minority and the opposition party right now. You should act in a way that you’d like the republicans to act once your party is in power and they are the minority.

I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

Repubs to Obama - legislative obstruction

Dems to Trump - legislative obstruction, endless Congressional investigations with a Special Prosecutor aimed at everyone around him including his family, and the constant threat of impeachment, along with a media constantly supporting all of the above.
And I haven't even gotten to the 'soft coup' by the intelligence agencies.

You are a true horse's ass for even asking!

Man, the fuck up....

How many ridiculous Benghazi investigations were there, idiot? Eight? I fucking lost count. Was anyone ever indicted?

At least the Mueller investigation has resulted in 6 Trump traitors going to jail.
If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.

We don't "gotta ask", we just like to watch you inarticulate, unsophisticated, know-nothing Repugs stumble around trying to explain your fucked-up political positions.

Yet you do...go figure, dumbass.

You call yourself "Thinker", but you have very little to say.

Your shit is weak, lightweight fucktard.

Brilliant, ya got nothing to say, so what the hell attack the user name...dumbass.
I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

Repubs to Obama - legislative obstruction

Dems to Trump - legislative obstruction, endless Congressional investigations with a Special Prosecutor aimed at everyone around him including his family, and the constant threat of impeachment, along with a media constantly supporting all of the above.
And I haven't even gotten to the 'soft coup' by the intelligence agencies.

You are a true horse's ass for even asking!

Man, the fuck up....

How many ridiculous Benghazi investigations were there, idiot? Eight? I fucking lost count. Was anyone ever indicted?

At least the Mueller investigation has resulted in 6 Trump traitors going to jail.

Who was going to indict anyone? The corrupt Obama DOJ?
I’m not a fan of president Trump, he is an entertainer and should be in that arena not a position of esteem or leadership... however I can’t agree with your assessment. All that does is validate the tit for tat that bounces right back once the dems gain power. The socialist hyperbole then takes over and it’s all about obstruction to save America from becoming Venezuela. The end result is nothing gets done. You are in the minority and the opposition party right now. You should act in a way that you’d like the republicans to act once your party is in power and they are the minority.

I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
It sounds like you're the one who doesn't believe in democracy. Trump was elected President.

What's your point? So Trump should be allowed to make racists comments every day, because he was elected President? He should do nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections?

Pelosi and the Dems are going to regret not impeaching this menace.
First off they can’t impeach him... second don’t you think it’s a more powerful and healthy statement for him to be kicked out of office by the American people in an election and not by the opposition party? Impeachment makes him a martyr and ensures a political civil war beyond what we’ve ever seen. Why would you want that?

The Dems most certainly can impeach Trump. They just won't be able to remove him from office because they will never get enough spineless Repubs in the Senate to support it.

If the Dems do not impeach Trump, then they are setting a dangerous precedent that future presidents' reckless, dangerous, anti-democratic behavior will also go unpunished. If Trump isn't impeached, then on what grounds can a president EVER be impeached in the future?

Impeachment is the only instrument that Congress has to hold Trump accountable. Shame on the Dems if they fail to use it, even if Trump ultimately remains in office. The Dems should force the spineless Repubs in the Senate to go on the record during an impeachment trial and say that Trump should remain in office, despite all of his crimes. There may actually be a few surprises where some Repubs do the right thing and vote for removing Trump from office.

Impeachment does not make Trump a martyr. How can it, when 55% - 60% of Americans already know Trump is a racist, bullying asshole? If anything, it makes the Dems looks extremely small and weak if they don't impeach, allowing Trump to get away with this behavior. This country is already as divided as it's going to get, that argument holds no weight.

Yes, I will be thrilled if Trump is defeated next year. However, there is no guarantee that it will be a fair election with Putin intent on getting Trump re-elected. Not to mention all of the voter suppression tactics that Repugs have become very adept at. And Trump has a built-in advantage with the Electoral College, just like in 2016.
Sorry man, I totally disagree. The impeachment case is weak and dependent on obstruction charges for a crime that he wasn’t found guilty of. The Dems need to put more energy into coming up with better ideas to help our country and then win the election so they can implement them.

Please don’t repeat that Putin election nonsense... that talking point is not going to serve you well.
If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.

We don't "gotta ask", we just like to watch you inarticulate, unsophisticated, know-nothing Repugs stumble around trying to explain your fucked-up political positions.

Yet you do...go figure, dumbass.

You call yourself "Thinker", but you have very little to say.

Your shit is weak, lightweight fucktard.

Brilliant, ya got nothing to say, so what the hell attack the user name...dumbass.

Look at my previous posts, dumb fuck. Quite the contrary, I've got plenty to say.

Your unsophisticated Repug goober ass can't hang with me or someone like Slade and we both know it.

Why should I look at your other posts, post #71 is pretty specific. WTF, you must be a 10 year old.
I’m not a fan of president Trump, he is an entertainer and should be in that arena not a position of esteem or leadership... however I can’t agree with your assessment. All that does is validate the tit for tat that bounces right back once the dems gain power. The socialist hyperbole then takes over and it’s all about obstruction to save America from becoming Venezuela. The end result is nothing gets done. You are in the minority and the opposition party right now. You should act in a way that you’d like the republicans to act once your party is in power and they are the minority.

I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.
Why do you waste time with empty insults like this. Just answer the question and beat me with logic and intellect if you have any
I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
Fine with calling trump out on his BS. It should be done whenever he lies which is all the time. But it should also be done honestly and without the hyperbole which often accompanies it. There also shouldn’t be blind obstruction toward everything and anything that might be a win for trump. That’s what the Reps did to Obama and that’s what the dems are doing to trump. If this cycle continues then nothing is ever going to get done.

If for a second that you think what the Repubs did to Obama is equal to what the Dems have done to Trump, then you are a partisan delusional spinmeister! :slap:
How so?

If ya gotta ask, you're much dumber than you look.
Why do you waste time with empty insults like this. Just answer the question and beat me with logic and intellect if you have any

Because it was a pretty stupid question. You experienced the Obama years.
I respectfully disagree. It's not "tit for tat" to call-out Trump on his racist, bullying, and traitorous behavior. If you fail to do that every day, then you are normalizing his egregious behavior and making it acceptable.

There is no more Republican Party. They have sat silently as Trump constantly makes racist, bullying comments and as he does nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections. They have completely disgraced themselves.

There is now only a fascist, evil Trump Party. And the Dems should not cooperate with the fascists in the Trump Party if they ever take back control of Congress and the White House. You don't cooperate with fascists who don't believe in democracy.
It sounds like you're the one who doesn't believe in democracy. Trump was elected President.

What's your point? So Trump should be allowed to make racists comments every day, because he was elected President? He should do nothing to prevent Russia from interfering in future elections?

Pelosi and the Dems are going to regret not impeaching this menace.
First off they can’t impeach him... second don’t you think it’s a more powerful and healthy statement for him to be kicked out of office by the American people in an election and not by the opposition party? Impeachment makes him a martyr and ensures a political civil war beyond what we’ve ever seen. Why would you want that?

The Dems most certainly can impeach Trump. They just won't be able to remove him from office because they will never get enough spineless Repubs in the Senate to support it.

If the Dems do not impeach Trump, then they are setting a dangerous precedent that future presidents' reckless, dangerous, anti-democratic behavior will also go unpunished. If Trump isn't impeached, then on what grounds can a president EVER be impeached in the future?

Impeachment is the only instrument that Congress has to hold Trump accountable. Shame on the Dems if they fail to use it, even if Trump ultimately remains in office. The Dems should force the spineless Repubs in the Senate to go on the record during an impeachment trial and say that Trump should remain in office, despite all of his crimes. There may actually be a few surprises where some Repubs do the right thing and vote for removing Trump from office.

Impeachment does not make Trump a martyr. How can it, when 55% - 60% of Americans already know Trump is a racist, bullying asshole? If anything, it makes the Dems looks extremely small and weak if they don't impeach, allowing Trump to get away with this behavior. This country is already as divided as it's going to get, that argument holds no weight.

Yes, I will be thrilled if Trump is defeated next year. However, there is no guarantee that it will be a fair election with Putin intent on getting Trump re-elected. Not to mention all of the voter suppression tactics that Repugs have become very adept at. And Trump has a built-in advantage with the Electoral College, just like in 2016.
Sorry man, I totally disagree. The impeachment case is weak and dependent on obstruction charges for a crime that he wasn’t found guilty of. The Dems need to put more energy into coming up with better ideas to help our country and then win the election so they can implement them.

Please don’t repeat that Putin election nonsense... that talking point is not going to serve you well.

Trump wasn't charged with obstruction because Mueller never considered it. As he explained in his testimony, he didn't consider it because of the DOJ guidance that a sitting President can't be charged with a crime. However, Mueller did say that Trump can potentially be charged with obstruction once he leaves office.

And Trump has refused to hand over any documents for every single Congressional subpoena from the Democrats, which is also a violation of the Constitution. This is one of the impeachment charges that Nixon faced in 1974.

And the inexcusable way that Trump has ignored the Russian threat to future elections is also grounds for impeachment. He has abdicated his responsibilities as Commander in Chief.

These are not normal times and we cannot deal with a dangerous sociopath like Trump in the normal ways that you are suggesting. History is going to be very harsh on the Democrats for not impeaching Trump after all of his crimes.

As both sides gear up for the 2020 election, here is what each side should NOT do:

Democrats - Stop bitching about Donald Trump. I don't agree with everything Rush Limbaugh says, but he is correct in pointing out Democrats do that more complaining about Trump than they do anything else - including legislation regarding our infrastructure, national debt, healthcare, education, military veterans etc. Democrats need to seek bipartisan legislation with Republicans, rather than insisting on having things their own way. If all the Democrats can do is bitch about Trump, they will get their butts kicked again, and deservedly so!

Everything Democrats Complain About Trump Is Fixing | Rush Limbaugh | iHeartRadio

Republicans - Stop using socialism as a scare tactic: It's not working anymore, especially among women, today over half of women would prefer to live in a socialist country, while a majority of men would prefer to live in a capitalist one (and socialism is growing in popularity among men too!) The reasons for this is healthcare and education, 2 things America cannot - or will not - provide for its citizens. The GOP can try this scare tactic of course, but socialism is becoming more popular, it's not so scary anymore.

Poll: Socialism gaining in popularity

3 reasons why socialism is gaining popularity in America

The fact that socialism, which is the precursor to communism, is no longer scary to you is scary to me. Honestly, I am ok with Government funded healthcare and even college, JUST NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Let the states design and manage there own systems, paid for by their own citizens. Why should a huge bureaucracy in Washington DC design and manage the same system for people living in Alabama and Alaska? Each state knows their needs and can manage their own resources better. And if they get it wrong it’s much easier to fix at the state level than across the entire country.

All these socialist programs in other countries that liberals tout are much smaller in population, geography, and diversity. Yes, they are like our states. Its so obvious it hurts.

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