What both sides should NOT do


I'm sorry, but we're not going that way. Period.

That's very true. We would need a whole new Constitution to change from a Republic and become a Socialist country. Not going to happen in my lifetime. Not one single Democrat is advocating for that now are they? Isn't that the stoked fear from Trumpybear, that the Dems want to turn us into Venezuela?
There are very few democrats who oppose the free market for most goods services in the country as it provides good products at a fair price. However, when the free market fails to provide what the public wants as in healthcare, the public will look elsewhere. In this case it's socializing primary health insurance.

I think it is inevitable that socialism will increase in the 21st century as the country remains near full employment but more and more products and services fall outside the reach of most Americans. That will result in more government support for working Americans.
I agree with every post you have made on this thread. Every one of them. What has become normalized is that the Democratic Party does not have a plan and has nothing to say. They have become a waste of time. Trump either leaves in 2020 or he doesn't. At this point, it's looking like he won't be.

I appreciate that, thank you. I agree that Pelosi and the Democratic Party are setting us up for disaster in 2020. If they don't take the moral high ground and impeach Trump, then they are going to depress voter turnout among Democrats. Why vote for a party that legitimately criticizes Trump's crimes, yet refuses to take a stand when they hold the moral high ground? How spineless is that? As a liberal, this is very demoralizing to me.

And we have no idea how much damage Russia might cause during the 2020 election, which is another reason we should begin impeachment now.

Pelosi and the Democratic leadership do not understand that it's a bigger risk NOT to impeach Trump. They simply do not understand the urgency and the threat posed to our democracy by Trump and Putin.

I don't think you understand how impeachment works.

I certainly do. Even if Trump isn't removed from office due to the spineless Repugs in the Senate, Democrats need to take a stand and fight for what they believe. It's put up or shut up time.

I want to know what they believe.

They believe everything, dependent upon any given situation. They can switch personalities faster than that guy in Shyamalan's SPLIT movie.

Some of them. I don't disagree. It's not like it's beyond Trump or a Republican to do that also.

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