Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
This video is a diverse mix of residents in Southern California from different backgrounds that speak out concerning giving illegal aliens sanctuary and aide with their tax dollars.

There are series of what is going on in California that I will post in this thread later. I found the part about how illegals are setup as street vendors selling fake I.D.s' and stolen credit cards in one life long citizen's testimony very interesting. One describes how the Mexican Drug Cartels have worked in his neighborhood. The video gives a quick reference of the location that he is talking about for watchers will understand where and what he is describing. Anyone with any common sense will be able to understand that this is not a race issue. It is an invasion of evil.fascism under the guise of diversity. Whoever is unwilling to be a part of supporting this invasion is called out and labelled.

These are the type of people that put Trump in the White House. Watch it and then try to tell me she is also a white supremacist racist nazi.

Every working class person and union member in New York should watch this video and take notes on what the democrat party politicians like Jerrold Nadler are doing to the working class in this country. If you think as a working class stiff people like Nadler give a damn about you and your family you are in error and you deserve what they are attempting to do to you. Nadler and his misguided principles are exactly what put Trump into the White House.

Nadler speaks from both sides of his mouth as he first claims that they need more h1b visas and then plays stupid about h1b visas (foreign) workers taking away jobs from American citizens (which BTW was off topic). In his world he claims that wasn't the case but it would have to happen first before they would consider it actionable.

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Per the video, the people who attended the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors hearing were mostly Trump supporters. Per the Secretary of State for CA, fewer than 20% of the voters registered in Los Angeles are Republicans.

Key take-away observations:
  • Trump supporters showed up in proportions well outsizing their actual "footprint" in L.A., and, as was their right, said their piece;
  • Non-Trump supporters didn't show up in numbers anywhere near their proportional "footprint" in L.A.
  • We know now what Trump's most vocal supporters in L.A. think about the prospect of L.A. being a sanctuary city. We could have, even before the hearing, surmised what they thought on the matter, but now we don't have to for we know they think exactly what one would have presumed they think. Surprise; surprise. Not!
  • We know what Trump's most vocal L.A. supporters think. We do not know what the rest of L.A. thinks. Most likely, the rest of L.A. thinks what the opponents to Trump's supporters who attended the hearing think. Surprise; surprise. Not!
  • The video does not at all provide a representative depiction of what "California residents really think of sanctuary city status." It doesn't even provide such a thing re: L.A. residents.
Poor Rod spent sixteen hours a day watching these youtube videos and msm news clips. He won't eat right, can't sleep, isn't doing things like taking out the trash, etc.... He tried to work on his truck today but he can't concentrate long enough to find the boxes of screws for some sheet metal work he is trying to do. He knows he has those screws he needs somewhere in that huge shop he used to hide in. He just sits in front of that computer watching these demonstrations, rallies, protests, hearings, meetings, town hall meetings and listening to the testimonies of these American citizens concerned with the policies elected officials are pushing on them. I told him finally, "That's it, enough is enough. Get the %$#* outta the front of that computer and get off your ass, now. You have things to do. You have dirty clothes and you better get them washed while you have lots of fresh water." He did listen but then went right back to sitting on his ass watching those so called 'rabid, dumb, ignorant, white supremacist racist bigoted nazis'. I finally said, "Whatever the hell you are doing needs to stop. It is driving you crazy". Finally he told me, "I'm looking for Russians honey. If I could just find one in all these films at all of these places it will have been worth it. The democrats claimed the number one threat to American national security and sovereignty today is Russia. I'm looking for Russians but I cannot find a single one anywhere."

First video in a series of four. Please point it out to me if you see any Russians any of these videos i post in this thread okay. Rod needs a break.




O' my, the lady in this video spills it and calls it what it is. Racism. She also explains that L.A. is full of illegal immigrants and how she was fired from her job for not knowing Spanish.

Another thing that people should be recognizing is the fact that bought and paid for politicians in pursuing this are justifying and glorifying human trafficking. On a massive international scale. It matters not why they are doing it but the fact that they are should be enough to warn Americans that they too can be trafficked. That door swings both ways in the eyes of new world order globalists.

Weird that they keep voting for sanctuary cities then.
The citizens are not voting to be sanctuary cities. If you watch all the videos you will see that the citizens are being limited or ignored as they try to speak out about the abuse at the hands of immigrants. A few ladies in this next video tell about the abuse and they were limited to a minute and a half to speak.

Published on August 27, 2017, democrats "double down" against freedom of speech of the democrats even.

'Freedom of Speech' Moderate Democrats Questioning Violence Against Trump Supporters

Per the video, the people who attended the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors hearing were mostly Trump supporters. Per the Secretary of State for CA, fewer than 20% of the voters registered in Los Angeles are Republicans.

Key take-away observations:
  • Trump supporters showed up in proportions well outsizing their actual "footprint" in L.A., and, as was their right, said their piece;
  • Non-Trump supporters didn't show up in numbers anywhere near their proportional "footprint" in L.A.
  • We know now what Trump's most vocal supporters in L.A. think about the prospect of L.A. being a sanctuary city. We could have, even before the hearing, surmised what they thought on the matter, but now we don't have to for we know they think exactly what one would have presumed they think. Surprise; surprise. Not!
  • We know what Trump's most vocal L.A. supporters think. We do not know what the rest of L.A. thinks. Most likely, the rest of L.A. thinks what the opponents to Trump's supporters who attended the hearing think. Surprise; surprise. Not!
  • The video does not at all provide a representative depiction of what "California residents really think of sanctuary city status." It doesn't even provide such a thing re: L.A. residents.
We do know from the videos that citizens are being ignored and their voices are being stifled by elected officials.

It also appears that L.A. County has problems with validity of its registered voter rolls.
Judicial Watch Warns California to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

from zero hedge:
"The Election Integrity Project California provides a list of 11 California counties that have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.

In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”"

In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

LA County Admits Number Of Registered Voters At 144% Of Resident Citizens Of Voting Age | Zero Hedge

Take note after reading about the excess showing at a whopping 144% registered voters that in 2005 seventy percent of eligible adults in LA County were registered to vote. Could one easily say rigged elections?

We can also assume from your posts continually attacking Trump supporters or anyone that you may think are Trump supporters that you are a bigot that is hating on president Trump and his supporters where ever you believe you may be able to justify your own bias.

What you fail to realize is some of us who were actually California born and raised still have family members in those areas in California. We know the longer history of what has happened in Southern California and the alterations of the population, demographics and the displacement of the native population in those areas for a few could stuff their own pockets as Cartels moved in.

L.A. county has approximately one million illegals immigrants and now has approximately five million registered voters. I find it interesting though the L.A. clerk reports 100% of registered voter (which is unheard of) supposedly turned out to vote in the 2016 election cycle. The voter registrations went up by one million for the last election. Could we say that y'all thought the fix was in but it didn't stick? Personally I believe Trump was correct in pointing the finger at La Raza. It is sickening to hear a public official anywhere in the United States proclaim ISIS isn't doing its job after he already proclaimed California and other southwestern states in the union will be consumed by these imposters.

I thought acorn ilk were done, James O'Keefe where are you...

Bill Clinton’s Motor-Voter law has made massive voter fraud possible.
August 29, 2017

Matthew Vadum

An ACORN offshoot and other left-wing pressure groups are suing California in federal court because the state hasn’t made it easy enough for Democrats to flood voter rolls with illegal aliens and foreign nationals who aren’t legally eligible to vote.

Throughout the years Mickey Mouse, Mary Poppins, and celebrities living and dead were registered to vote because now-defunct ACORN and its allied groups were allowed to pollute the voter rolls.

The ACORN successor group known as ACCE Institute, League of Women Voters of California, California Common Cause, and the National Council of La Raza want to compel the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to incorporate voter registration material into the forms needed to apply for or renew a driver’s license or state identification card, or submit a change of address. They claim the DMV is violating the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), popularly called “Motor-Voter,” by asking the more than a million California residents who renew by mail every year to fill out a separate voter registration form.

Other election fraud-promoting state policies already exist in the Golden State, which is a haven for illegal aliens and illegal voting.

In 2015, Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed a law to register all eligible holders of driver’s licenses as voters unless they "opt out." The Los Angeles Times reports that law “was on hold until state elections officials completed testing of a statewide voter database. That process ended last year, and the automated process for registering voters is expected to be used before next year's elections.”


The goal behind Motor-Voter wasn’t to make America’s electoral processes function more smoothly. The goal was left-wing revolution.

The lawsuit filed by ACCE Institute and its allies is in keeping with that goal.

ACORN Sues California To Allow More Illegals To Vote


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