What camp are you in?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
IF...Biden or another filthy dem wins in 2024.

And IF...the dems win full control of both houses in 2024.

And IF the dems are successful with putting their iron fist plan of perpetual control of America in force...and there is no hope of the reps to ever gain control again.

Will you be in the camp of secession as the only hope to save something of traditional America?

Or will you happily live as a disarmed tax slave under perpetual commie dem rule?

What camp are you in?

Too much of either party eventually results in a loss of power.
I disagree with your premise that if democrats win they will consolidate power, I see how the millions of migrant voters would lead to that conclusion.
Voter fraud via mail-in ballots could make your scenario possible, we'll see.
200 days until the election. Anything can happen. Right now, it’s looking pretty good for the Democrats. Trump has been campaigning for 3+ years and is only neck and neck with Biden....give that some thought.

As for the congress, I expect it to stay the same in terms of control.
200 days until the election. Anything can happen. Right now, it’s looking pretty good for the Democrats. Trump has been campaigning for 3+ years and is only neck and neck with Biden....give that some thought.

As for the congress, I expect it to stay the same in terms of control.
I think the Senate will go Republican and House will go Democratic
200 days until the election. Anything can happen. Right now, it’s looking pretty good for the Democrats. Trump has been campaigning for 3+ years and is only neck and neck with Biden....give that some thought.

As for the congress, I expect it to stay the same in terms of control.
Big business controlling the Congress? That's the way I see it no matter which party has majority.

It's been like that since the 1980s. They voted themselves the keys to the country then, and they're not going to undo that voluntarily.
200 days until the election. Anything can happen. Right now, it’s looking pretty good for the Democrats. Trump has been campaigning for 3+ years and is only neck and neck with Biden....give that some thought.

As for the congress, I expect it to stay the same in terms of control.

The House will almost for sure flop, and while the GOP holds an advantage in the Senate some of their choices might just have them snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again

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