What can be done to prevent the theft of another election?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

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The best we can hope for is a Mueller-like investigation into election malfeasance. Congress won't lift a finger, The GOP is spineless, The SCOTUS wants no part of it.
You could get your whole wish list and more but republicans will never accept another election loss. It is just too damned useful to the far right agenda to cry foul. Get used to your leaders complaining that they were cheated rather than admit people just didn't like them that much.
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

How can the problem be addressed when the courts won't even hear the cases?
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

It would be best to start at the State level.
Ensure the State Legislatures reassert their Constitutionally granted power over the method by which States choose their delegates.

It won't matter what the courts. or governors want if the State Legislatures exercise the powers they are clearly granted in order to clean up their election process.
Some States won't, or don't care, and we should stop caring about the people or politicians who don't want to follow the Constitution.

First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

Voter ID, like every other civilized nation already has.
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

The election wasn’t stolen. So what you’re really asking is how traitorous trumpscum can be successful in stealing it next time.
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

Voter ID, like every other civilized nation already has.
We already have voter ID dumbass.
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field
Congress is ruled by the people who did this in the first place.

There is ZERO HOPE anything can be done UNLESS we turn out in MASSIVE numbers and dlip Congress -- both Houses
The only elections that have claims of massive voter fraud are the ones the blob runs in. Strange.
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

Voter ID, like every other civilized nation already has.
Also, none of the rest of the "civilized world" allows mail in voting except under the most extreme conditions
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First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

Voter ID, like every other civilized nation already has.
We already have voter ID dumbass.

No we don't, which is why illegal aliens, felons, dead people, and other DemoKKKrats keep mailing in ballots.
First of all congress needs to step in and make sure it is a level playing field....aka all the states elections must be governed by the same rules....no last minute changes in voting procedures..... irregardless.

Also...every voter should have a valid i.d. card to vote, poll watchers must have the authority needed to insure all the rules are followed....they failed this time in many locales because they were simply shunted aside like they had no real authority.

In a nutshell we must have election reform to insure a fair election....if not the democrats once again will try to steal the election.

This should not be allowed to happen again....congress must take action.

The only thing that will prevent elections from being stolen, is to go to war against those that stole the last election and tried to overthrow the 2016 election. Until that happens, we are going to slip deeper into tyranny.


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