What can prevent pedophiles from killing their victims?

People should be aware that pedophile orientated organizations like NAMBLA are part of the democrat party base. When the BSA won the right to discriminate against overt homosexuals supervising young boys the democrat party put the Boy Scouts on the hit list.

i agree with you :)
Say it in defense of law enforcement and the psychological profession.

Wanna combat a legal problem as serious as pedophilia, let's begin with the facts and not the media sensationalism.
Say it in defense of law enforcement and the psychological profession.

Wanna combat a legal problem as serious as pedophilia, let's begin with the facts and not the media sensationalism.
The facts are in all cases, that if you do these things, then you should hang (period), and there is no GROUP any better than the other when it comes to this sort of thing if they are guilty, so were you somehow defending pedophilia by degree, as if it may be somewhat of a lessor of the many evils as written within your post, umm I mean otherwise when you went looking or did your study of the materials in which you had submitted in the way that you did ?
Was clarifying pedophiles make up only a small percentage of child-murderers. So equating pedophilia with child-murder isn't accurate or useful. Like saying "Terrorists are often Muslim so Islam must be a terrorist religion." Obviously that's false just like "Pedophiles sometimes murder children therefore all pedophiles are child-murderers."

Overwhelming majority of child-murderers are straight, white, Christians. Very few of them are homosexual, and very few of them are pedophiles. But using this fact to then say ALL straight white Christians are child-murderers is obviously false. Same thing with saying all pedophiles murder their victims, it's false. If you wanna do something constructive about child-murderers, attacking pedophilia wont be as helpful por productive as attacking whatever's going on insomeone's brain that enables them to murder in the first place since no targettable demographic is all one thing all the time. If all pedophiles could be executed, you still wouldn't prevent as many child-murders as you would if you had instead gone after the psychological cause of murder itself. Might win votes and popularity doing so, or get lots of applause, but ultimately you wouldn't achieve a thing.
You think pedophiles kill their victims because they have an unconscious wish to die if they are caught? You have been watching way too many psychological Hollywood thrillers.
What can prevent pedophiles from killing their victims?

I heard some comedian make a startling suggestion.

Take the death penalty off the table for child molesters.


Well, let's figure it out.

Why do they kill the kids after molesting them?

Because they know they will get a death sentence in the court or in the prison exercise yard if caught and convicted.

And their only chance to avoid that end is to eliminate any chance of being caught and convicted. They eliminate the witness and the evidence.

They kill their victims and dispose of the body.

How can we lessen the chance of them killing the child?

The rationale behind this idea is that if the sentence for the act of molesting the child is lessened the perp will be less inclined to kill the victim.

I'm not sure I got the entire jist of the comedian's argument but I remembered thinking this guy must be soft on pedophiles for a reason...hint, hint.

But then it started to make me think about what we could do to prevent the murder of these kids. Maybe there is something to his argument.

What do you think?

You make some very odd and naive assumptions.

How can you measure the act of taking a child and commiting sexual acts upon that child in ANY sense of rationality?

I don't care about ANY REASON or excuse from this animal.

Your hope that a violent and murderous pediphile "thinks" about the consequences is rediculous.

Anyone driven to do these things is operating at a level far beyond a conscience or any concern from society.

The laws prohibiting such behavior is for the protection of people that actually CARE about their children...not as a reminder to these gouls on how to act.

Most of these offenders should be given life without parol. Anyone murdering a child in one of these incidents needs to be eliminated from our company permanently and swiftly.

They are defective. It's no ones fault. We cannot detect pedophilia in the womb. If we could that baby should be aborted.

Sorry. I was unsuccessful in transmitting my impression of his argument.

Dammit. I hoped someone would have heard of it.

HUGGY, these are the points of yours I will address.

Emotions are appropriate in reacting to the horror. But in terms of figuring out how to possibly save some innocent children from being killed after being raped, we must keep our senses and use our rational brains as best we can.

Your hope that a violent and murderous pediphile "thinks" about the consequences is rediculous.

I'm talking about AFTER the rape has been committed. His wacked sexual wiring might make him deviant but after he has satisfied that perverse urge we can't assume he is crazed like the b.s. caricature of the crazed pot head in the classic and unintentionally hilarious film from the 1930's, "Reefer Madness."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2FZgErvNTE&list=TLn9q9vaYO3hc]Reefer Madness - YouTube[/ame]

Anyone driven to do these things is operating at a level far beyond a conscience or any concern from society.

I'd say they are more than likely difficult to spot. They have to be to avoid being constantly under suspicion. But that's maybe another one of those assumptions you spoke of. So, I'll wait until we find out what the psychological profile of these guys is.

Anyway, the idea would be that he becomes very UN-emotional and very calculating after he's committed the act and his sense of self preservation kicks in.

If he knows he will be executed if he is caught why in hell would he let the victim live?

But if he knows he won't suffer too too much of a punishment (whatever that might be) then he might figure to let her go afterwards.

In WHAT jurisdiction are child molesters executed?
Was clarifying pedophiles make up only a small percentage of child-murderers. So equating pedophilia with child-murder isn't accurate or useful. Like saying "Terrorists are often Muslim so Islam must be a terrorist religion." Obviously that's false just like "Pedophiles sometimes murder children therefore all pedophiles are child-murderers." Overwhelming majority of child-murderers are straight, white, Christians. Very few of them are homosexual, and very few of them are pedophiles. But using this fact to then say ALL straight white Christians are child-murderers is obviously false. Same thing with saying all pedophiles murder their victims, it's false. If you wanna do something constructive about child-murderers, attacking pedophilia wont be as helpful por productive as attacking whatever's going on insomeone's brain that enables them to murder in the first place since no targettable demographic is all one thing all the time. If all pedophiles could be executed, you still wouldn't prevent as many child-murders as you would if you had instead gone after the psychological cause of murder itself. Might win votes and popularity doing so, or get lots of applause, but ultimately you wouldn't achieve a thing.

Death is not only physical in nature, but the death of ones spirit due to a henious act against them is also the same in many ways, and therefore the crime should meet the punishment by the death of the perp who had taken it upon himself to commit such attrocious acts upon their victims who are children of all things. I think and will always believe that a strong action is the key to pushing this stuff back, and not instead a weak response to it to be as a solution that is being suggested here. Execute the ones guilty first, then go after the psychological causes also of course. Prevention is best, but that still shouldn't stray us away from the proper punishment of those who had made their problems a reality against a poor defenseless child, and this regardless of who they are or what group they belonged to.
Pedophiles murder their victims for the same reason as any other serial killer. They like it and/or they want to eliminate witnesses. They are charged with murder (not pedophilia) when they are captured just like any other serial killer.
You make some very odd and naive assumptions.

How can you measure the act of taking a child and commiting sexual acts upon that child in ANY sense of rationality?

I don't care about ANY REASON or excuse from this animal.

Your hope that a violent and murderous pediphile "thinks" about the consequences is rediculous.

Anyone driven to do these things is operating at a level far beyond a conscience or any concern from society.

The laws prohibiting such behavior is for the protection of people that actually CARE about their children...not as a reminder to these gouls on how to act.

Most of these offenders should be given life without parol. Anyone murdering a child in one of these incidents needs to be eliminated from our company permanently and swiftly.

They are defective. It's no ones fault. We cannot detect pedophilia in the womb. If we could that baby should be aborted.

Sorry. I was unsuccessful in transmitting my impression of his argument.

Dammit. I hoped someone would have heard of it.

HUGGY, these are the points of yours I will address.

Emotions are appropriate in reacting to the horror. But in terms of figuring out how to possibly save some innocent children from being killed after being raped, we must keep our senses and use our rational brains as best we can.

I'm talking about AFTER the rape has been committed. His wacked sexual wiring might make him deviant but after he has satisfied that perverse urge we can't assume he is crazed like the b.s. caricature of the crazed pot head in the classic and unintentionally hilarious film from the 1930's, "Reefer Madness."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2FZgErvNTE&list=TLn9q9vaYO3hc]Reefer Madness - YouTube[/ame]

Anyone driven to do these things is operating at a level far beyond a conscience or any concern from society.

I'd say they are more than likely difficult to spot. They have to be to avoid being constantly under suspicion. But that's maybe another one of those assumptions you spoke of. So, I'll wait until we find out what the psychological profile of these guys is.

Anyway, the idea would be that he becomes very UN-emotional and very calculating after he's committed the act and his sense of self preservation kicks in.

If he knows he will be executed if he is caught why in hell would he let the victim live?

But if he knows he won't suffer too too much of a punishment (whatever that might be) then he might figure to let her go afterwards.

In WHAT jurisdiction are child molesters executed?

I guess I should have specified child rapists. Those who abduct kids, rape them and then, because they know they would be executed for their vile deed, try to eliminate every bit of evidence of their crime by killing the victim and disposing of the body.

Sorry, I should have been more precise.
What can prevent pedophiles from killing their victims?

I heard some comedian make a startling suggestion.

Take the death penalty off the table for child molesters.


Well, let's figure it out.

Why do they kill the kids after molesting them?

Because they know they will get a death sentence in the court or in the prison exercise yard if caught and convicted.

And their only chance to avoid that end is to eliminate any chance of being caught and convicted. They eliminate the witness and the evidence.

They kill their victims and dispose of the body.

How can we lessen the chance of them killing the child?

The rationale behind this idea is that if the sentence for the act of molesting the child is lessened the perp will be less inclined to kill the victim.

I'm not sure I got the entire jist of the comedian's argument but I remembered thinking this guy must be soft on pedophiles for a reason...hint, hint.

But then it started to make me think about what we could do to prevent the murder of these kids. Maybe there is something to his argument.

What do you think?

Pedophiles almost never murder their victims. When adults rape then murder a child, they are almost never pedophiles despite media sensationalizing them as such. Rape isn't about sexual pleasure or attraction, but violence and aggression so adults who rape children aren't usually pedophiles though the act is seemingly pedophilic.

Solid statistical information here on child molestor archetypes:
Pedophilia and Psychological Profiling

Thank you for helping illuminate this thread topic. I already learned new stuff from your post.
Another myth promoted by Hollywood is that convicts are murdered in prison because of the crimes they committed on the outside. In modern US penal institutions even the guards are unaware of the crimes the convicts were involved in. The word might get out but pedophiles like any other convict might have a chance of being murdered if they demonstrate weakness or sexual aggressiveness in prison. Otherwise they do the crime and do the time or they are executed by the state for the aggravated murder or murders they committed as it should be.
Sorry. I was unsuccessful in transmitting my impression of his argument.

Dammit. I hoped someone would have heard of it.

HUGGY, these are the points of yours I will address.

Emotions are appropriate in reacting to the horror. But in terms of figuring out how to possibly save some innocent children from being killed after being raped, we must keep our senses and use our rational brains as best we can.

I'm talking about AFTER the rape has been committed. His wacked sexual wiring might make him deviant but after he has satisfied that perverse urge we can't assume he is crazed like the b.s. caricature of the crazed pot head in the classic and unintentionally hilarious film from the 1930's, "Reefer Madness."

Reefer Madness - YouTube

I'd say they are more than likely difficult to spot. They have to be to avoid being constantly under suspicion. But that's maybe another one of those assumptions you spoke of. So, I'll wait until we find out what the psychological profile of these guys is.

Anyway, the idea would be that he becomes very UN-emotional and very calculating after he's committed the act and his sense of self preservation kicks in.

If he knows he will be executed if he is caught why in hell would he let the victim live?

But if he knows he won't suffer too too much of a punishment (whatever that might be) then he might figure to let her go afterwards.

In WHAT jurisdiction are child molesters executed?

I guess I should have specified child rapists. Those who abduct kids, rape them and then, because they know they would be executed for their vile deed, try to eliminate every bit of evidence of their crime by killing the victim and disposing of the body.

Sorry, I should have been more precise.
HANG THEM... End of child rapist or a sharp decline would come next.
Pedophiles are divided into two broad types.
1. The uncle Charlie, or cousin Brad type that is a member of your family. They don't stalk and very rarely does one kill a child. They molest the kids while you are away and they are watching over them. That type is non-violent and makes up about 90% of the pedophiles. That type needs standard incarceration, treatment and after release, very close observation.
2. The abducting/stalking type. These are the ones that most often kill the victim. When they see an opportunity to grab the child and run, they take it. They don't like witnesses (including the victim) and the death penalty is irrelavent to them. Their urge far outweighs their restraint.
In my Criminal Justice courses, there was a book in class that cited that death penalties have been found to not be a deterrent to the commission of a crime. I wish I could recall the name of the textbook, but it's been too many years. If that textbook is correct, then taking the death penalty off the table is irrelavent. They're going to continue killing whether it's there or not.
For the second type of pedophile, I suggest permanent incarceration at an international prison, set up in the center of antarctica. Heat for the facility generated via geothermal activity, keeping it warm enough to not need blankets or articles of clothing. Without clothing, they wouldn't be inclined to break out of the facility. Food can be flown or dropped in. As pedophiles can come from any walk of life, station one of them there that is a doctor or medic. Such a punishment won't deter the predator type, but then neither does the death penalty.
The death penalty might not be a deterrent but it definitely reduces recidivism.
Absolutely! Prevention is best always, and when one has the death penalty looking at them for doing such a thing before hand, then hopefully the perp will stop & think before they act, and if they don't stop then they will have to except the deadly penalty afterwards. There will be no excuses taken afterwards. That is the way you protect children, and not by making all kinds of wrist slapping ways for the perps to be pampered after they do what they do.

How do we get back to prevention ? Warnings go out for one year all over the place, and after that, well it is going to be very strict punishment in which will meet the crime that is committed. If anyone takes a kid and molest, rapes and then kills a kid, it is DEATH by hanging in a public court yard afterwards, and all are invited to come view justice take it's place against an animal for which the person had become.

Uncle Charlie needs to be taken away for life with maybe the possibility of parole after 25 years maybe, and if he somehow is reformed in the prison system, then he is only allowed to be released in a state that will take him, but he can not go back into the state where the crime was committed. No state takes him, then he will just rot in prison until one does. Remember that uncle Charlie can be just as deadly as any other perp, so he needs to be dealt with in the proper ways also. Crimes against children are always the worst crimes (imho), and they should be treated as such always.
The question is how much freedom are you willing to give up to "prevent crime"? Pedophile issues are simple enough but the political left wing seems to think that the homosexual agenda trumps the safety of kids. Case in point the left wing assault on the Boy Scouts of America. The KKK is legitimately an outlawed part of the American social structure but amazingly the pedophile club NAMBLA is a "legitimate" pressure group within the democrat party.
Pedophiles are divided into two broad types.
1. The uncle Charlie, or cousin Brad type that is a member of your family. They don't stalk and very rarely does one kill a child. They molest the kids while you are away and they are watching over them. That type is non-violent and makes up about 90% of the pedophiles. That type needs standard incarceration, treatment and after release, very close observation.
2. The abducting/stalking type. These are the ones that most often kill the victim. When they see an opportunity to grab the child and run, they take it. They don't like witnesses (including the victim) and the death penalty is irrelavent to them. Their urge far outweighs their restraint.
In my Criminal Justice courses, there was a book in class that cited that death penalties have been found to not be a deterrent to the commission of a crime. I wish I could recall the name of the textbook, but it's been too many years. If that textbook is correct, then taking the death penalty off the table is irrelavent. They're going to continue killing whether it's there or not.
For the second type of pedophile, I suggest permanent incarceration at an international prison, set up in the center of antarctica. Heat for the facility generated via geothermal activity, keeping it warm enough to not need blankets or articles of clothing. Without clothing, they wouldn't be inclined to break out of the facility. Food can be flown or dropped in. As pedophiles can come from any walk of life, station one of them there that is a doctor or medic. Such a punishment won't deter the predator type, but then neither does the death penalty.

The two main types are Situational, and Preferential. The latter being the one who have actual pedophilic natures whereas the former will molest or rape anyone if the opportunity arises.

Death penalty isn't a deterrent so much as a sure-fire solution. So arguements against the death penalty on the grounds it doesn't act as a deterrent are somewhat moot. It's not being used to deter crime, but punish it. It also ensures a 0% chance of serious offenders ever victimizing anyone again. Recitivism among sex criminals is incredibly high. Since we're talking child sexual abuse here, why risk another child being permanently screwed up for the rest of their lives?

For the record, I have no objection to either the death penalty, or executing child sexual abusers. My only intent participating here was to clarify child-murderers are rarely also pedophiles. A pedophile who never offends is like any other celibate individual. What you think doesn't concern me or the law. Only what you may do. If a pedophile does something to a child I'm all for skinning them alive with a dull carrot peeler. :)
Another myth promoted by Hollywood is that convicts are murdered in prison because of the crimes they committed on the outside. In modern US penal institutions even the guards are unaware of the crimes the convicts were involved in. The word might get out but pedophiles like any other convict might have a chance of being murdered if they demonstrate weakness or sexual aggressiveness in prison. Otherwise they do the crime and do the time or they are executed by the state for the aggravated murder or murders they committed as it should be.

As far as I know human nature hasn't changed much in respect to lazyness. As long as there are menial prisoner proccessing jobs to do on the "inside" the prison prisoner 411/snitch system is alive and well. Even unobserved news and private communication from the streets is going on all the time what with the smuggled cell phones and just the fact that so much is on the local and national TV news.

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