What can we do to fix our budget

We will continue on this reckless path...
At some point the government will nationalize all our IRA and 401 K plans.
They will have no choice.government and Democrats in particular just love
to spend our tax dollars.
I think first we may need a budget in order to fix the budget...
Asking the Libs here why is it Harry Reid hasn't passed a budget in years?...
First we have to have a Budget. The Dem dominated US Senate has not produced a budget in four years!
First we have to have a Budget. The Dem dominated US Senate has not produced a budget in four years!

yep its silly for them to lay their cards on the table when they are creaming the Pubs in the polls!! The only hope is that the public will turn when the economy tanks, but, if the Great Depression didn't matter to the people it seems unlikely that this little depression will!

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