What can we do to fix our budget

So, don't stop the government from spending our selves into hyper inflation and devaluation, just kick the can, and increase taxes on those that work. Perfect, fits the Kum Bah YA mindset of the welfare state. Easy to surmise that the unfortunate ones are those considered as Middle Class, retired, disabled, and elderly.
So, don't stop the government from spending our selves into hyper inflation and devaluation, just kick the can, and increase taxes on those that work. Perfect, fits the Kum Bah YA mindset of the welfare state. Easy to surmise that the unfortunate ones are those considered as Middle Class, retired, disabled, and elderly.

Federal income taxes are historically low, so your fear holds no water. Also, there is absolutely NO INDICATION that significant inflation--let alone "hyper inflation"--is on the horizon; in fact, DEFLATION is a serious concern as the supply of cash is increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few--effectively removing it from circulation.

One huge (albeit unspoken) reason for the recent reliance on federal defictit spending is, in fact, aversion to impending deflation. Monetary deflation would be truly disastrous.
So, don't stop the government from spending our selves into hyper inflation and devaluation, just kick the can, and increase taxes on those that work. Perfect, fits the Kum Bah YA mindset of the welfare state. Easy to surmise that the unfortunate ones are those considered as Middle Class, retired, disabled, and elderly.

Federal income taxes are historically low, so your fear holds no water. Also, there is absolutely NO INDICATION that significant inflation--let alone "hyper inflation"--is on the horizon; in fact, DEFLATION is a serious concern as the supply of cash is increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few--effectively removing it from circulation.

One huge (albeit unspoken) reason for the recent reliance on federal defictit spending is, in fact, aversion to impending deflation. Monetary deflation would be truly disastrous.

Actually, I'd have to do some research but I'm pretty sure that taxes on the wealthy are historically low but taxes on the medium income earners in this country is probably at an historical high.
Balance the budget yearly or all of congress is ineligible for reelection

I liked my mom's solution. They balance the budget and whatever's left over is their pay. If nothing is left over, they don't get paid.

they don't care about the pay. most of them have nice board of directors positions waiting for them when they get out with whichever company they siphoned tax payer money to
Balance the budget yearly or all of congress is ineligible for reelection

I liked my mom's solution. They balance the budget and whatever's left over is their pay. If nothing is left over, they don't get paid.

they don't care about the pay. most of them have nice board of directors positions waiting for them when they get out with whichever company they siphoned tax payer money to

good point. There should be a law....
Balance the budget yearly or all of congress is ineligible for reelection

I liked my mom's solution. They balance the budget and whatever's left over is their pay. If nothing is left over, they don't get paid.

NO. This is not comparable in any way. Your mom does NOT create money.

HOWEVER, if you insist on expanding this metaphor, then imagine how wealthy your mom and your family would be if you COULD print money legally.

Get it yet?
Balance the budget yearly or all of congress is ineligible for reelection

I liked my mom's solution. They balance the budget and whatever's left over is their pay. If nothing is left over, they don't get paid.

NO. This is not comparable in any way. Your mom does NOT create money.

HOWEVER, if you insist on expanding this metaphor, then imagine how wealthy your mom and your family would be if you COULD print money legally.

Get it yet?

Printing money /= being wealthy. In fact, it does almost the exact opposite.
No lobbyists.

They and congressional leaders just gave Amgen 1/2 trillion of taxpayer money in the fiscal cliff bill. Ironic isn't it?
And the main leaders of the scheme are the ones who cry the loudest about tax and spend.
So, don't stop the government from spending our selves into hyper inflation and devaluation, just kick the can, and increase taxes on those that work. Perfect, fits the Kum Bah YA mindset of the welfare state. Easy to surmise that the unfortunate ones are those considered as Middle Class, retired, disabled, and elderly.

Federal income taxes are historically low, so your fear holds no water. Also, there is absolutely NO INDICATION that significant inflation--let alone "hyper inflation"--is on the horizon; in fact, DEFLATION is a serious concern as the supply of cash is increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few--effectively removing it from circulation.

One huge (albeit unspoken) reason for the recent reliance on federal defictit spending is, in fact, aversion to impending deflation. Monetary deflation would be truly disastrous.

Actually, I'd have to do some research but I'm pretty sure that taxes on the wealthy are historically low but taxes on the medium income earners in this country is probably at an historical high.

I think it is likely that you are correct. Payroll taxes have "silently" increased over time for workers, as have state and municipal taxes, fees, etc. The tax burden has certainly shifted to the middle class and, YES, even the impoverished ones (have you ever heard of "sales taxes?"). And yet, whenever there is discussion about reversing this shift, the Republican Party screams "class warfare!" Hell, class warfare has been going on for a long time now, and since Reagan fucked things up, the aristocracy has been winning all of the battles.
Federal income taxes are historically low, so your fear holds no water. Also, there is absolutely NO INDICATION that significant inflation--let alone "hyper inflation"--is on the horizon; in fact, DEFLATION is a serious concern as the supply of cash is increasingly concentrated into the hands of a very few--effectively removing it from circulation.

One huge (albeit unspoken) reason for the recent reliance on federal defictit spending is, in fact, aversion to impending deflation. Monetary deflation would be truly disastrous.

Actually, I'd have to do some research but I'm pretty sure that taxes on the wealthy are historically low but taxes on the medium income earners in this country is probably at an historical high.

I think it is likely that you are correct. Payroll taxes have "silently" increased over time for workers, as have state and municipal taxes, fees, etc. The tax burden has certainly shifted to the middle class and, YES, even the impoverished ones (have you ever heard of "sales taxes?"). And yet, whenever there is discussion about reversing this shift, the Republican Party screams "class warfare!" Hell, class warfare has been going on for a long time now, and since Reagan fucked things up, the aristocracy has been winning all of the battles.

which is why the fairest policy is one of no taxation :)
Balance the budget yearly or all of congress is ineligible for reelection

I liked my mom's solution. They balance the budget and whatever's left over is their pay. If nothing is left over, they don't get paid.

NO. This is not comparable in any way. Your mom does NOT create money.

HOWEVER, if you insist on expanding this metaphor, then imagine how wealthy your mom and your family would be if you COULD print money legally.

Get it yet?

Do you understand the term "tongue in cheek?" Or do you just have no sense of humor whatsoever?
Actually, I'd have to do some research but I'm pretty sure that taxes on the wealthy are historically low but taxes on the medium income earners in this country is probably at an historical high.

I think it is likely that you are correct. Payroll taxes have "silently" increased over time for workers, as have state and municipal taxes, fees, etc. The tax burden has certainly shifted to the middle class and, YES, even the impoverished ones (have you ever heard of "sales taxes?"). And yet, whenever there is discussion about reversing this shift, the Republican Party screams "class warfare!" Hell, class warfare has been going on for a long time now, and since Reagan fucked things up, the aristocracy has been winning all of the battles.

which is why the fairest policy is one of no taxation :)

And no government, then? You DO understand that unregulated, ungoverned capitalism is actually just feudalism, right? Capitalism cannot exist without a government that enforces fiscal policy.
I liked my mom's solution. They balance the budget and whatever's left over is their pay. If nothing is left over, they don't get paid.

NO. This is not comparable in any way. Your mom does NOT create money.

HOWEVER, if you insist on expanding this metaphor, then imagine how wealthy your mom and your family would be if you COULD print money legally.

Get it yet?

Do you understand the term "tongue in cheek?" Or do you just have no sense of humor whatsoever?

Hell, I assumed you were serious. A lot of right wing types actually believe that sort of thing.
NO. This is not comparable in any way. Your mom does NOT create money.

HOWEVER, if you insist on expanding this metaphor, then imagine how wealthy your mom and your family would be if you COULD print money legally.

Get it yet?

Do you understand the term "tongue in cheek?" Or do you just have no sense of humor whatsoever?

Hell, I assumed you were serious. A lot of right wing types actually believe that sort of thing.

I'll give you a pass, sometimes it is hard to detect humor on the internet.
I think it is likely that you are correct. Payroll taxes have "silently" increased over time for workers, as have state and municipal taxes, fees, etc. The tax burden has certainly shifted to the middle class and, YES, even the impoverished ones (have you ever heard of "sales taxes?"). And yet, whenever there is discussion about reversing this shift, the Republican Party screams "class warfare!" Hell, class warfare has been going on for a long time now, and since Reagan fucked things up, the aristocracy has been winning all of the battles.

which is why the fairest policy is one of no taxation :)

And no government, then? You DO understand that unregulated, ungoverned capitalism is actually just feudalism, right? Capitalism cannot exist without a government that enforces fiscal policy.

I'd be okay with no government. Really you could fund a minimal government with voluntary contributions.

Go ahead and tell me how unregulated capitalism is feudalism though, I'm anxious to hear that.
which is why the fairest policy is one of no taxation :)

And no government, then? You DO understand that unregulated, ungoverned capitalism is actually just feudalism, right? Capitalism cannot exist without a government that enforces fiscal policy.

I'd be okay with no government. Really you could fund a minimal government with voluntary contributions.

Go ahead and tell me how unregulated capitalism is feudalism though, I'm anxious to hear that.

Feudalism is how capitalism exists without central banks and regulated governance. It is (simply put) governance by capital; those with the wealth govern those without the wealth.

Do you know what "minimal government with voluntary contributions" looks like? Socialism. On a micro level, it is called "communitarianism." Personally, I don't think a government of 320 million can exist unless it infringes upon the freedom of most of the population; after all, it is damned near impossible to write ANY legislation that pleases both Massachusetts and Kansas.
Feudalism is how capitalism exists without central banks and regulated governance.

of course thats really really stupid as usual: (Wiki)"There is no broadly accepted modern definition of feudalism.[3][6] The adjective feudal was coined in the 17th century, and the noun feudalism, often used in a political and propaganda context, was not coined until the 19th century.[3] By the mid-20th century, François Louis Ganshof's Feudalism, 3r"

Moreover under Feudalism you had lords who became lords through military conquest!! The best way to think of a lord is as small Monarch. Vassels became worker bees in the monarchs army for protection and a home.

To compare it to capitalism is perfectly idiotic!! Capitalism is 100% about voluntary relationships. How can you always be so wrong????
Greetings. I'm a retired military officer and currently work as a government contractor and had to throw my two cents out there in regards to our current budget and the wasted money. The government contractor I work for a company that allows me to be out of my home and travel when needed (which is usually 3 weeks out of every month), so ALOT. The time I'm not on the road I'm still required to work while at home and usually accomplish quite a bit. The thing that kills me is that this company would rather send me somewhere to accomplish nothing for a week rather than allowing me to stay home for that week. They typically spend anywhere from $1,000-$1,5000 EXTRA for me to be there while I accomplish no more, and often times less than I could have had I been at home for that week. I just recently went on a 2 month trip which essentially cost the goverment and tax payers about $65,000 and I don't think I worked more than about 45 hours in that entire time. It's unbelieveable to me that the government is either that ignorant about spending this kind of money or simply just don't care. For just me and my 20+ co-workers and some of the wasted trips we've made, we alone could have saved the government $200,000-$500,000 dollars. And to think there are hundreds, if not thousands of other people doing the exact same thing. Quit wasting time and money and the deficit will be reduced without even making cuts. Unbelievable.
Greetings. I'm a retired military officer and currently work as a government contractor and had to throw my two cents out there in regards to our current budget and the wasted money. The government contractor I work for a company that allows me to be out of my home and travel when needed (which is usually 3 weeks out of every month), so ALOT. The time I'm not on the road I'm still required to work while at home and usually accomplish quite a bit. The thing that kills me is that this company would rather send me somewhere to accomplish nothing for a week rather than allowing me to stay home for that week. They typically spend anywhere from $1,000-$1,5000 EXTRA for me to be there while I accomplish no more, and often times less than I could have had I been at home for that week. I just recently went on a 2 month trip which essentially cost the goverment and tax payers about $65,000 and I don't think I worked more than about 45 hours in that entire time. It's unbelieveable to me that the government is either that ignorant about spending this kind of money or simply just don't care. For just me and my 20+ co-workers and some of the wasted trips we've made, we alone could have saved the government $200,000-$500,000 dollars. And to think there are hundreds, if not thousands of other people doing the exact same thing. Quit wasting time and money and the deficit will be reduced without even making cuts. Unbelievable.

the other day Obama said, there is still some waste in governemnt!! Liberals are absurd and stupid beyond belief. They still don't use competitive bidding in many areas of procurment, for example. They spend other peoples money like its well other peoples money and cant imagine anything different!! They do it as naturally as a lion kills to eat.

THey should be made illegal as the Constitution intended.

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