What caused over 400 separate wildfires in Canada?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I will refrain from speculating about eco-terrorism (but 400 fires?). The primary reasons appear to be the same reasons the US has bad wildfire outbreaks. Dryer than normal conditions and long term forest mismanagement, allowing underbrush to build up and die on the forest floor.

Difficult to “maintain” millions of acres worth of remote forest

Oh, heaven forbid we should give jobs to forest stewards!

Most forest services are mere shells of their former selves....I guess they think that they can hire some 90 pound female who only worries about some salamander instead of building/manning the number of fire towers needed.

Ever see the beginning of the 1953 War of the Worlds movie and the Forest Rangers in the fire tower spotting the fire the "pod" caused and sent men there to deal with it.....It's not far from the truth of the way it was back then.
I will refrain from speculating about eco-terrorism (but 400 fires?). The primary reasons appear to be the same reasons the US has bad wildfire outbreaks. Dryer than normal conditions and long term forest mismanagement, allowing underbrush to build up and die on the forest floor.

Arson. The AGW Cult has done it before. This time its to start the AGW Lockdowns
Most forest services are mere shells of their former selves....I guess they think that they can hire some 90 pound female who only worries about some salamander instead of building/manning the number of fire towers needed.

Ever see the beginning of the 1953 War of the Worlds movie and the Forest Rangers in the fire tower spotting the fire the "pod" caused and sent men there to deal with it.....It's not far from the truth of the way it was back then.

No, I've not seen it. I'll put it on my list.

Republicans can offer thoughts and pray for rain for Canada. :p
Likely a combination of things, but considering the fact that Canada is under the control of a really horrible, left-leaning "leader," I'm guessing that poor land management likely plays a significant part.

After all, the leftist pockets need that money so much more than any forest service employees.

I live in central MN and last year and this year are hazy thanks to fires in Manitoba and Saskatchewan damn near 1,000 miles away, add to that our own yearly forest fires in the north of MN. Just part of life in the northwoods. There are historical markers all over the state of major blazes back in the 1800's.
Nothing new.
Made for some cool sunsets though.
Butbutbutbut rakes!

Butbutbutbut bleache!

Butbutbutbut good people on both sides!

It’s hilarious what you’ve been groomed to believe.

Sorry to have triggered you so.

Why can't we sue the bastards for the cost of medical services for people who were impacted by the smoke in the U.S ? Did Canada fail to use reasonable concern for the environment that might be impacted by forest fires? Did they fail to manufacture and put fire fighting technology to work? Did they encourage or fail to arrest persons who might sabotage the areas? Does the political turmoil revolving around Quebec have any impact on the issue?

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