What caused over 400 separate wildfires in Canada?

Again, impossible in a nation the size of Canada
Up to 400 fires start almost simultaneously.
Does this simply reflect the fact that almost equal weather backgrounds applied, or does it raise other real possibilities ?
We have guys here in Texas that rent their goats out just for this purpose.
They come in and erect temporary fences and let the goats go to work.
If the goats can reach it it gets eaten.
Catalina can only use goats for brush removal. Unless it's by hand. Parts of Californians have prohibited using goats. I have no idea why.
Catalina can only use goats for brush removal. Unless it's by hand. Parts of Californians have prohibited using goats. I have no idea why.
The whacko environmentalists. Our "virgin" forests didn't have herds of goats running through them clearing underbrush. They'd rather the forests burn to the ground than use an ounce of common sense.
Up to 400 fires start almost simultaneously.
Does this simply reflect the fact that almost equal weather backgrounds applied, or does it raise other real possibilities ?
like Jewish space lasers?
The whacko environmentalists. Our "virgin" forests didn't have herds of goats running through them clearing underbrush. They'd rather the forests burn to the ground than use an ounce of common sense.
Without human interference there would be periodic natural fires that would get rid of the dead underbrush and diseased trees. Healthy forests burn.
Without human interference there would be periodic natural fires that would get rid of the dead underbrush and diseased trees. Healthy forests burn.
No, that leads to the massive fires we see in the West and Canada.

Good forest management includes several prongs to be successful. Prescribed burns are a significant part of that goal. Near me is the world-famous research facility, "Tall Timbers". They manage hundreds of thousands of acres of private land. The prescribed burns clear out the excessive buildup of flammable, dead undergrowth and dead trees. The healthy trees are not harmed and plants spring back quickly on the forest floor.

Fire breaks are also cut through the forests. These are not roads, simply 15 or 20' wide bulldozed areas that allow easier access by heavy machines in the case of a fire and provide defense lines to halt the spread of actual wildfires.

Logging is also a part of the program.
I will refrain from speculating about eco-terrorism (but 400 fires?). The primary reasons appear to be the same reasons the US has bad wildfire outbreaks. Dryer than normal conditions and long term forest mismanagement, allowing underbrush to build up and die on the forest floor.

Turdeau sent his eco-terrorists in to whip up more climate fear.


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