What compels actors / actresses to ‘identify’ as Leftist Democrats?

It comes down to this: What sort of person decides to pursue acting as a career? They are more touchy-feely people.

To be silly for a moment, this is why, when you see a male actor portraying an athlete, they usually look like the dweebs who starred in your high school musical. Because they are.

With exceptions, of course - Tom Sellick, Mark Harmon, Tom Cruise...
It’s because they like the media live in a bubble where everyone thinks the same. They are like the so called cool kids in high school everyone has to believe in the same things and think the same way to become or stay part of the group. The irony of course going along to get along requires no thinking at all.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Besides, the internet does not have the room for all the proof

Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
actors/actresses all know what they need to do and say publicly if they want work...nothing else is necessary to get them onboard.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
/——/ They are pandering to the uber leftist Hollywood producers that provide them with movie roles. Say the wrong thing and poof- no work for you.
Listen to them. Most are hardly functional idiots operating under a hive mind. Their saving talent is they are good at pretending.

Most of them are ignorant shitstains at which we would be screaming "I said CUT THE MUSTARD, you dumb mother fucker!!" thru a Whataburger window, save for some ungodly Butterfly Effect that dropped them into this decadent pile of shit known as hollywood.
What compels actors / actresses to ‘identify’ as Leftist Democrats?

If they don't Hollywood black lists them and they never work again. That's why they say one thing while doing the total opposite, like Al Gore flying around solo on his jet while preaching global warming.
Not to worry though, your Donald loves the poorly educated!

I remember seeing him say that live. It was startling, but again --- his truth-telling is a delightful shock! Of course his audience applauded --- it's the ultimate democratic statement. And he's getting more and more black votes now, I read.

Because he understands. It's not the education, or the money, or their race or where they live: it's the votes. That's the thing people like Bloomberg or Hillary just don't get. His campaign needs a sign: It's the votes, stupid.
Talent, good looks AND intelligence.
Sounds like Kathy Bates

She is talented, intelligent and not unattractive. She's a very good actress.

There are some conservative actors, and we should all support them, but mostly, yeah, it's that if they don't pretend to be Left, they'll "never work again in this town," as the movie said.

However, another factor is who a person identifies with: the rich or the poor? It doesn't seem to matter how much money people have, which group they identify with. The rich often identify poor politically, and vice versa. Hollywood actors typically identify with the poor, if they aren't just acting about what they believe, and maybe that's because they nearly all start out from humble origins and with funny names.
...they don't know how it is to live in the real world--regarding $$$/safety/work/hours/etc etc
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
Mostly because they care about other people and think Conservatives are callous A Holes

Nope. Its because the only way they get hired for films is if they are lefty loons.

The only conservative who always worked was Charleton Heston and he started out as a lefty loon till he saw the light and realized the left wasn't where he wanted to be.

If actors want work then they tow the lefty line.
Most of them went to good colleges and are educated. The more education, the less likely they are to be know-nothing Drumpf voters who are easily brainwashed and can be led around by the short-n-curlies.

Not to worry though, your Donald loves the poorly educated!

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

The more MISeducated (aka brainwashed), the more likely they are to be oblivious to the GREAT job that Trump has done.

Leftists are the "know-nothings" in America, including in this forum, as I have proven over and over again.

Anybody doubting that, is welcome to take my Islamization Quiz, or read my 2 Quiz for Liberals OPs, in which USMB liberals have displayed their unequivocal, unadulterated, undeniable IGNORANCE.
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