What compels actors / actresses to ‘identify’ as Leftist Democrats?

Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
Mostly because they care about other people and think Conservatives are callous A Holes

Nope. Its because the only way they get hired for films is if they are lefty loons.

The only conservative who always worked was Charleton Heston and he started out as a lefty loon till he saw the light and realized the left wasn't where he wanted to be.

If actors want work then they tow the lefty line.

Not really. I think if they just stay un-politcial they do okay. They are not allowed to voice their political opinion until they are out of the business, just out, or are so popular that Hollywood is making too much money off of them to give them the boot.

I don't believe people like Clint Eastwood or Scott Baio turned conservative once out of the limelight. Patricia Heaton, best known for her role on Everybody Loves Raymond, is a conservative woman, but doesn't flaunt it. She still worked when the series ended.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?

They are extremely shallow people with lots of money. They want to impress other rich people with their worth.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
Mostly because they care about other people and think Conservatives are callous A Holes

No, mostly because Hollywood is Jewish run, and we all know the political stance of most Jewish folks.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
Mostly because they care about other people and think Conservatives are callous A Holes

Nope. Its because the only way they get hired for films is if they are lefty loons.

The only conservative who always worked was Charleton Heston and he started out as a lefty loon till he saw the light and realized the left wasn't where he wanted to be.

If actors want work then they tow the lefty line.
This does have some truth, but there are more right wing actors than most people think. They don't go around blabbering their views like leftists do, but they are out there.

I even posted a link to a list of 50 of them, at one time.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?

It's creativity. I think to be a top actor, you have to be able to put yourself in the body of another person; the part you're playing. So many of these people don't live in the real world. They live in a make-believe world not only on stage, but off stage as well.

I think liberal voters are somewhat the same way. They can never see things for what they really are. They strongly lack logic and common sense. They think if you take guns away from the innocent, that's the best way to fight crime. They think that a person can change from man to woman by wearing different clothing. They think that failures are created by the rich people, instead of the individuals themselves. For crying out loud, they believe that climate and temperature is controlled by man, and not God.
Talent, good looks AND intelligence.
That's what got Hillary elected in 2016.
It's what got her 3 million more actual votes.
Problem is "actual" votes, is more than just LEGAL and proper votes. It includes the votes of an estimated 8 million illegal aliens.

With respect to LEGAL AMERICAN votes, Trump won, in a landslide.

Can't you just hear all the Democrat dupos now saying "What? What? This can't be . CNN told us Hillary won the popular vote."

Poor souls don't know they're watching liberal OMISSION media.

See the list of illegal voting links in the thread "Most Disgraceful People in 2019"
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Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
Mostly because they care about other people and think Conservatives are callous A Holes

No they don't. Lol. They're superficial and vain. Who are you kidding.
Talent, good looks AND intelligence.
That's what got Hillary elected in 2016.
It's what got her 3 million more actual votes.
Problem is "actual" votes, is more than just LEGAL and proper votes. It includes the votes of an estimated 8 million illegal aliens.

With respect to LEGAL AMERICAN votes, Trump won, in a landslide.

Can't you just hear all the Democrat dupos now saying "What? What? This can't be . CNN told us Hillary won the popular vote."

Poor souls don't know they're watching liberal OMISSION media.

Hillary's overage basically came out of California. Any state with Motor Voting has to be suspect.
Most of them went to good colleges and are educated. The more education, the less likely they are to be know-nothing Drumpf voters who are easily brainwashed and can be led around by the short-n-curlies.

Not to worry though, your Donald loves the poorly educated!

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

The more MISeducated (aka brainwashed), the more likely they are to be oblivious to the GREAT job that Trump has done.

Leftists are the "know-nothings" in America, including in this forum, as I have proven over and over again.

Anybody doubting that, is welcome to take my Islamization Quiz, or read my 2 Quiz for Liberals OPs, in which USMB liberals have displayed their unequivocal, unadulterated, undeniable IGNORANCE.

Because someone disagrees with your likely narrow worldview is not an indicator of ignorance. It's a FACT that Trump supporters are less educated. My link proved it.

Education isn't "brainwashing" as seems to be your claim. Brainwashing is what Dear Leader has done to his disciples in a magnificent cult of personality. The man could take a dump on your New Years Eve prime rib and you'd think it was gravy.

Nobody "proves" much of anything in these forums. Nobody changes anyones mind about anything - Nature of the beast. So your declarations of victory ring hollow.

Happy New Year! :eusa_dance:
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?
Actors and actresses are called upon to change people's opinions by playing roles the directors decide on. Some of the people who influence choice of casts are serial rapists and have ties to bad influences in society. They have convinced people that being good is boring, being religious is repugnant, and that talking dirty will get you heard. Aberrant behavior is glorified, and so is chaos. This experimentalism moves in on behavioral norms to separate children from parents, wives from husbands, and violence make a lot of noise to hold an audience captive to their idea of good and bad.

Too much open mindedness has a tacky result. Hollywood has gone there.
Since it’s no secret that Hollyweird is overwhelming Leftist I’m guessing no link is required to prove credibility.
Where does Hollyweird gets its programming / indoctrination and why is Leftism so predominant among actors and actresses?

You are right to notice this and its too obvious to ignore so there must be a reason.

They are shallow people whose skill set is pretending. But they have a lot of money.

They are afraid of it being taken by the fickle crowd that worships them so they virtue signal. They stand in their mansions and say "I sure wish somebody would do something about all these poor people."

They identify with other rich and want to impress them. Leftist bromides are the easiest way for shallow people to appear deep.

And with all that money comes attention from politicians who want it. When Democrats come calling they open their wallets and purses and it gets them political sage status and they feel important. They can be part of the ruling elite...or at least appear alongside them. "Lady gaga is taking the stage now!"

Hollywood is run by a people who despise Americans and have a need to control them. The entertainment help has to satisfy the studio bosses to keep working.

And finally its the filth. The filth that comes out of Hollywood is something they have to embrace before they spread it. It destroys their souls.

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