What Complete Nonsense

Possibly the ruling was based upon intent.

Nobody can say Trump's intent was to keep Muslims out of the country when most of the worlds Muslims are still allowed in.
Obviously 2 judges did.

Yes, activist judges who are usurping our legislative process. The law is very clear and not in the least way ambiguous. If we allow these tyrants to create law on the bench, the country is doomed. Both should be removed from their position.
Spoken like a true asshole who knows zero about our judicial system

If you believe that judges have the right to decide against laws simply because they don't like them or because it doesn't fit their political agenda it's you that knows nothing about our judicial system yet alone understand the rolls of government branches.
Also, there is a reason the 9th circuit is the most overturned in the country.
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

So Donald Trump should unconstitutionally go around the courts because you don't agree that the first EO was halted on a constitutional basis?

Just admit that you want a dictator.
Obie did it when they ruled on his oil drilling ban. I'm sure you were all for it then though.
Nobody can say Trump's intent was to keep Muslims out of the country when most of the worlds Muslims are still allowed in.
Obviously 2 judges did.

Yes, activist judges who are usurping our legislative process. The law is very clear and not in the least way ambiguous. If we allow these tyrants to create law on the bench, the country is doomed. Both should be removed from their position.
Spoken like a true asshole who knows zero about our judicial system

If you believe that judges have the right to decide against laws simply because they don't like them or because it doesn't fit their political agenda it's you that knows nothing about our judicial system yet alone understand the rolls of government branches.
Also, there is a reason the 9th circuit is the most overturned in the country.
They ARE NOT the most overturned in the country. get your head of of your azz
what ban?
Exactly, there is no ban and the courts will not allow one to be
There wasn't one proposed.

again, what ban?
Do you have a different name for the ban? What do the right wingers prefer to call it

Has Trump submitted an EO banning anyone?

What do his EOs request?
If no one is banned, then anyone would be allowed to enter the country at any time- correctamundo?

Its not about the length of the ban, its about banning a religion.

Okay, well why don't you post the EO right here and now and point out to us where religion is mentioned
If you go back to his many comments during the primaries, religion was mentioned. Most likely the appellate court judges took this into account
December 2015
The real estate mogul-turned-presidential candidate shakes up the race when he announces that he wants to bar foreign Muslims from entering the country following the shooting in San Bernardino, California. "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," his campaign says in a release.

Which has what to do with a temporary halt for refugees from certain countries?
Its a religious ban, based upon previous comments

You're putting on an act, right?
Okay, well why don't you post the EO right here and now and point out to us where religion is mentioned
If you go back to his many comments during the primaries, religion was mentioned. Most likely the appellate court judges took this into account
December 2015
The real estate mogul-turned-presidential candidate shakes up the race when he announces that he wants to bar foreign Muslims from entering the country following the shooting in San Bernardino, California. "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," his campaign says in a release.

Which has what to do with a temporary halt for refugees from certain countries?
Its a religious ban, based upon previous comments

You're putting on an act, right?
do you know better than the jurists?
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Trump should be more Trump on this matter.

He should rewrite the order, and this time for a six month ban. If a liberal judge strikes that one down, rewrite it again for a one year ban. If another lib judge strikes that one down, rewrite another one for a two year ban and so on.

Liberals know they will eventually lose this battle, so let them make the decision on how painful they wish to lose.

Trump is fighting a losing battle here because there is NO EVIDENCE of terrorists coming in from these countries.

Trumpbots keep talking like there is some urgency in this ban. There isn't. There isn't even a valid reason for it. Just because Trump reads the daily briefings and shits his pants doesn't mean the rest of the world is cowering under their beds too.

Every day that Trump is in office makes America look like a weak and frightened nation of fools and losers.

Read the law again. Trump doesn't need a reason. A judge cannot rule that a law can't be enacted because "they" think he doesn't have a reason to exercise such law.
I could read the law every single day, I can even sing it to you, but its not going to change the decision one bit, putz

What would you like to bet that this law will be in place by June?
Its not a law, Homer, and we dont need it

It is a law and I should have used the word "enforced." And we don't need it? Are you at the security meetings with the US President? Are you privy to confidential and classified information like our President? How about those lib judges, are they abreast of our national security that even our media doesn't know about?
It is a law and I should have used the word "enforced." And we don't need it? Are you at the security meetings with the US President? Are you privy to confidential and classified information like our President? How about those lib judges, are they abreast of our national security that even our media doesn't know about?

If you're talking about Trumps executive order, it is NOT a law. It is an executive order, issued under the authority given to the president by the constitution and acts of congress. Laws can only be written by congress, and signed by the president. The presidents approval needed, unless 2/3rds of both houses agree.
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Hey, numbnuts, YOU were the one with the position stating that trump should, in effect, nullify and forsake decisions by the Article III Courts saying he, "...should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now." Doing that would be a direct violation of separation of powers by the Executive Branch! That's crystal clear!
...and judicial review does not apply in this case.
The decisions on both of the deficient EO's trump & Co. produced were based on Constitutional grounds. IF Emperor Wannabe trump were to ignore the Courts and the Orders from same as you suggested, the Courts would surely be basing their decisions on the UNCONSTITUTIONALITY of that conduct.

Damn, but you are ignorant of the Law of the Land!
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It is a law and I should have used the word "enforced." And we don't need it? Are you at the security meetings with the US President? Are you privy to confidential and classified information like our President? How about those lib judges, are they abreast of our national security that even our media doesn't know about?

If you're talking about Trumps executive order, it is NOT a law. It is an executive order, issued under the authority given to the president by the constitution and acts of congress. Laws can only be written by congress, and signed by the president. The presidents approval needed, unless 2/3rds of both houses agree.

I said he used law to make his decision. It was instituted by the Congress years ago.
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Hey, numbnuts, YOU were the one with the position stating that trump should, in effect, nullify and forsake decisions by the Article III Courts saying he, "...should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now." Doing that would be a direct violation of separation of powers by the Executive Branch! That's crystal clear!

I see the message has passed you by, as well as logic. Not unusual.

The decisions on both of the deficient EO's trump & Co. produced were based on Constitutional grounds.

What constitutional grounds were those? Please indicate article and paragraph.
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Hey, numbnuts, YOU were the one with the position stating that trump should, in effect, nullify and forsake decisions by the Article III Courts saying he, "...should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now." Doing that would be a direct violation of separation of powers by the Executive Branch! That's crystal clear!

I see the message has passed you by, as well as logic. Not unusual.

The decisions on both of the deficient EO's trump & Co. produced were based on Constitutional grounds.

What constitutional grounds were those? Please indicate article and paragraph.
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Hey, numbnuts, YOU were the one with the position stating that trump should, in effect, nullify and forsake decisions by the Article III Courts saying he, "...should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now." Doing that would be a direct violation of separation of powers by the Executive Branch! That's crystal clear!

I see the message has passed you by, as well as logic. Not unusual.

The decisions on both of the deficient EO's trump & Co. produced were based on Constitutional grounds.

What constitutional grounds were those? Please indicate article and paragraph.
You're were and are wrong asshole! Live with it. I'm not dumpster diving after your dodging and dancing to avoid responding with substance. You made the erroneous bullshit claims trying to give the naked Orange Emperor cover for his continual fuck-ups and STUPIDITY! Enjoy your shit sundae's dickhead!
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Hey, numbnuts, YOU were the one with the position stating that trump should, in effect, nullify and forsake decisions by the Article III Courts saying he, "...should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now." Doing that would be a direct violation of separation of powers by the Executive Branch! That's crystal clear!

I see the message has passed you by, as well as logic. Not unusual.

The decisions on both of the deficient EO's trump & Co. produced were based on Constitutional grounds.

What constitutional grounds were those? Please indicate article and paragraph.
Trump should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now. and make a short statement that until these judges can provide proof of their constitutional authority to override HIS clear constitutional authority, their rulings on this matter will be ignored.

Trump Admin Challenges Hawaii Judge’s Halt On New Travel Ban
GAWD, I'd love for the asshole in chief to do just that very thing! It would be just one more justifiable reason to dump trump!

You do realize that to do that would be a direct assault on his oath of office right along with being a direct attack on Constitutional separation of powers! And that is to say nothing of the Article III Courts' duty of Judicial Review when necessary! trump is NOT Emperor of these United States!


The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
The only ones directly attacking the separation of powers are the two Obama-pick judges, and judicial review does not apply in this case. Trump has the constitutional authority to use his own discretion in these matters..
Hey, numbnuts, YOU were the one with the position stating that trump should, in effect, nullify and forsake decisions by the Article III Courts saying he, "...should order DHS, ICE and other agencies to comply in full with the first EO, right now." Doing that would be a direct violation of separation of powers by the Executive Branch! That's crystal clear!

I see the message has passed you by, as well as logic. Not unusual.

The decisions on both of the deficient EO's trump & Co. produced were based on Constitutional grounds.

What constitutional grounds were those? Please indicate article and paragraph.
You're were and are wrong asshole! Live with it. I'm not dumpster diving after your dodging and dancing to avoid responding with substance. You made the erroneous bullshit claims trying to give the naked Orange Emperor cover for his continual fuck-ups and STUPIDITY! Enjoy your shit sundae's dickhead!

I see you're an idiot, as previously noted. Revel in your ignorance.

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