What Constitutional Rights Apply to an Unborn Fetus: Judicial Interpretation as opposed to Legal/JudicialPhilosophy

above -- perfect example of why abortion is not only needed, but necessary
Calling for me to be killed. Got it.

Also calling for the death penalty for anyone who disagrees with you.

Aren’t you just a classy guy?

Well, tell you what, why don’t you just feel free to fuck around with your trying to kill us and find out what happens to little shitbirds like you?

Unlike you I won’t try to invent a retarded lie excuse to attack and kill someone, but self-defense always works, and you deranged pro-abort filth love violence and hate human rights, so just go ahead and try whatever evil bullshit is in your nature already, you sick fuck sociopath, and then good people can take care of the problem that is you.
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America needs a constitutional amendment to keep abortion safe and to have the death penalty for those who would interfere with a woman's rights

Yes, any woman held against her will and prohibited from having sex should she find a willing partner, is a victim of a felony.

And the felon should face the maximum penalty if found guilty.

You really sound stupid.
Calling for me to be killed. Got it.

Also calling for the death penalty for anyone who disagrees with you.

Aren’t you just a classy guy?

Well, tell you what, why don’t you just feel free to fuck around with your trying to kill us and find out what happens to little shitbirds like you?

Unlike you I won’t try to invent a retarded lie excuse to attack and kill someone, but self-defense always works, and you deranged pro-abort filth love violence and hate human rights, so just go ahead and try whatever evil bullshit is in your nature already, you sick fuck sociopath, and then good people can take care of the problem that is you.
Killed? You wouldn't have been born or existed. LOL

Killed? You wouldn't have been born or existed. LOL

You are a delusional retard devoid of basic fact or sanity.

Living things that are rendered dead by the actions of others are killed. K I L L E D.

Let’s use it in a sentence: “Hopefully, this poster named Dante Reawakened will do something befitting his blatant stupidity and evil and gets himself justifiably killed so we never have to read his bullshit ever again.”
You are a delusional retard devoid of basic fact or sanity.

Living things that are rendered dead by the actions of others are killed. K I L L E D.

Let’s use it in a sentence: “Hopefully, this poster named Dante Reawakened will do something befitting his blatant stupidity and evil and gets himself justifiably killed so we never have to read his bullshit ever again.”
get a life. preferably one of your own

yet another lonely little angry human being
get a life
Take yours.

The Ninth Amendment is not a grab bag for whatever bullshit you could possibly imagine as a vehicle for federal power.

When you argue the “right to privacy” can only be cited in text that cites nothing, then you concede you are no longer talking about Constitutional rights, you miserable bootlicker sociopath filth.

Your wishful thinking that the text should exist doesn’t make it so. Benjamin Franklin didn’t write anything in secret decoder ink, trash.
Take yours.

The Ninth Amendment is not a grab bag for whatever bullshit you could possibly imagine as a vehicle for federal power.

When you argue the “right to privacy” can only be cited in the thing that cites nothing, then you concede you are not longer talking about Constitutional rights, you miserable bootlicker sociopath filth.
ok sad, angry, little human being
go lick the boots of a MAster, while begging to get beaten ... What is your safe word?
I mean, you’re the bootlicker, wanting infinite big daddy government as you have admitted here today.

It’s amazing you would have the gall to say something like that, but you leftoid trash are utterly shameless if nothing else.

professional help

you've long past the self help stage

Me? Nah, but you my friend?, now you seem to have some definite deep seeded anger issues. Ohhhhh, yeah, somebody need some professional couch time!

I hear that just talking about your issues with the doc can make you feel much much better.

Give it a shot and report back.

So, would you agree that the legal standard “similarly situated”, is something important in insuring equal rights?
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And even limited rights include “cannot be killed”
Really? From a country with EXECUTIONS. Are you kidding me?

You only find that inconsistent because you value the lives of the very lowest of subhuman criminal shit more than you value the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
Children can’t be executed. Except of course by Mommy.

Your arguments are all over the place. Try sticking to the topic. Children can't be executed, though children who committed crimes can be executed as adults. The shortest time on death row is eight months, but it took the guy four years from crime to death sentence.

Here's a list of people executed for crimes as children. Mostly Texas, surprise, surprise. Twenty two is the youngest death row victim (since 1976)
Now there is Roper v. Simmons which makes it illegal be executed for crimes under the age of 18, but since Row v. Wade got overturned, anything is possible these days.

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