What Constitutional Rights Apply to an Unborn Fetus: Judicial Interpretation as opposed to Legal/JudicialPhilosophy

It’s amazing, ask why an eight month gestated fetus is not similarly situated to a fetus, and we deflect to chicken eggs?
In this thread: people who call human beings “eggs” because they don’t understand the basics of sexual reproduction let alone how it occurs in mammals.

Females of a oviparous species lay large eggs; these eggs have within them a germinal disc that equates to what it is a human egg cell. Fertilized or not, this hard fibrous shell and the yoke within it remain. Well the yoke, at least, is consumed by the young organism and then they eventually break out of said shell.

Humans? No. We’re viviparous. Again, mammalian egg cells equate only to that tiny germinal disc in egg-layers.

Fertilization means sperm meets egg cell and combines: sperm cell gone, egg cell gone, new human in the zygote stage of life.

It should go without saying that calling this human “an egg” is retarded.

You don’t want to be retarded, do you?

And then in this specific context… they freeze embryos in the blastocyst stage, not zygotes, so that original cell made from irreversible fusion of sperm and egg has been divided so very many times, and this guy is still calling that human an “egg.”
Lastly, cnm sure, human beings in the embryonic stage of life (who are not fucking “eggs,” see above until you get it through your skull) possess the ability to be frozen and not die… sometimes. A lot of them don’t actually survive the process, and yeah, that is the IVF staff committing a homicide, objectively.

And when the humans in the embryonic stage of life are never given opportunity to implant and time runs out, or they are discarded, again, that is absolutely mass homicide committed by the IVF clinic.

I think IVF clinics are quite vile as they conduct themselves today. If they’re not going to give every embryo they create an opportunity to implant, shut them down and ban them.
No, as you’re not talking about humans anymore.
Lol. If I say it in Latin, will you be able to avoid deflecting?

So, if a fertilised ovum is frozen, has murder been committed?

What am I thinking? The deflection is as strong in this one as their position is specious.
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Lol. If I say it in Latin, will you be able to avoid deflecting?

So, if a fertilised ovum is frozen, has murder been committed?

My irritation at and subsequent condemnation of your ignorance and / or stupidity does not constitute deflection. You are not speaking coherently about events in objective reality on Earth when you refer to human beings as “eggs” or “ovum,” you raging moron.

If you are talking about “fertilized eggs” I will assume you are most likely talking about chickens, and if you want to put those in the freezer be my guest.
My irritation at and subsequent condemnation of your ignorance and / or stupidity does not constitute deflection.
Yes it does. Deflection from the objective reality you cannot face because as soon as you do face it your position disappears in a puff of spurious indignation.
Lastly, @cnm sure, human beings in the embryonic stage of life



  1. The collection of cells that has developed from the fertilized egg of a vertebrate animal, before all the major organs have developed.
  2. A collection of such cells of a human, especially from implantation in the uterine wall through the eighth week of development.
  3. The young sporophytic plant contained within a seed or an archegonium.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
More at Wordnik

You are not speaking coherently about events in objective reality on Earth when you refer to human beings as “eggs” or “ovum,” you raging moron.
It's not my fault reality scares you so much. Seek help.
Then what happened to her was worse than rape!

Henrietta’s cells are within a living human being, just as the fetus is made up of multiple cells. And yes, at a minimum, they both have a right to live.
Henrietta's cells are in laboratories all over the country where they are cloned repeatedly for research. You should file charges against all those laboratories for illegally imprisoning a human being.
Henrietta's cells are in laboratories all over the country where they are cloned repeatedly for research. You should file charges against all those laboratories for illegally imprisoning a human being.

The extent you folks will go to to justify the taking of innocent human life!

Amazing. It really is
Shouldn't the Hague be notified about this?
I’m answering your fucking question, dickhead.

Even though you didn’t know to ask it in English with words reflecting reality, I parsed it and translated it to English from your native Retardish.
She did not consent Dipshit.

A fertilized ovum is a single cell and you say it has rights of personhood so why not Henrietta's cells?

If these were undifferentiated stem cells, then you might have an argument. This may be outside the edges of what I really know about human biology, but it seems plausible to me that under the right conditions, a human stem cell could be placed in a uterus, and stimulated with the right hormones, and go on to develop along the same path that a zygote would. You might, therefore, be able to argue that a separate stem cell is as much a human being as a zygote. But that is quite a stretch.

But these are not stem cells. They are fully-differentiated cells, incapable of developing in any such manner. In fact, they are cancerous cells, which if they did go on to develop into anything, would only develop into cancerous tumors.

You're left trying to argue that a cell that is, in fact, nothing more than an artificially-preserved artifact of an unusual cancer, and which wouldn't even be alive in any sense without significant artificial human intervention, is comparable to a cell which is, undeniably, a human being at his very earliest stage of existence.
Henrietta Lacks was the name of a dead organism of the species Homo sapiens.

I don’t know why we’re comparing living human beings to dead ones in this thread.

Actually worse, we’re comparing part of the body of said corpse with the entire body of a living organism, as though each skin cell in your body was its own human being, as though every sperm cell or egg cell were their own human being, etc.
The extent you folks will go to to justify the taking of innocent human life!

Amazing. It really is
So do Henrietta's cells deserve all the rights of personhood or not? And just what do you propose to do about the crimes people have committed against them?
Henrietta Lacks was the name of a dead organism of the species Homo sapiens.

I don’t know why we’re comparing living human beings to dead ones in this thread.

Actually worse, we’re comparing part of the body of said corpse with the entire body of a living organism, as though each skin cell in your body was its own human being, as though every sperm cell or egg cell were their own human being, etc.

Part of Henrietta is still alive today. If you actually hold the ideal that a single celled fertilized human ovum is endowed with all the rights of personhood then why don't you think Henrietta's still living cells are not worthy of the same?

Maybe you ought to read up on her and then ponder why she has been called the immortal woman.

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