What Constitutional Rights Apply to an Unborn Fetus: Judicial Interpretation as opposed to Legal/JudicialPhilosophy

Oh so it's only "new" single celled humans that count huh?

That is the entire body of a new organism of our species, moron.

So yes, the entire body of an organism, aka the organism, counts as a living organism.

And some preserved tissue sample taken off a long-since corpse assuredly does not.
That is the entire body of a new organism of our species, moron.

So yes, the entire body of an organism, aka the organism, counts as a living organism.

And some preserved tissue sample taken off a long-since corpse assuredly does not.
So what? And FYI it wasn't taken off of a corpse. Maybe if you read the links I posted you wouldn't be so ignorant on the subject
So you’re comparing an entire living organism to some cells from a dead organism. That’s kind of dumb on your part. More than kind of. More than just dumb.

Didn’t say otherwise. She is, nonetheless, deceased.
YOU said a one celled zygote has all the rights of personhood. There is no biological difference between a one cell zygote and any other single human cell
YOU said a one celled zygote has all the rights of personhood.
I believe all living human beings should be legal persons.

A human being in the zygote stage of life is a human being and alive, reflexively obvious and true, undeniable.

There is no biological difference between a one cell zygote and any other single human cell
You’re… extremely stupid to think that could somehow be true. It doesn’t matter what type of cancer Lacks had, random cancer cell X isn’t a totipotent cell, and as noted, CANCER, so its DNA is damaged, badly.
I believe all living human beings should be legal persons.

A human being in the zygote stage of life is a human being and alive, reflexively obvious and true, undeniable.

You’re… extremely stupid to think that could somehow be true. It doesn’t matter what type of cancer Lacks had, random cancer cell X isn’t a totipotent cell, and as noted, CANCER, so its DNA is damaged, badly.
So what if it's alive? Henrietta's cells are alive.

Not all human cells are persons. A zygote is not a person just like Henrietta's cells are not a person
So what if it's alive? Henrietta's cells are alive.
The distinction between living human being and dead human being is still lost on you. That’s okay. You’re too dumb to understand that opposites are not the same thing. I get it.

Not all human cells are persons.
But all human beings should be persons. A human being in the zygote stage of life is a human being, not some member of some other species until you arbitrarily say otherwise. And at that stage of life, the first stage, the organisms entire body is one cell.

You are welcome for this remediation of something you should have mastered in middle school… or really, well before.
The distinction between living human being and dead human being is still lost on you. That’s okay. You’re too dumb to understand that opposites are not the same thing. I get it.

But all human beings should be persons. A human being in the zygote stage of life is a human being, not some member of some other species until you arbitrarily say otherwise. And at that stage of life, the first stage, the organisms entire body is one cell.

You are welcome for this remediation of something you should have mastered in middle school… or really, well before.

You are arguing that a human cell is not a person while contradicting this very argument by saying a single cell zygote is a person.
You are arguing that a human cell is not a person
I am arguing that the preserved random tissue from a dead human is not a living human.

Whereas the living human is a living human. Obviously.

Let’s try this another way for the very, very stupid. Your body, as a living organism, is the sum total of all of the cells that comprise it. But even a complex multicellular organism that is made up of trillions of cells as an adult begins its lifespan with a body of one cell, just one.

So yes, the ENTIRE BODY of an organism would constitute that organism, and that organism would have to be alive, and a member of a species: in this case, a living human being.

This is basic, textbook science.

If you scrape off some skin cells and put them in a Petri dish, well, they won’t last very long probably because they’re not cancer cells, but they may last a while. Point is, these random skin cells, detached from you, certainly do not constitute their own human being, and you already knew this obvious fact, so stop wasting everyone’s time with your bullshit.
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I am arguing that the preserved random tissue from a dead human is not a living human.

Whereas the living human is a living human. Obviously. Retard.
You are contradicting yourself. And I have told you that those cells were taken when Henrietta was alive not after she was dead. So you are still arguing that a cell is not a person in one instance and that it is a person in another.

A single cell zygote is no more of a human cell than any other human cell. Both are technically human life but neither one is a person
You are contradicting yourself.
Not once.

And I have told you that those cells were taken when Henrietta was alive not after she was dead.
Didn’t need you to tell me that, also irrelevant.

So you are still arguing that a cell is not a person in one instance and that it is a person in another.
A living human being should be a person.

Is a human being in the zygote stage of life a living human being? Yes. Obviously.

Are some random cancer cells from a dead woman preserved in a lab some living cells that came from a human? Sure. Are they each their own human being? No, not at all. Obviously, and you know that.

They are entirely differentiated adult cells, and diseased from a terrible amount dna mutation. The physiology at hand is totally different from the totipotent zygote immediately post fertilization, a single cell which is an entire body of a living organism.
Not once.

Didn’t need you to tell me that, also irrelevant.

A human being should be a person.

Is a human being in the zygote stage of life a living human being? Yes. Obviously.

Are some random cancer cells from a dead woman preserved in a lab some living cells that came from a human? Sure. Are they each their own human being? No, not at all. Obviously, and you know that.
Is a human cell a human being?
dems are also voting against the resolution condemning violence against pro life facilities ... Dante you need to take a deep long honest look at the party you support .
He not even an American.
Is a human cell a human being?
When that cell is a human being in the zygote stage of life, yes, objectively.

Like every other multicellular organism you once had a body consisting of exactly one cell. That one cell was you. Now you are many many more cells, the collective of which is you. The difference is just time and age.
There is no biological difference between a zygote and any other single human cell.
Objectively false and we’ve already been through this.

You are either insane or stupid, or both, and this is willful, time wasting bad faith ignorance.

This has been explained, you just want to troll.

Just shut up. Fuck off, troll.

Actually you know what?! You can equate yourself with a cancer cell. That seems fitting. It’s still wrong, but I consider you to have the same general vibe as cancer.
Objectively false and we’ve already been through this.

You are either insane or stupid, or both, and this is willful, time wasting bad faith ignorance.

This has been explained, you just want to troll.

Just shut up. Fuck off, troll.

Actually you know what?! You can equate yourself with a cancer cell. That seems fitting. It’s still wrong, but I consider you to have the same general vibe as cancer.

Actually it is objectively true.

And if you understood anything I was saying you would realize that I do not believe a single human cell is a person. That is YOUR position which you have contradicted repeatedly.
Actually it is objectively true.
You have been proven wrong on every point, point by point, exhaustively, and you declare yourself the victor as you continue to spout the same disproven insanity.

You are a transparently pathetic troll.

I do not believe a single human cell is a person.
What you believe is pretty irrelevant.

When it comes to science, that is a matter of fact, and you have made several grievous factual errors.

When it comes to personhood, the law is whatever it currently is, but the law can change. This is inherently a debate about changing that law.

I believe in equality - I do not think we should deny personhood to any living human being.
You believe in your bigotry and discriminating against your fellow human being to the extent that you would deny them personhood so they can be killed on a whim. You are despicable.
You have been proven wrong on every point, point by point, exhaustively, and you declare yourself the victor as you continue to spout the same disproven insanity.

You are a transparently pathetic troll.

What you believe is pretty irrelevant.

When it comes to science, that is a matter of fact, and you have made several grievous factual errors.

When it comes to personhood, the law is whatever it currently is, but the law can change. This is inherently a debate about changing that law.

I believe in equality - I do not think we should deny personhood to any living human being.
You believe in your bigotry and discriminating against your fellow human being to the extent that you would deny them personhood so they can be killed on a whim. You are despicable.
No I haven't.

Your position is simplistic and lacks the necessary complexity that is needed to define when a single cell becomes a person.
that is needed to define when a single cell becomes a person
I’ve been far more polite than your trolling is worth, shitheel.

The law defines what a person is. The law could define that a roll of paper towels is a person, and it would be a person. All it takes is enough votes in a legislature and boom, paper towel personhood is a thing.

We are arguing about what the law should be. I say personhood should not exclude any living human being and will vote accordingly.

You? In the depths of your stupidity, you don’t even understand what “person” means.

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