What Could Democrats Be Thinking ?

Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville

I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?

Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied

The plan was to delay the vote until after the election...can't delay without an investigation. That's why the leftist waited until the very last minute to spring the false accusation.

And I expect there was a party that they all attended...she didn't expect none of them to remember the party at all.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....

Why not before? Is there a hurry or something? Is it bad to wait?

An investigation just might prove him innocent. Or at least the allegations "un-provable"

Why not after?

What's the diff?

You tards just want to drag it out...

You got your week now shove it up your ass....
Actually the Demonrats overplayed their hand, the additional week of the FBI investigation only further cemented Kavanugh's innocence and how disgusting and pathetic Demonrats truly are.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville

I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?

Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied

The plan was to delay the vote until after the election...can't delay without an investigation. That's why the leftist waited until the very last minute to spring the false accusation.

And I expect there was a party that they all attended...she didn't expect none of them to remember the party at all.
So you think she was telling the truth about the party?
I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?

Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied

The plan was to delay the vote until after the election...can't delay without an investigation. That's why the leftist waited until the very last minute to spring the false accusation.

And I expect there was a party that they all attended...she didn't expect none of them to remember the party at all.
So you think she was telling the truth about the party?

Yes. The best lies are built on a foundation of truth. I think it must have been a very unremarkable party for none of them to remember it.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?

Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied

The plan was to delay the vote until after the election...can't delay without an investigation. That's why the leftist waited until the very last minute to spring the false accusation.

And I expect there was a party that they all attended...she didn't expect none of them to remember the party at all.
So you think she was telling the truth about the party?

Yes. The best lies are built on a foundation of truth. I think it must have been a very unremarkable party for none of them to remember it.
So let’s assume the party happened and it wasn’t anything special so nobody remembers it clear enough to go on record to coroborate it.

Why do you think she would decide to implicate both Judge and Kavanaugh in the assault when it would have been much simpler to say just Kavanaugh did it?
Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied

The plan was to delay the vote until after the election...can't delay without an investigation. That's why the leftist waited until the very last minute to spring the false accusation.

And I expect there was a party that they all attended...she didn't expect none of them to remember the party at all.
So you think she was telling the truth about the party?

Yes. The best lies are built on a foundation of truth. I think it must have been a very unremarkable party for none of them to remember it.
So let’s assume the party happened and it wasn’t anything special so nobody remembers it clear enough to go on record to coroborate it.

Why do you think she would decide to implicate both Judge and Kavanaugh in the assault when it would have been much simpler to say just Kavanaugh did it?

Because Judge was a known and self proclaimed alcoholic.


Judge may have been the one who actually assaulted her.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....

Why not before? Is there a hurry or something? Is it bad to wait?

An investigation just might prove him innocent. Or at least the allegations "un-provable"

Why not after?

What's the diff?

You tards just want to drag it out...

You got your week now shove it up your ass....
Actually the Demonrats overplayed their hand, the additional week of the FBI investigation only further cemented Kavanugh's innocence and how disgusting and pathetic Demonrats truly are.
And then they bashed the FBI to double down on stupid....
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied

The plan was to delay the vote until after the election...can't delay without an investigation. That's why the leftist waited until the very last minute to spring the false accusation.

And I expect there was a party that they all attended...she didn't expect none of them to remember the party at all.
So you think she was telling the truth about the party?

Yes. The best lies are built on a foundation of truth. I think it must have been a very unremarkable party for none of them to remember it.
So let’s assume the party happened and it wasn’t anything special so nobody remembers it clear enough to go on record to coroborate it.

Why do you think she would decide to implicate both Judge and Kavanaugh in the assault when it would have been much simpler to say just Kavanaugh did it?

Because Judge was a known and self proclaimed alcoholic.


Judge may have been the one who actually assaulted her.
So let me see if I understand your theory. The party happened. Ford was assaulted by Judge while Kavanaugh stayed downstairs playing the quarters game they called Devil’s Triangle. 36 years later Ford sees Kavanaugh as a scotus nominee and decides she is going to modify her assault story and implicate him instead of Judge and ruin his life in the process, while painting her actual assaulter as the hero that saved her by jumping on the bed.

She then takes a polygraph, sits in a senate hearing, and calls for an FBI investigation all based on this lie and just hoping that none of the people at the party would remember any of it or dispute her story.

Did I get that right?
I think Ford had a crush on Kavanaugh all those years ago and he never looked at her. She wasn't good enough, pretty enough and didn't go to the right school. When she heard his name as a nominee for the supreme court she decided to get revenge.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....

Why not before? Is there a hurry or something? Is it bad to wait?

An investigation just might prove him innocent. Or at least the allegations "un-provable"

Why not after?

What's the diff?

You tards just want to drag it out...

You got your week now shove it up your ass....

Before because if something does come up its easier to keep K from getting nominated than remove him I would think.

Is there a hurry or some great moral problem with just not voting for a nominee?

All the Bull Shit is over.....

Welcome Justice K...…………….
The person who administered the fake polygraph needs to have his license taken away, and then prosecuted and put in prison for conspiracy to deceive congress. The so called "therapist" and his / her notes should be issue subpoena and the records to be examined and compared to Ford's testimony, and necessary action to be taken based upon that. This whole thing is a massive Democrat con job.
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So let me see if I understand your theory. The party happened. Ford was assaulted by Judge while Kavanaugh stayed downstairs playing the quarters game they called Devil’s Triangle. 36 years later Ford sees Kavanaugh as a scotus nominee and decides she is going to modify her assault story and implicate him instead of Judge and ruin his life in the process, while painting her actual assaulter as the hero that saved her by jumping on the bed.

She then takes a polygraph, sits in a senate hearing, and calls for an FBI investigation all based on this lie and just hoping that none of the people at the party would remember any of it or dispute her story.

Did I get that right?


I think these two schools had a lot of mutual parties. I think they attended parties together. I think that was the basis of the lie.

Every time Kavanaugh almost pinned the story down to something he could prove was false, the story would change.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

I went to parties, sometimes small group parties. You know what they all had in common? If they were at a house...it was the home of one of the people in attendence. Blasey Ford names all the people at this party...but it was not any of their homes?

I had some small parties at my house when my parents were out. I remember everyone who attended. That was 30 years ago.

She claims to not remember anything except she had one beer, and 100% Kavanaugh. Not where it was...not when it was. Not how OLD she was, not what year it was, not whose house it was, not who was there...it was originally four boys, later three boys and one girl...not how many attacked her...originally four boys attacked her, later it was two, not how she got home.

It's bullshit.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

She is not a actress you piece of dogshit. Victims of sexual assault often have gaps in their memory. The actor in this case was Rachel Mitchell. She was there to do a political assassination of Dr Ford. Everything she wrote in her memo was a contradiction of how real cases of sex assault are handled.

"Mitchell’s memo proved particularly offensive to Long, who has been outspoken since it was released on Sunday. Mitchell supervised Long for about two years between 2005 and 2007, when he worked as a sex crimes prosecutor in Maricopa County. (He went on to head up sex crimes prosecution in a neighboring county before turning to defense work.) “When I first saw her involvement in this, I was at peace,” he said. In his experience, Mitchell was someone he relied upon to seek truth “through a fact-based, evidence-based approach.” Mitchell’s questions at the hearing reflected this, he said, although “she clearly was there in order to cross-examine Dr. Ford.” But when she released her memo, Long was deeply disturbed: “It didn’t seem to be at all consistent with what was laid bare there in the actual hearing. Nor was it consistent with the training that Mitchell herself provides and relies on in handling her own cases.”

Prosecutors Don’t Bring Cases the Way Rachel Mitchell’s Kavanaugh Memo Says — Not Even in Her Own Arizona Office

She acted as a prosecutor even though she was a political operative.

What was agreed to was a 7 day window for the FBI to look at it. They were told what they could ask and who they could interview. Over 40 people potentially had information and were never interviewed. What are we hiding? What are you afraid of if Republicans are going to increase their majority with more white males? Clearly you know what you are spouting is bullshit.

Republicans are playing to their only remaining base. The poor put upon white male. They make up nearly all of the Fortune 500 CEO's, hold most of the power in federal , state, and local government and make more than other demographic groups. The Republican Party is disgusting. They clearly have demonstrated they don't get it. They likely will in November.

The only person who is likely to see a jail cell is Kavanaugh. The next Democrat Administration in 2020 should re-open the investigation and look at whether Kavanaugh lied to Congress. If he did then he should be jailed. Throw a few white, male Republicans in as well.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
Democrats are the party of trash. They keep showing us just how trashy they are daily. It's looking like the vast majority of Americans are finally getting a good look at who they really are, and they think it's disgusting.

Blue wave... aaaaahh... not going to happen.

Republicans are the party of trash and you are proof of it. The fact is that there is one thing more trashy than the Democrat Party. Trump and the Republican Party. The polls consistently show that.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
“Thinking” has not occurred in the Democratic Party in over 50 years.

Thinking in Trump's head has NEVER happened.
So let me see if I understand your theory. The party happened. Ford was assaulted by Judge while Kavanaugh stayed downstairs playing the quarters game they called Devil’s Triangle. 36 years later Ford sees Kavanaugh as a scotus nominee and decides she is going to modify her assault story and implicate him instead of Judge and ruin his life in the process, while painting her actual assaulter as the hero that saved her by jumping on the bed.

She then takes a polygraph, sits in a senate hearing, and calls for an FBI investigation all based on this lie and just hoping that none of the people at the party would remember any of it or dispute her story.

Did I get that right?


I think these two schools had a lot of mutual parties. I think they attended parties together. I think that was the basis of the lie.

Every time Kavanaugh almost pinned the story down to something he could prove was false, the story would change.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

I went to parties, sometimes small group parties. You know what they all had in common? If they were at a house...it was the home of one of the people in attendence. Blasey Ford names all the people at this party...but it was not any of their homes?

I had some small parties at my house when my parents were out. I remember everyone who attended. That was 30 years ago.

She claims to not remember anything except she had one beer, and 100% Kavanaugh. Not where it was...not when it was. Not how OLD she was, not what year it was, not whose house it was, not who was there...it was originally four boys, later three boys and one girl...not how many attacked her...originally four boys attacked her, later it was two, not how she got home.

It's bullshit.

You are bullshit.

The article you cite is a opinion piece from a Republican whore. She probably got a free blow job from Trump for that piece.

Dr Ford was 100% consistent with other victims of sexual assault. Were you sexually assaulted at any of these parties? Again you know how a victim of a sexual assault should act and if they don't then they are lying.

"Mitchell’s list of deficiencies in Ford’s allegations bothered Long, the former prosecutor. Put simply, he said, Mitchell knows better. In the memo, he said, she betrayed her training and the standards he knew her to have when vetting cases.

One thing that particularly disturbed him was Mitchell’s focus on Ford’s inability to narrow down a date for when the alleged assault occurred. That, he said, “is absurd. It is offensive. It is laughable, because she knows better.”

It is not at all uncommon for prosecutors to leave at least some wiggle room around the date that a crime is believed to have happened — using the phrase “on or about” is nearly ubiquitous where filing criminal charges is concerned. And in Maricopa County, Long says that Mitchell’s office “routinely” files charges with an expanded, even multi-year, window during which a crime is alleged to have taken place. “In the criminal justice system, date is not an element” of the crime, he said. “It’s not … something that we have to prove. She knows this.” And Mitchell trains prosecutors to understand this, he said: “In fact, we expect the date is going to be the one thing a person is not going to remember.” Mitchell’s decision to suggest otherwise in the letter “appears to be merely designed to mislead the public,” he said. “Not something I can abide.”

“It’s misleading because that is not the only option that a prosecutor agency has: They have an option to file charges, to turn charges down, or to ask for a further investigation.”

Long took exception to Mitchell’s suggestion that this case is not one that could be prosecuted, if it were to come to that. He notes that she is “absolutely correct” in saying that, in its current form, the case is not one that she would file — which might be true, but doesn’t tell the whole story. “It’s misleading because that is not the only option that a prosecutor agency has: They have an option to file charges, to turn charges down, or to ask for a further investigation,” Long said. Mitchell should have pointed to that latter option in her memo, declaring that further inquiry was needed. In sex crimes, he said, that happens in “the majority of cases.”

Prosecutors Don’t Bring Cases the Way Rachel Mitchell’s Kavanaugh Memo Says — Not Even in Her Own Arizona Office
So let me see if I understand your theory. The party happened. Ford was assaulted by Judge while Kavanaugh stayed downstairs playing the quarters game they called Devil’s Triangle. 36 years later Ford sees Kavanaugh as a scotus nominee and decides she is going to modify her assault story and implicate him instead of Judge and ruin his life in the process, while painting her actual assaulter as the hero that saved her by jumping on the bed.

She then takes a polygraph, sits in a senate hearing, and calls for an FBI investigation all based on this lie and just hoping that none of the people at the party would remember any of it or dispute her story.

Did I get that right?


I think these two schools had a lot of mutual parties. I think they attended parties together. I think that was the basis of the lie.

Every time Kavanaugh almost pinned the story down to something he could prove was false, the story would change.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

I went to parties, sometimes small group parties. You know what they all had in common? If they were at a house...it was the home of one of the people in attendence. Blasey Ford names all the people at this party...but it was not any of their homes?

I had some small parties at my house when my parents were out. I remember everyone who attended. That was 30 years ago.

She claims to not remember anything except she had one beer, and 100% Kavanaugh. Not where it was...not when it was. Not how OLD she was, not what year it was, not whose house it was, not who was there...it was originally four boys, later three boys and one girl...not how many attacked her...originally four boys attacked her, later it was two, not how she got home.

It's bullshit.

Ford's description of the downstairs as being "sparsely furnished" brought to mind a frat house rather than someone's home.

Not that I'm entirely sure I buy any of her tale anymore, too many holes and alleged attendees who don't recall such a... "small gathering" as she put it.
So let me see if I understand your theory. The party happened. Ford was assaulted by Judge while Kavanaugh stayed downstairs playing the quarters game they called Devil’s Triangle. 36 years later Ford sees Kavanaugh as a scotus nominee and decides she is going to modify her assault story and implicate him instead of Judge and ruin his life in the process, while painting her actual assaulter as the hero that saved her by jumping on the bed.

She then takes a polygraph, sits in a senate hearing, and calls for an FBI investigation all based on this lie and just hoping that none of the people at the party would remember any of it or dispute her story.

Did I get that right?


I think these two schools had a lot of mutual parties. I think they attended parties together. I think that was the basis of the lie.

Every time Kavanaugh almost pinned the story down to something he could prove was false, the story would change.

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

I went to parties, sometimes small group parties. You know what they all had in common? If they were at a house...it was the home of one of the people in attendence. Blasey Ford names all the people at this party...but it was not any of their homes?

I had some small parties at my house when my parents were out. I remember everyone who attended. That was 30 years ago.

She claims to not remember anything except she had one beer, and 100% Kavanaugh. Not where it was...not when it was. Not how OLD she was, not what year it was, not whose house it was, not who was there...it was originally four boys, later three boys and one girl...not how many attacked her...originally four boys attacked her, later it was two, not how she got home.

It's bullshit.

You are bullshit.

The article you cite is a opinion piece from a Republican whore. She probably got a free blow job from Trump for that piece.

Dr Ford was 100% consistent with other victims of sexual assault. Were you sexually assaulted at any of these parties? Again you know how a victim of a sexual assault should act and if they don't then they are lying.

"Mitchell’s list of deficiencies in Ford’s allegations bothered Long, the former prosecutor. Put simply, he said, Mitchell knows better. In the memo, he said, she betrayed her training and the standards he knew her to have when vetting cases.

One thing that particularly disturbed him was Mitchell’s focus on Ford’s inability to narrow down a date for when the alleged assault occurred. That, he said, “is absurd. It is offensive. It is laughable, because she knows better.”

It is not at all uncommon for prosecutors to leave at least some wiggle room around the date that a crime is believed to have happened — using the phrase “on or about” is nearly ubiquitous where filing criminal charges is concerned. And in Maricopa County, Long says that Mitchell’s office “routinely” files charges with an expanded, even multi-year, window during which a crime is alleged to have taken place. “In the criminal justice system, date is not an element” of the crime, he said. “It’s not … something that we have to prove. She knows this.” And Mitchell trains prosecutors to understand this, he said: “In fact, we expect the date is going to be the one thing a person is not going to remember.” Mitchell’s decision to suggest otherwise in the letter “appears to be merely designed to mislead the public,” he said. “Not something I can abide.”

“It’s misleading because that is not the only option that a prosecutor agency has: They have an option to file charges, to turn charges down, or to ask for a further investigation.”

Long took exception to Mitchell’s suggestion that this case is not one that could be prosecuted, if it were to come to that. He notes that she is “absolutely correct” in saying that, in its current form, the case is not one that she would file — which might be true, but doesn’t tell the whole story. “It’s misleading because that is not the only option that a prosecutor agency has: They have an option to file charges, to turn charges down, or to ask for a further investigation,” Long said. Mitchell should have pointed to that latter option in her memo, declaring that further inquiry was needed. In sex crimes, he said, that happens in “the majority of cases.”

Prosecutors Don’t Bring Cases the Way Rachel Mitchell’s Kavanaugh Memo Says — Not Even in Her Own Arizona Office
She didn't know what YEAR it was, you fool!

That's not a little wiggle room. That's a hole you can drive a Mack Truck through.

She originally stated she was 17, and the incident happened in 1985...BUT KAVANAUGH WAS AT YALE in 1985...not Georgetown...suddenly she was 15 and it was 1983.

If she was 17...she could have drove herself home.

If she was 15...now she has to explain how she got home.

She claims to remember leaving the house immediately, without telling anyone she was leaving. There weren't cellphones. There were only five people present, and she didn't leave with any of them. She didn't call her parents. How did she get home? How did she contact someone to get her? There were payphones, sure...but not in residential areas.

She claims not to remember that either.
El Douche?

My entire post was "Are you talking about just the hearing or something? Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia"

And you replied "El Douche"?

Are you trying to apply for a job as a Russian troll finding divisions in Americans and exploiting them?

I did question you but man. I'm pretty pro-military, pro-death penalty and pro-tariffs. As a tip, don't insult ppl. Try to bend their views to support yours on an individual issue.
Yeah yeah yeah, we can read between the lines, you are justifying the disgusting treatment and persecution of Kavanaugh by comparing it to the Garland situation. Which is a typical Leftard El Douche tactic.

You seem sensitive about that. Let's talk about why.
Perhaps you should address your own mental problems, caused mainly by years of liberal indoctrination?

The great divider in chief speaks again.

Hey, give me a list of what you support, maybe I'll reconsider any view points we share.
Why don't you address my response to your idiotic comparison of the Garland situation to the Mc Carthy-style persecution of judge Kavanaugh today at the hands of fascist Democrats?

My apologies. That El Douche talk derails conversation.

The delay is just a procedural thing. Gotta be sure. If he's innocent he's innocent. I think all we'll ever be sure he's guilty of is trying to lie a bit to brush some binge drinking under the rug. He has some anger issues.

So yeah, I'm fine with him getting seated. Just seems hypocritical to be in such a hurry this time around is all.

Letting him prove his innocence seems to be working out.

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