What Could Democrats Be Thinking ?

Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

Democrats are thinking that women should be believed. With more people believing Ford than Kavanaugh.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

Democrats are thinking that women should be believed. With more people believing Ford than Kavanaugh.
Then why don't they believe the woman who said Ford was full of shit and she doesn't even know Kavanaugh.
...except the this nomination has taken a record four weeks longer than others before. But hey, no big hurry, let's see if we can find someone who can say he / she saw Kavanaugh commit chop someone's head off when he was a drunk high schooler.

Are you talking about just the hearing or something? Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia
Yes, I'm talking about the hearing, El Douche. Otherwise, we'll just go by what your own leader Joe Biden said when you guys held power, historical precedent says no time to nominate a judge for Supreme Court in the middle of a presidential election year, which is what happened to Garland. But then again, we know that you won't stick to your own rules:

El Douche?

My entire post was "Are you talking about just the hearing or something? Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia"

And you replied "El Douche"?

Are you trying to apply for a job as a Russian troll finding divisions in Americans and exploiting them?

I did question you but man. I'm pretty pro-military, pro-death penalty and pro-tariffs. As a tip, don't insult ppl. Try to bend their views to support yours on an individual issue.

Yeah yeah yeah, we can read between the lines, you are justifying the disgusting treatment and persecution of Kavanaugh by comparing it to the Garland situation. Which is a typical Leftard El Douche tactic.

You seem sensitive about that. Let's talk about why.
Perhaps you should address your own mental problems, caused mainly by years of liberal indoctrination?
Are you talking about just the hearing or something? Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia
Yes, I'm talking about the hearing, El Douche. Otherwise, we'll just go by what your own leader Joe Biden said when you guys held power, historical precedent says no time to nominate a judge for Supreme Court in the middle of a presidential election year, which is what happened to Garland. But then again, we know that you won't stick to your own rules:

El Douche?

My entire post was "Are you talking about just the hearing or something? Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia"

And you replied "El Douche"?

Are you trying to apply for a job as a Russian troll finding divisions in Americans and exploiting them?

I did question you but man. I'm pretty pro-military, pro-death penalty and pro-tariffs. As a tip, don't insult ppl. Try to bend their views to support yours on an individual issue.

Yeah yeah yeah, we can read between the lines, you are justifying the disgusting treatment and persecution of Kavanaugh by comparing it to the Garland situation. Which is a typical Leftard El Douche tactic.

You seem sensitive about that. Let's talk about why.
Perhaps you should address your own mental problems, caused mainly by years of liberal indoctrination?

The great divider in chief speaks again.

Hey, give me a list of what you support, maybe I'll reconsider any view points we share.
The Democrats have slandered, libeled, and insulted two justices of the Supreme Court I wonder how will they take it when democrats are looked on with less than
enthusiasm by that part of the court?
Seen the polls, rapist-enablers?

Republicans are cratering. Nobody likes those who suck up to a rapist, perjurer and violent psycopath. Kavanaugh was a catastrophe for the GOP. Almost everyone was shocked by what a POS the man was.

That's one of the good things about being a liberal. There are more good people in the world than amoral scumbags, so proudly doing the morally right thing will win votes.
Are you wearing your brown pants? Because you are completely full of shit...especially where your brains should be. Liberals are dispicable cockroaches, sub-human troglodytes, evil to their rotten core, lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?
Well the two that Clinton put into the Court only took about four days and no problems.
lol. I'd love to. Now its gonna take me a couple months if we do this right and I'll need off from my day job. We'll have a vote by Christmas though.

I'm not against charging anyone who obviously lied. There is a difference in "Non-convictable", "Non-electable" and "guilty going to jail" but anyone who lies is liable.
Will the DOJ be going after Ford, her lawyers, and Feinstein ?
I hope so right, in time for November 6th.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
Calling women who are victims of assault liars will not sit well with women voters in November

I'm only calling one a liar.

The one accuser liberal bastards could come up with just happens to be a leftwing loon anti-Trump liberal professor in California...and they waited until the very last minute...AFTER the confirmation hearings to spring their deceitful ambush...

You'd have to be a complete fool to buy that...which explains why rank and file Liberals swallowed it hook, line and sinker...
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....

Why not before? Is there a hurry or something? Is it bad to wait?

An investigation just might prove him innocent. Or at least the allegations "un-provable"
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....

Why not before? Is there a hurry or something? Is it bad to wait?

An investigation just might prove him innocent. Or at least the allegations "un-provable"

Why not after?

What's the diff?

You tards just want to drag it out...

You got your week now shove it up your ass....
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.

They are thinking there is no super big hurry to vote before you investigate the issue?

Do you think there is a super big reason to hurry a vote for a supreme court justice along and get one seated as quickly as possible? Or is it ok to wait and do a thorough job?

Do all the flucking investigating you want after BK is confirmed.....

Why not before? Is there a hurry or something? Is it bad to wait?

An investigation just might prove him innocent. Or at least the allegations "un-provable"

Why not after?

What's the diff?

You tards just want to drag it out...

You got your week now shove it up your ass....

Before because if something does come up its easier to keep K from getting nominated than remove him I would think.

Is there a hurry or some great moral problem with just not voting for a nominee?
Seen the polls, rapist-enablers?

Republicans are cratering. Nobody likes those who suck up to a rapist, perjurer and violent psycopath. Kavanaugh was a catastrophe for the GOP. Almost everyone was shocked by what a POS the man was.

That's one of the good things about being a liberal. There are more good people in the world than amoral scumbags, so proudly doing the morally right thing will win votes.
Just because I'm a republican and I support the Kavanaugh nomination doesn't make me a rapist enabler and I resent the implication. I'm a woman who considers herself part of the me too movement because I've had to fight off males since childhood. The fact is this woman came forward 36 years later made a claim with no proof and had nobody to collaborate her accusations. Her memory is spotty at best not being able to give the who,what,why's and whens. I think her 100% identification of Kavanaugh was something her lawyers told her to say. I'm sorry for her but she doesn't have a case. As an American I was raised to believe in Innocent until proven guilty. Even the FBI came up with squat. I can't fault a man for something so unsubstantiated and think it would be unreasonable not to support his nomination because I think he'd do a good job. The sad truth is the only reason leftist women are going apeshit over this is not because they think Kavanaugh assaulted Christine Blasey Ford but because he might consider overturning Roe V Wade once on the supreme court. That's all this is about, Roe v Wade. I don't agree with Roe V Wade because abortion isn't good for women's body's,infection is frequent and can cause sterilization if serious enough. With readily available birth control abortion should be considered obsolete and emergency procedure only. If Roe is overturned or limited, women will not be dying of back alley abortions like the left wants you to think. Abortion on demand will be replaced with birth control on demand and women will finally progress into the 21st century. If a teen age girl can get a surgical procedure like an abortion without parental consent she can certainly make damn good and sure she gets some birth control. Lets not forget the the men either. Liberated women who can walk around in the street unabashedly in vagina suits and pussy hats should be able to tell their partners no condom, no sex. The men should agree with this and step up.
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Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville

I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville

I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville

I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?

Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
Are you kidding me ? First, in the Senate Judiciary's Judge Kavanaugh hearing, they come up with the greatest actress in the world, to pose as a sexual assault victim. Then, they add a couple more of those - much less convincing (if not laugable). Then, after their first con jobber slips up a few times, revealing her incredibility, they hook up with a Trump-hater RINO, and manage to delay the Senate vote.

Next, to move the goalposts further down the road, they whine about the FBI's background check, claiming it was limited in scope by President Trump, and should be lengthened (even though they publicly accepted terms of a 5 day maximum, limited in scope).
And all this ruining of their reputations and public character, just to get the hearing delaying past the 2018 elections - regardless of the fact that the Senate GOP majority will be even greater after the election.

What could they be thinking ? None of this makes any sense. All this silly, circus blabbering seems to do, is to have these odd politicians playing to their bases, to try to create some kind of hero image, and gin up votes for themselves. Wow. If this is how they have to act to do that, they must have some kind of very strange voter base.

I suspect the next thing to happen in all of this lunacy, is that REAL charges of REAL crimes may be leveled at some of these crazy Democrat Senators for obstructing justice, or some other violations. There's already talk of the Justice Dept looking into it. Actually, It wouldn't have surprised me to see some of these loons hauled out of the Judiciary hearing, by DC cops, just for all the interruptions and disturbances they engaged in, on the first day of the hearing. But they've gone way beyond that.
I couldn’t even get through the first paragraph of this nonesense OP. You think the Dems found an actress to make up a sexual assault story?! Really? Sorry man but you belong in idiotville

I think they found a Trump hating leftwing loon who knew Kavanaugh and would say anything to advance liberalism and derail conservatism.
Oh really? So you think they all huddled up and concocted a story and then collaborated together to spread the lie?

Nope...I think Ford concocted the story, and the Dems were happy as pigs in shit to run with it.

Is that so farfetched? Kanavaugh worked for Ken Starr against Clinton, he worked for Bush, he was a conservative judge on a federal district court...are you saying it is implausible that a leftwing loon collage professor could have followed the career of someone she knew from high school through an impeachment of Bill Clinton, the Bush administration, a federal judgeship and now he was going to be nominated by a despised president to replace the swing vote on the Supreme Court...that she couldn't let that happen...no matter what she had to do to stop it?

It the era we are living in, you can't see that as not only possible...but likely...especially after there is zero cooraboration?

If so, have you been living under a rock for the last three decades?
I think if she was making up a story she wouldn’t have implicated Kav and his friend, she would have just implicated Kav. and she wouldn’t have named people at a party who she knew would refute and possible prove they weren’t there. I don’t think she would have been so persistent for the FBI to investigate if she fabricated a lie as that would and should lead to legal implications. Your theory just doesn’t make sense. So yes it is very far fetched when logic is applied
Yes, I'm talking about the hearing, El Douche. Otherwise, we'll just go by what your own leader Joe Biden said when you guys held power, historical precedent says no time to nominate a judge for Supreme Court in the middle of a presidential election year, which is what happened to Garland. But then again, we know that you won't stick to your own rules:

El Douche?

My entire post was "Are you talking about just the hearing or something? Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia"

And you replied "El Douche"?

Are you trying to apply for a job as a Russian troll finding divisions in Americans and exploiting them?

I did question you but man. I'm pretty pro-military, pro-death penalty and pro-tariffs. As a tip, don't insult ppl. Try to bend their views to support yours on an individual issue.

Yeah yeah yeah, we can read between the lines, you are justifying the disgusting treatment and persecution of Kavanaugh by comparing it to the Garland situation. Which is a typical Leftard El Douche tactic.

You seem sensitive about that. Let's talk about why.
Perhaps you should address your own mental problems, caused mainly by years of liberal indoctrination?

The great divider in chief speaks again.

Hey, give me a list of what you support, maybe I'll reconsider any view points we share.

Why don't you address my response to your idiotic comparison of the Garland situation to the Mc Carthy-style persecution of judge Kavanaugh today at the hands of fascist Democrats?

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