What could possibly go wrong?


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.
You can't claim 20 million voted for Diane Feinstein ?

You know that's all they want to do right..

Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.

Oh, I'm sure they would stay there too, just like they will report for their asylum court hearing.
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.

Oh, I'm sure they would stay there too, just like they will report for their asylum court hearing.

If they want to take my path to citizenship they will. Otherwise we'll let Donald get in an Abrams and go round them up to export. Probelm solved.
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.

I was listening to a report on Laura's show yesterday. The new batch is being stopped at their southern border by the Mexican police. Supposedly, they are tossing fireworks at the police and even gunshots rang out.

No, we probably don't need our military, but these are desperate people, and we have to be prepared for anything.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.
What invaders?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.

Oh, I'm sure they would stay there too, just like they will report for their asylum court hearing.

If they want to take my path to citizenship they will. Otherwise we'll let Donald get in an Abrams and go round them up to export. Probelm solved.

The problem with deporation is that each individual case must have a court hearing. That's taking years to accomplish, and we have (by some estimates) 20 million illegals here.

Trump is stopping such new cases from happening by stopping them in Mexico and denying them entry while waiting for their asylum hearing.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

I think POTUS Shit Stain will sign an EO, declaring that a wall will be built & Mexico will pay for it.

Right after that SCOTUS will take up the case :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.

I was listening to a report on Laura's show yesterday. The new batch is being stopped at their southern border by the Mexican police. Supposedly, they are tossing fireworks at the police and even gunshots rang out.

No, we probably don't need our military, but these are desperate people, and we have to be prepared for anything.

What's your plan for being able to outspend China and get the better Space Force?
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

I'm sure the court challenges have already been prepared and ready to file. The president should suspend all immigration form Mexico, Central and South America until the court backlog has been cleared. He has every authority to do so.

Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.

Oh, I'm sure they would stay there too, just like they will report for their asylum court hearing.

If they want to take my path to citizenship they will. Otherwise we'll let Donald get in an Abrams and go round them up to export. Probelm solved.

The problem with deporation is that each individual case must have a court hearing. That's taking years to accomplish, and we have (by some estimates) 20 million illegals here.

Trump is stopping such new cases from happening by stopping them in Mexico and denying them entry while waiting for their asylum hearing.

That's true. Illegals are usually assigned a case and a date that they're supposed to appear for a hearing. But many of them don't even show up: They simply go into hiding somewhere in the country.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.

The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.

Oh, I'm sure they would stay there too, just like they will report for their asylum court hearing.

If they want to take my path to citizenship they will. Otherwise we'll let Donald get in an Abrams and go round them up to export. Probelm solved.

The problem with deporation is that each individual case must have a court hearing. That's taking years to accomplish, and we have (by some estimates) 20 million illegals here.

Trump is stopping such new cases from happening by stopping them in Mexico and denying them entry while waiting for their asylum hearing.

Speed it up. Let Donald run this like a corporation. We need more people to drive up the demand for old housing in this country and pad our GDP.

Otherwise we're on our way to becoming Russia, the super power with the lower GDP.
The better question is what could possibly go right?

Invaders have been using our kindness of asylum to get into the country even though unqualified. Ears allowed them entry while they awaited their court date; that's what's attracting them here. What Trump is doing is having our military stop them at the border, and setup tent cities outside of the border. So if you really want to file for asylum, fine. But you can't have access to this country until your hearing. Those cases take three to four years to be heard. So if they want to live in tents all that time, fine with us. But more than likely, most will just turn around and go home.

Furthermore it will be a deterrent from other bands of people thinking they can get through our borders using asylum.

A great plan all the way around.

What could go right? We could import people, make them live in a city owned formerly abandoned house in the ghettos of Cleveland or Detroit for a decade like a new version of the Homestead Act and make them citizens if they work and stay clean.

Oh, I'm sure they would stay there too, just like they will report for their asylum court hearing.

If they want to take my path to citizenship they will. Otherwise we'll let Donald get in an Abrams and go round them up to export. Probelm solved.

The problem with deporation is that each individual case must have a court hearing. That's taking years to accomplish, and we have (by some estimates) 20 million illegals here.

Trump is stopping such new cases from happening by stopping them in Mexico and denying them entry while waiting for their asylum hearing.

That's true. Illegals are usually assigned a case and a date that they're supposed to appear for a hearing. But many of them don't even show up: They simply go into hiding somewhere in the country.

Then we'll go after whoever is hiring them and deport that fellow. No point in hiding in the country if Tyson Chicken isn"t paying you.
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.

Man, you are out of the loop. That's been going on ever since Obama was President, clear back to 2010. His Justice Department started coming down on militia groups and many of them disbanded. Others didn't, and some have been patrolling the border on and off since then.
Trump has troops heading to the border. The caravan of those seeking asylum are heading to the border.

Also heading to the border are armed militias duped into thinking we are being invaded by criminals, rapists , MS-13, and middle eastern people.

What could possiblty go wrong.
I let over 1000 "Illegals" walk through my property, kill my livestock to feed themselves, shit and piss on my property, leaving trash behind....



Fly their flag...

And tell me "fuck you" as they use my property as a path to citizenship?

Tell us what could go wrong.

Do you have a problem if I decide I will allow armed citizens to protect my property?

What could go wrong...
There has already been armed militia in various places for some time now, and nothing's ever happened, otherwise it would have been all over the MSM. They have been spotting illegal crossings and notifying the Border Patrol for some years now. I doubt that you'll see many of them once the military is in place, they know better than to get in the way of the military.

Man, you are out of the loop. That's been going on ever since Obama was President, clear back to 2010. His Justice Department started coming down on militia groups and many of them disbanded. Others didn't, and some have been patrolling the border on and off since then.
Then you should easily be able to provide me with a link.

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