What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

What was Trumps basic crime he obstructed investigation of?

  • Defeating Hillary

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • Saying mean things about minority people

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • tax evasion

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • conspiracy with the Russians to steal the 2016 election

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • being un Presidential

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I dunno, but eventually we will find sumpin

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
Thanks for letting me know my avatar still triggers you. :mm:

See! This is the SECOND time this twit admitted he actually enjoys/seeks to annoying-irritate people! Like many of the Tards here. Not out to have adult dialog at all. Troll is as Troll does. I guess when you're starved for attention in your mommy's basement, you'll do anything to get noticed.
"Did I CHANGE any word you said?"

Yes, ya flamin' nut job, you deleted many of my words from that post.
Hey ScrotumBrain, you are allowed to truncate material to the salient points. It saves server space and makes things easier to follow. I DID NOT CHANGE ONE WORD OF YOURS I POSTED. I merely removed what wasn't germane to my reply. Dayam, Jethro. Did you ever get outta the 6th grade?

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Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine.

You're absolutely batshit crazy, boobtoob. :cuckoo:

Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.

You're inability to prove any of Frank's bills crashed the economy proves you lied.

Thanks for letting me know my avatar still triggers you. :mm:

See! This is the SECOND time this twit admitted he actually enjoys/seeks to annoying-irritate people! Like many of the Tards here. Not out to have adult dialog at all. Troll is as Troll does. I guess when you're starved for attention in your mommy's basement, you'll do anything to get noticed.
Spits the rightard who has posted relentless rants to avoid the fact that he lied when he posted...

Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.

Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine.

Show ONE WORD I CHANGED of yours in my other post, asshole.

Show ONE WORD I CHANGED of yours here, asshole.

I have never put into someone's quote-box something another person did not actually say.

YOU SAID: "You did not actually cite ANY bill." Then you showed everyone that I actually cited FOUR bills!

Whadda dumbass.

You play fast and loose with the facts.

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Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine.

S...so, I'm "allowed" to EDIT a post. But by doing so, I CHANGED the words you said. So I "changed" what you said above! YOU NEVER SAID: "Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine." :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

By your line of thinking, if I say Abraham Lincoln said: "Four score and seven years ago . . ." I CHANGED Lincoln's words. So Lincoln never said: "Four score and seven years ago . . ." What do YOU think he said: "Five score and a week ago?"

And if you write 40 posts in a thread and I don't quote them all or you write 7 paragraphs and I only quote the one I'm replying to, I "CHANGED" your words?

Man, the more you open your mouth, the more clueless you become.
Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine.

Show ONE WORD I CHANGED of yours in my other post, asshole.

Show ONE WORD I CHANGED of yours here, asshole.

I have never put into someone's quote-box something another person did not actually say.

YOU SAID: "You did not actually cite ANY bill." Then you showed everyone that I actually cited FOUR bills!

Whadda dumbass.

You play fast and loose with the facts.

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You deleted most of my words from my post. That dishonesty is all yours. Own it.
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?

It's not even just defeating Hillary. It's that he's willing to call out the evil disgusting left wing for what they are. That's why they hate him so much. They are filled with hate, and he's isn't going to kowtow to them.
Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine.

S...so, I'm "allowed" to EDIT a post. But by doing so, I CHANGED the words you said. So I "changed" what you said above! YOU NEVER SAID: "Dumbfuck, where did I say you're not "allowed" to edit my posts? I said you did after you falsely claimed you didn't change a word of mine." :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

By your line of thinking, if I say Abraham Lincoln said: "Four score and seven years ago . . ." I CHANGED Lincoln's words. So Lincoln never said: "Four score and seven years ago . . ." What do YOU think he said: "Five score and a week ago?"

And if you write 40 posts in a thread and I don't quote them all or you write 7 paragraphs and I only quote the one I'm replying to, I "CHANGED" your words?

Man, the more you open your mouth, the more clueless you become.
"By your line of thinking, if I say Abraham Lincoln said: "Four score and seven years ago . . ." I CHANGED Lincoln's words. So Lincoln never said: "Four score and seven years ago . . ."


You're such a dumbfuck, boobtoob, which is why you crack me up.

You just made my point, ya moron.

If all you say is, "four score and seven years ago..." then you have no idea Lincoln was talking about the Civil war in that famous speech as you strip out the context of what he said -- just as you did with my post.

which is congress' job to take up since the OLC is the only thing preventing mueller from doing... otherwise YES.



according to mueller & 1000 current & former (D) AND (R) DOJ federal prosecutors.

DOJ Alumni Statement

May 6 · 4 min read

Opinions of former federal prosecutors mean nothing Mueller himself came back and said the OCL did not stop him in his testimony. Despite how badly you on the left want to think your wanting to believe something makes it true it doesn’t.

nobody said the OLC stopped him from testifying. try to actually comprehend what you read... the OLC policy states that a ' sitting prez cannot be indicted '( & therefore cannot be prosecuted whilst still in office) is what prevented mueller from going any further than his report.

Mueller said Trump could be indicted once he leaves office
One of the biggest moments from the Mueller hearing — and a Republican own goal.
By Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchamp Jul 24, 2019, 11:19am EDT

During Robert Mueller’s testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) asked Mueller if he could indict the president on obstruction charges.

The former special counsel’s answer was simple: “Yes.

It was a rare striking moment in a hearing that has, so far, been largely unenlightening. Mueller’s position is that he didn’t consider indicting Trump solely because of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) ruling saying sitting presidents can’t be indicted. But Trump won’t be president forever, and Mueller’s view is that once Trump is out of office, prosecutors could charge him with obstruction if they believe the facts laid out in the report warrant it.

Mueller said Trump could be indicted once he leaves office

Could be is not the same as should be or would be. Of course he could be. So?

Could be, still doesn't state that Trump actually did anything wrong. No one has determined he did. All you have is wishful thinking. "Could be", us absolutely meaningless.

that's for congress to decide. you know.... that little checks & balances thingy that keeps poking donny in his rolls of fat trying to find a rib?

That's not what the question was, was it? The question was could Trump be prosecuted when he is OUT of office. That is NOT up.to Congress to decide. That's up to the justice system. Congress has nothing to do with that.

The question Congress has to decide is whether or not to IMPEACH Trump. Totally different issue. And to do that they have to actually do something. So far, nothing. And I don't believe it has to be criminal for them to impeach. Impeachment is not a criminal charge with criminal consequences.

it is up to congress to hold a sitting prez responsible for high crimes & misdemeanors & that is up to congress' to determine. i never said that the threshold is the same. articles of impeachment is for the house to decide then the senate conducts a trial.

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

Says a baby who cries when people demand an UNBIASED link backing up her bullshit.:21::290968001256257790-final::asshole:

i ALWAYS have back up. ALWAYS. that's why i have no problem backing you into a corner.

so cough one up, c'mon now. chop chop.

Hahahah! Fuck off liar. Im Not a secretary and you could t afford my research rates anyway. I've seen your reaction to real facts. Lie and claim they're "far right wing hack sites". Now cough up your impeachable offense. Chop chop boy.

i done did. on this very thread. you are free to search it out or not.... lol--- 'boy'? ...

Hey man......you are debating a mental case. Look at the guys avatar!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Complete waste of time though I did get a kick out of your posts here!! Watching progressives get train wrecked in here is a hoot.
Watch this months cable news ratings for CNN and MSNBC.......all you have to know about where peoples care level is on impeachment.:hello77::hello77:

THANKS, Skook! I know. I'm just trying to be what he called me on his first post when he first replied to my post on another thread about Barney and his Financial antics! He didn't jump in and say I was mistaken, not even partisan or misinformed (despite there being an avalanche of supporting opinion out there to support it), he called me I think, retarded and an idiot! Now he calls me a LIAR. All for claiming that it was Barney and his legislative efforts which helped derail and crash the economy. I'm just trying to be what he expects. I don't want to disappoint him.

And this thread? All I did was insert the word "bill" in amongst talking about Mueller and the Trump charges. Didn't even say WHAT bill(s). Only he knew. Sent the guy off like another firecracker with another 40 posts derailing a second thread! :cuckoo:

The impeachment is a sham. It will never happen. Just a lot of TALK by the Dims hoping to er, ah, Trump up more hollow talking points against Trump! If they are actually crazy enough to try it, not only will it sink like a lead submarine with screen doors, but it will make them the laughing stock of the nation and guarantee Trump a shoe in. Worse, it will open the door for every counter charge Trump, Barr and the GOP can hurl at them.

Besides, as you say, they are going down fast in their own debates. Haven't seen one article yet on this week that didn't say CNN's debates weren't a total bomb. Kinda like Mueller.

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LOL.....all you can do is just out-absurd them!! And the public now gets it that impeachment is a sham which is why we need to explicitly encourage it at every turn. Go...go.....I hope to God Pelosi capitulates. Let them take bows in front of this symbolic stuff when nobody out there is caring.:113::113:
LOL.....all you can do is just out-absurd them!! And the public now gets it that impeachment is a sham which is why we need to explicitly encourage it at every turn. Go...go.....I hope to God Pelosi capitulates. Let them take bows in front of this symbolic stuff when nobody out there is caring.:113::113:

Impossible to out-absurd the likes of a jackass like the troll-meister Goatshit, who lies through his teeth about every thing he ever says while trolling the shit out of two threads, this one all over the insertion of a mere four letters he STILL cannot disprove! :iyfyus.jpg: Most of all Skook, this retarded lying bonebrain just DOES NOT GET IT that like Trump and the accusations made against Trump that Mueller was SUPPOSED to resolve, that when Trump said he was innocent of the Dims charges, that IT IS NOT UP TO TRUMP to prove a thing!!! The Goat's Ass, much like the democrats, either are stupid or just pretend to not understand that in America, if you are going to attack or accuse another on accusations then it is UP TO YOU to prosecute your charges against that person with EVIDENCE. YOU DON'T SAY: You Lied! Now prove your innocence!!! :cuckoo:

JUST AS WITH TRUMP, it is up to Mueller to prosecute Trump with EVIDENCE and Mueller said Nyet.

JUST AS WITH TRUMP, it is now up to the Democrats to prosecute the case for impeachment against Trump by PROVING high crimes and misdemeanors sufficiently warranting removal from office! And they just don't have it!

That is what is so astounding about the psycho-nutjob Asperger's case Faun in his pursuit of me over two threads and a hundred posts over the use of four letters calling ME obsessed with him-- -- -- -- that after 20+ accusations of alleged lying about bills, lying about Barney, lying about this and demands for that, even after putting his foot in his own mouth disproving many of his own long-lived claims, the dickless wonder continues to demand that I prove this or that when the burden of proof is on HIM since he is the one accusing me. And yet after 100 posts and a week of his life, he still cannot even show why he would not take the original bet that he swore up and down he could not lose at (to even be decided independently by moderators here) because he KNEW he was full of it from the git go!

He must be RELATED to fucking Barney Frank. He sure has an unhealthy love interest-obsession for the guy!

Without going back to rehash all the lies across 100 posts, I still remain open to his proving I lied about any of the things he claims! :auiqs.jpg:


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