What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

What was Trumps basic crime he obstructed investigation of?

  • Defeating Hillary

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • Saying mean things about minority people

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • tax evasion

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • conspiracy with the Russians to steal the 2016 election

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • being un Presidential

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I dunno, but eventually we will find sumpin

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
And per every body language expert, MUELLER was lying and being dishonest. Poor baby. Trump has ZERO obligation to answer questions from a senile old man. No collusion, no obstruction, and Mueller shown to be an idiot.

^^^ :alcoholic: ^^^

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

Says a baby who cries when people demand an UNBIASED link backing up her bullshit.:21::290968001256257790-final::asshole:

i ALWAYS have back up. ALWAYS. that's why i have no problem backing you into a corner.

so cough one up, c'mon now. chop chop.

Hahahah! Fuck off liar. Im Not a secretary and you could t afford my research rates anyway. I've seen your reaction to real facts. Lie and claim they're "far right wing hack sites". Now cough up your impeachable offense. Chop chop boy.
Now here's the rest of the dialog you strip out in order to alter the context of my post...

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?


Tsk. Tsk. Poor little snowflake! :itsok: First you lie over and over, then you troll, now you alter what people say. Moderators, the conversation above never happened! You didn't even come into the conversation until AFTER I told UnRealDave I had already posted some of Frank's bills which he asked me to name one! But thanks for letting us know there is no limit to the number of Zone 2 rule violations you'll make.

You know, the bills your SWORE I never posted like 30 times until you finally posted them yourself! HaHa

You know, the bills you asked the number for over and over and over despite my telling you they had already been listed, which you SWORE I hadn't, until you finally posted my letter which clearly showed them!

You know, despite the fact that I've linked numerous articles to Frank and the subprime meltdown which you swear he never had anything to do with, despite the fact that you've produced absolutely SQUAT to back up your claims.

You know, despite the fact that after 70-80 other lies, you lied saying that I LIED in what I posted despite the fact that you cannot prove it! A lie little boy means intentional deceit. Despite your claiming context for yourself you claim when I refer to Frank's bills that did not include Frank's legislative actions overall, that it had to be a bill HE WROTE (know any bills written by just ONE congressperson?), and even had to pass through the House! I said NONE of that, jackass, you need to check yourself into a rubber room and get back on your Thorazine! You claim I lied in reporting a fact widely held all over! Prove that I intentionally lied! Prove that I wasn't referring to Frank's body of legislative work! Prove that I wasn't simply misinformed by hundreds of internet, TV and radio news articles all saying the same! Barney Frank is well documented and widely considered to be a CENTRAL FIGURE in the democrat's causing the subprime meltdown of the late 2000s that you routinely try to pass off as Bush's fault, when Bush had not a thing to do with it! And nothing you say here will change that.

Nelson 2.jpg

Dear God, I knew there were some really big assholes and idiots here, But Faun, honestly, YOU TAKE THE FRICKING CAKE! You are easier to play for a fraud and a fool that a child's toy xylophone!

Hey Faun! Bills! Bills! Bills! BILLS EVERYWHERE! Oh my! Look at all the bills! :auiqs.jpg: Whadda jerk.
Now here's the rest of the dialog you strip out in order to alter the context of my post...

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?


Tsk. Tsk. Poor little snowflake! :itsok: First you lie over and over, then you troll, now you alter what people say. Moderators, the conversation above never happened! You didn't even come into the conversation until AFTER I told UnRealDave I had already posted some of Frank's bills which he asked me to name one! But thanks for letting us know there is no limit to the number of Zone 2 rule violations you'll make.

You know, the bills your SWORE I never posted like 30 times until you finally posted them yourself! HaHa

You know, the bills you asked the number for over and over and over despite my telling you they had already been listed, which you SWORE I hadn't, until you finally posted my letter which clearly showed them!

You know, despite the fact that I've linked numerous articles to Frank and the subprime meltdown which you swear he never had anything to do with, despite the fact that you've produced absolutely SQUAT to back up your claims.

You know, despite the fact that after 70-80 other lies, you lied saying that I LIED in what I posted despite the fact that you cannot prove it! A lie little boy means intentional deceit. Despite your claiming context for yourself you claim when I refer to Frank's bills that did not include Frank's legislative actions overall, that it had to be a bill HE WROTE (know any bills written by just ONE congressperson?), and even had to pass through the House! I said NONE of that, jackass, you need to check yourself into a rubber room and get back on your Thorazine! You claim I lied in reporting a fact widely held all over! Prove that I intentionally lied! Prove that I wasn't referring to Frank's body of legislative work! Prove that I wasn't simply misinformed by hundreds of internet, TV and radio news articles all saying the same! Barney Frank is well documented and widely considered to be a CENTRAL FIGURE in the democrat's causing the subprime meltdown of the late 2000s that you routinely try to pass off as Bush's fault, when Bush had not a thing to do with it! And nothing you say here will change that.

View attachment 272366

Dear God, I knew there were some really big assholes and idiots here, But Faun, honestly, YOU TAKE THE FRICKING CAKE! You are easier to play for a fraud and a fool that a child's toy xylophone!

Hey Faun! Bills! Bills! Bills! BILLS EVERYWHERE! Oh my! Look at all the bills! :auiqs.jpg: Whadda jerk.
"Moderators, the conversation above never happened!"


Demented, boobtoob, I screenshotted that dialog. The posts are all still there. You're beyond crazy to deny that's what was said. :cuckoo:

Here's the dialog a crazed poster says doesn't exist --> Trumpsters, please don't read this <-- now everyone can see what a flaming nut you are.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

Now here's the rest of the dialog you strip out in order to alter the context of my post...

Still trying to save face, shitstain, despite my repeatedly pointing out for DAYS that all said is a matter of public record? Wow. You sure on one ego-fragile mfer. Good! Anyone can go back to see what a fucking brain-dead troll you are. And it all started over your unwillingness to take the bet that I didn't post any bills------ which you just now posted yourself above and revealed what a liar you are.

And best of all, cumquat, NO ONE HERE gives a flying crap about Barney's legislative work now and his bills, BUT YOU. You must have a thing for da Frank! Even Uncle Barry had his fun blaming Bush for the democrat's mess for most of his term.

Ah Oh! I just started a NEW THREAD! Now ShitFerBrains Faun will denounce me for claiming I'm related to Barry Soetori!

The man born in Hawaii with a Kenyan foreign aid application whose SS# is from Connecticut!

ITMT, back in the land of the sane, what I find funniest about all the railing against Trump, particularly those attacking his tariff plan against China is that experts just announced last night that the reason why China isn't budging on the trade deal IS BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRATS. Xi Jinping is hoping that Trump won't get reelected next year and the new democratic president will (surely) be a lot more "flexible" on trade (you know, like Barry Obumma was to Russia).

So, next time you hear the Left railing about how American's are hurting from tariffs, just remember, it is the Left who is causing the pain! Xi don't need to do anything-- -- -- he knows he has his favorite puppet regime THE DEMOCRATS in there batting for him! HaHa
Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser! Much less that it was the sole and ONLY cause. Dude, you need to get back on your Mellaril and Etrafon Forte, FAST. You are one fucked up idiot. Dayang!

BarneyFinger 2.jpg

Bills! Bills! I see Bills everywhere! Ahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Now here's the rest of the dialog you strip out in order to alter the context of my post...

Still trying to save face, shitstain, despite my repeatedly pointing out for DAYS that all said is a matter of public record? Wow. You sure on one ego-fragile mfer. Good! Anyone can go back to see what a fucking brain-dead troll you are. And it all started over your unwillingness to take the bet that I didn't post any bills------ which you just now posted yourself above and revealed what a liar you are.

And best of all, cumquat, NO ONE HERE gives a flying crap about Barney's legislative work now and his bills, BUT YOU. You must have a thing for da Frank! Even Uncle Barry had his fun blaming Bush for the democrat's mess for most of his term.

Ah Oh! I just started a NEW THREAD! Now ShitFerBrains Faun will denounce me for claiming I'm related to Barry Soetori!

The man born in Hawaii with a Kenyan foreign aid application whose SS# is from Connecticut!

ITMT, back in the land of the sane, what I find funniest about all the railing against Trump, particularly those attacking his tariff plan against China is that experts just announced last night that the reason why China isn't budging on the trade deal IS BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRATS. Xi Jinping is hoping that Trump won't get reelected next year and the new democratic president will (surely) be a lot more "flexible" on trade (you know, like Barry Obumma was to Russia).

So, next time you hear the Left railing about how American's are hurting from tariffs, just remember, it is the Left who is causing the pain! Xi don't need to do anything-- -- -- he knows he has his favorite puppet regime THE DEMOCRATS in there batting for him! HaHa

Boobtoob, I just posted a link to the dialog you said doesn't exist and all you can muster is more logorrhea?? :lmao:

Moron, you posted...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.
... and despite ample opportunity, you failed miserably to prove it by posting even one Frank bill that crashed the economy. Brilliantly proving you were merely just lying.

Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser! Much less that it was the sole and ONLY cause. Dude, you need to get back on your Mellaril and Etrafon Forte, FAST. You are one fucked up idiot. Dayang!

View attachment 272371

Bills! Bills! I see Bills everywhere! Ahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
"FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser!"
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.
... and despite ample opportunity,

TRANSLATION: I refused to take the leftard's divisive bait. You see, all demotards operate on the assumption that if you lie OFTEN ENOUGH, it will eventually become the truth! Despite ample opportunity:
  • The troll never once showed any evidence to support one claim of his.
  • The troll never once proved I lied. Just that he disagreed.
  • The troll never once took a bet he swore he could not lose.
  • The troll claimed 60 times that I never posted any bills, then posted that I posted them himself.
  • The troll claimed 20 times I never posted any bill numbers, then posted that I posted them himself.
  • The troll has never disproven a single word in the many articles fingering Frank. (hoo baby)
  • The troll repeatedly deflects from the real discussion, trying to make it a literal one against me but a contextual one for him.
  • The troll repeatedly tries to change the argument while glazing over all his deflections and obfuscation.
STILL waiting for you to take the bet troll that I never posted any bills! That was and IS the original and only issue here!

Last edited:
Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser! Much less that it was the sole and ONLY cause. Dude, you need to get back on your Mellaril and Etrafon Forte, FAST. You are one fucked up idiot. Dayang!

View attachment 272371

Bills! Bills! I see Bills everywhere! Ahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
"FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser!"
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.

Shitstain now can't even tell the singular from the plural I see! I said it was Barney's BILLS, asshole! Meaning his collective work in toto as a legislator. What part of that is impossible to get through your DENSE FUCKING SKULL? I never said that it was ONE FUCKING BILL as you now claim, I never said that Barney WROTE IT as you've tried to claim, nor that it had to pass both the house and the senate as you've tried to claim nor that it had to be the SOLE and ONLY cause! Dayam! You are one STUPID m-fer!

Still waiting for you to take my bet or produce one shred of evidence or documentation which refutes Barney's role!
... and despite ample opportunity,

TRANSLATION: I refused to take the leftard's divisive bait. You see, all demotards operate on the assumption that if you lie OFTEN ENOUGH, it will eventually become the truth! Despite ample opportunity:
  • The troll never once showed any evidence to support one claim of his.
  • The troll never once proved I lied. Just that he disagreed.
  • The troll never once took a bet he swore he could not lose.
  • The troll claimed 60 times that I never posted any bills, then posted that I posted them himself.
  • The troll claimed 20 times I never posted any bill numbers, then posted that I posted them himself.
  • The troll has never disproven a single word in the many articles fingering Frank. (hoo baby)
  • The troll repeatedly deflects from the real discussion, trying to make it a literal one against me but a contextual one for him.
  • The troll repeatedly tries to change the argument while glazing over all his deflections and obfuscation.
STILL waiting for you to take the bet troll that I never posted any bills! That was and IS the original and only issue here!

View attachment 272374
You're the one who made the claim, boobtoob. It's your claim to prove, not mine to disprove...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.
... you lied.
Now then, about that Frank bill you claim "derailed and crashed" the economy... what was that bill number?

FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser! Much less that it was the sole and ONLY cause. Dude, you need to get back on your Mellaril and Etrafon Forte, FAST. You are one fucked up idiot. Dayang!

View attachment 272371

Bills! Bills! I see Bills everywhere! Ahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
"FuckFaun, I never said that a bill by Frank crashed the economy, loser!"
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.

Shitstain now can't even tell the singular from the plural I see! I said it was Barney's BILLS, asshole! Meaning his collective work in toto as a legislator. What part of that is impossible to get through your DENSE FUCKING SKULL? I never said that it was ONE FUCKING BILL as you now claim, I never said that Barney WROTE IT as you've tried to claim, nor that it had to pass both the house and the senate as you've tried to claim nor that it had to be the SOLE and ONLY cause! Dayam! You are one STUPID m-fer!

Still waiting for you to take my bet or produce one shred of evidence or documentation which refutes Barney's role!
"Shitstain now can't even tell the singular from the plural I see! I said it was Barney's BILLS, asshole!"

Name one.
You're the one who made the claim, boobtoob. It's your claim to prove, not mine to disprove..
... you lied.[/QUOTE]

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 3.48.47 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-07-28 at 3.46.25 PM.png

You're the one who made the claim, Fuckknob. It's your claim to prove, not mine to disprove..... you lied. Over and over and over and over. It's all in B&W now. Must be in your genes.
You're the one who made the claim, boobtoob. It's your claim to prove, not mine to disprove..

View attachment 272375

View attachment 272376

You're the one who made the claim, Fuckknob. It's your claim to prove, not mine to disprove..... you lied. Over and over and over and over. It's all in B&W now. Must be in your genes.
Nope, I told no lie. You're the one posting an image of a post of mine you edited.

If truth and reality were on your side, boobtoob, you wouldn't have to edit my post.

Nope, I told no lie. You're the one posting an image of a post of mine you edited.

Did I CHANGE any word you said? Nope. Just removed the non-salient content as I always do which I WAS NOT RESPONDING TO. Besides, I posted the full post long ago. Like a man with one foot nailed to the floor, you JUST KEEP GOING IN CIRCLES. You said I did not post ANY bills. Deny it. Tell me I lied again. THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS, ASSHOLE.

Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 9.29.43 AM.png

ANY means one or more of an infinite set of things. Could be a bill about going to the Moon! Truth is AS YOU HAVE SHOWN, I posted no less than FOUR bills related to Frank! That certain is any.

Then you tried to lie again and change it to the CONTEXT of what you said. Oh, Pweeeze, Mr. Toob, I really meant ANY SUCH!!!!!

The expression any SUCH, if spoken, refers to a specific group. Such as: "You did not post ANY SUCH (other) Bills." That would refer to a previously listed other specific group.


But thanks for making it easy by pasting your own post yourself.

Now we know why you never took my bet. I posted four bills. You haven't shown or proven JACK about any of them.

Screen Shot 2019-07-28 at 3.46.25 PM.png

Tards are so much fun.
Nope, I told no lie. You're the one posting an image of a post of mine you edited.

Did I CHANGE any word you said? Nope. Just removed the non-salient content as I always do which I WAS NOT RESPONDING TO. Besides, I posted the full post long ago. Like a man with one foot nailed to the floor, you JUST KEEP GOING IN CIRCLES. You said I did not post ANY bills. Deny it. Tell me I lied again. THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS, ASSHOLE.

View attachment 272379

ANY means one or more of an infinite set of things. Could be a bill about going to the Moon! Truth is AS YOU HAVE SHOWN, I posted no less than FOUR bills related to Frank! That certain is any.

Then you tried to lie again and change it to the CONTEXT of what you said. Oh, Pweeeze, Mr. Toob, I really meant ANY SUCH!!!!!

The expression any SUCH, if spoken, refers to a specific group. Such as: "You did not post ANY SUCH (other) Bills." That would refer to a previously listed other specific group.


But thanks for making it easy by pasting your own post yourself.

Now we know why you never took my bet. I posted four bills. You haven't shown or proven JACK about any of them.

View attachment 272381

Tards are so much fun.

Hey man......you are debating a mental case. Look at the guys avatar!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Complete waste of time though I did get a kick out of your posts here!! Watching progressives get train wrecked in here is a hoot.

Watch this months cable news ratings for CNN and MSNBC.......all you have to know about where peoples care level is on impeachment.:hello77::hello77:
Nope, I told no lie. You're the one posting an image of a post of mine you edited.

Did I CHANGE any word you said? Nope. Just removed the non-salient content as I always do which I WAS NOT RESPONDING TO. Besides, I posted the full post long ago. Like a man with one foot nailed to the floor, you JUST KEEP GOING IN CIRCLES. You said I did not post ANY bills. Deny it. Tell me I lied again. THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS, ASSHOLE.

View attachment 272379

ANY means one or more of an infinite set of things. Could be a bill about going to the Moon! Truth is AS YOU HAVE SHOWN, I posted no less than FOUR bills related to Frank! That certain is any.

Then you tried to lie again and change it to the CONTEXT of what you said. Oh, Pweeeze, Mr. Toob, I really meant ANY SUCH!!!!!

The expression any SUCH, if spoken, refers to a specific group. Such as: "You did not post ANY SUCH (other) Bills." That would refer to a previously listed other specific group.


But thanks for making it easy by pasting your own post yourself.

Now we know why you never took my bet. I posted four bills. You haven't shown or proven JACK about any of them.

View attachment 272381

Tards are so much fun.
"Did I CHANGE any word you said?"

Yes, ya flamin' nut job, you deleted many of my words from that post.

Now watch as I eviscerate you again with your own words, unmodified, which you couldn't prove because it was a lie...
Pretty neat trick considering it was Bawney's bills that derailed and crashed it. Bye.
You lied. There are no such bills.

Nope, I told no lie. You're the one posting an image of a post of mine you edited.

Did I CHANGE any word you said? Nope. Just removed the non-salient content as I always do which I WAS NOT RESPONDING TO. Besides, I posted the full post long ago. Like a man with one foot nailed to the floor, you JUST KEEP GOING IN CIRCLES. You said I did not post ANY bills. Deny it. Tell me I lied again. THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS, ASSHOLE.

View attachment 272379

ANY means one or more of an infinite set of things. Could be a bill about going to the Moon! Truth is AS YOU HAVE SHOWN, I posted no less than FOUR bills related to Frank! That certain is any.

Then you tried to lie again and change it to the CONTEXT of what you said. Oh, Pweeeze, Mr. Toob, I really meant ANY SUCH!!!!!

The expression any SUCH, if spoken, refers to a specific group. Such as: "You did not post ANY SUCH (other) Bills." That would refer to a previously listed other specific group.


But thanks for making it easy by pasting your own post yourself.

Now we know why you never took my bet. I posted four bills. You haven't shown or proven JACK about any of them.

View attachment 272381

Tards are so much fun.

Hey man......you are debating a mental case. Look at the guys avatar!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Complete waste of time though I did get a kick out of your posts here!! Watching progressives get train wrecked in here is a hoot.

Watch this months cable news ratings for CNN and MSNBC.......all you have to know about where peoples care level is on impeachment.:hello77::hello77:
Thanks for letting me know my avatar still triggers you. :mm:
Hey man......you are debating a mental case. Look at the guys avatar!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Complete waste of time though I did get a kick out of your posts here!! Watching progressives get train wrecked in here is a hoot.
Watch this months cable news ratings for CNN and MSNBC.......all you have to know about where peoples care level is on impeachment.:hello77::hello77:

THANKS, Skook! I know. I'm just trying to be what he called me on his first post when he first replied to my post on another thread about Barney and his Financial antics! He didn't jump in and say I was mistaken, not even partisan or misinformed (despite there being an avalanche of supporting opinion out there to support it), he called me I think, retarded and an idiot! Now he calls me a LIAR. All for claiming that it was Barney and his legislative efforts which helped derail and crash the economy. I'm just trying to be what he expects. I don't want to disappoint him.

And this thread? All I did was insert the word "bill" in amongst talking about Mueller and the Trump charges. Didn't even say WHAT bill(s). Only he knew. Sent the guy off like another firecracker with another 40 posts derailing a second thread! :cuckoo:

The impeachment is a sham. It will never happen. Just a lot of TALK by the Dims hoping to er, ah, Trump up more hollow talking points against Trump! If they are actually crazy enough to try it, not only will it sink like a lead submarine with screen doors, but it will make them the laughing stock of the nation and guarantee Trump a shoe in. Worse, it will open the door for every counter charge Trump, Barr and the GOP can hurl at them.

Besides, as you say, they are going down fast in their own debates. Haven't seen one article yet on this week that didn't say CNN's debates weren't a total bomb. Kinda like Mueller.

"Did I CHANGE any word you said?"

Yes, ya flamin' nut job, you deleted many of my words from that post.
Hey ScrotumBrain, you are allowed to truncate material to the salient points. It saves server space and makes things easier to follow. I DID NOT CHANGE ONE WORD OF YOURS I POSTED. I merely removed what wasn't germane to my reply. Dayam, Jethro. Did you ever get outta the 6th grade?


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