What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

What was Trumps basic crime he obstructed investigation of?

  • Defeating Hillary

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • Saying mean things about minority people

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • tax evasion

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • conspiracy with the Russians to steal the 2016 election

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • being un Presidential

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I dunno, but eventually we will find sumpin

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
So you shouldnt have a problem citing the lie.

i cannot cite the lie(s), but apparently he lied to mueller, who testified that whatever little bit of info he did answer in the written statements he provided, (which is the same as being under oath) - he was generally untruthful. that's not counting the 30+ questions donny 'couldn't recall' the answers to, despite him claiming to have ' one of the great memories of all time'...

REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL): Director Mueller, isn't it fair to say that the President's written answers were not only inadequate and incomplete because he didn't answer many of your questions, but where he did, his answers showed that he wasn't always being truthful?

MUELLER: I would say generally.

DEMINGS: Generally. Director Mueller, it's one thing for the President to lie to the American people about your investigation, falsely claiming that you found no collusion and no obstruction, but it's something else altogether for him to get away with not answering your questions and lying about them. And as a former law enforcement officer of almost 30 years, I find that a disgrace to our criminal justice system. Thank you so much.

MUELLER: Thank you, ma'am.

DEMINGS: I yield back to the Chairman.

Mueller: Trump's Written Answers Showed He "Generally" Wasn't Always Being Truthful

And per every body language expert, MUELLER was lying and being dishonest. Poor baby. Trump has ZERO obligation to answer questions from a senile old man. No collusion, no obstruction, and Mueller shown to be an idiot.

^^^ :alcoholic: ^^^

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

I like how that dill says you used emojis in lieu of argument ... as he used an emoji in lieu of an argument.
Dayum, boobtoob, you're absolutely pathological. Of course you talked about Barney Frank first here. You asked me if I would take your bet about not citing Bill's which was your moronic bet you made on another thread over Barney Frank bills.

My favorite ass faggot still brown nosing me with his LIES I see! NO ONE HERE knew what bet I was talking about, nor did I say what bills I was talking about. Show me one word I said below about Bawney Fwank, my little bugger boo? Pathological? Clown , YOU TAKE THE CAKE. I could have been talking about the Buffalo Bills for all anyone knew or cared here until you AGAIN made it a big issue. Man, I have climbed up into that peanut brain of yours and literally pitched a freeking tent.

Screen Shot 2019-07-31 at 10.47.28 AM.png

My little ass faggot still obsessed with the bills that he says I never posted but I did, with bill numbers he SAYS I never gave WHICH I did, which he claims never existed but they DO, that he ripped me for saying they were part and parcel of the take-down of our economy in the 2000s despite being agreed upon by countless financial experts that he says never happened despite my posting a number of supporting reports, to which Faun Faggot STILL has never produced a SHRED of documentation to back up his claims, and STILL won't take a bet he swears HE CANNOT LOSE. For that matter, we're STILL waiting for you to show us evidence that Mueller had any more to do with his report on Trump than to sign his name at the bottom. He actually spent EIGHT HOURS the other day showing the world plainly that he DIDN'T.

The only question left now is whether Faun you like sucking REAL ass, or is your thing playing with plastic dolls like half the other brain-damaged pathologically lying leftists here? You can't even keep straight in your head the obvious things printed here in B&W. Like most all Tards, you actually think that just because you CLAIM a thing, that therefore it must be TRUE. Just one more of your tortured twistings of the truth exposed.

Last edited:
We know what YOU believe! Before the hearing, you claimed wrongly that Comey and Mueller were just business associates! I guess you also missed where Mueller admitted that the two of them were close FRIENDS. Last vid, :45 seconds in.

stop LYING, please.

Listen to your own tape.

No, just the interviewer, who detailed their intimate closeness for FIVE MINUTES upon which Mueller knew he was busted and finally broken down and CONFESSED.


Time to throw the Mueller Report in the trash can where it belongs.
Dayum, boobtoob, you're absolutely pathological. Of course you talked about Barney Frank first here. You asked me if I would take your bet about not citing Bill's which was your moronic bet you made on another thread over Barney Frank bills.

My favorite ass faggot still brown nosing me with his LIES I see! NO ONE HERE knew what bet I was talking about, nor did I say what bills I was talking about. Show me one word I said below about Bawney Fwank, my little bugger boo? Pathological? Clown , YOU TAKE THE CAKE. I could have been talking about the Buffalo Bills for all anyone knew or cared here until you AGAIN made it a big issue. Man, I have climbed up into that peanut brain of yours and literally pitched a freeking tent.

View attachment 272097

My little ass faggot still obsessed with the bills that he says I never posted but I did, with bill numbers he SAYS I never gave WHICH I did, which he claims never existed but they DO, that he ripped me for saying they were part and parcel of the take-down of our economy in the 2000s despite being agreed upon by countless financial experts that he says never happened despite my posting a number of supporting reports, to which Faun Faggot STILL has never produced a SHRED of documentation to back up his claims, and STILL won't take a bet he swears HE CANNOT LOSE. For that matter, we're STILL waiting for you to show us evidence that Mueller had any more to do with his report on Trump than to sign his name at the bottom. He actually spent EIGHT HOURS the other day showing the world plainly that he DIDN'T.

The only question left now is whether Faun you like sucking REAL ass, or is your thing playing with plastic dolls like half the other brain-damaged pathologically lying leftists here? You can't even keep straight in your head the obvious things printed here in B&W. Like most all Tards, you actually think that just because you CLAIM a thing, that therefore it must be TRUE. Just one more of your tortured twistings of the truth exposed.

View attachment 272101 View attachment 272102

Poor, unhinged boobtoob. It matters not who knew what you were talking about. Shit, even you don't know what you're talking about as evidenced by you saying you never said anything about a "Frank bill" after referring to it as a "Bawney bill." It matters who brought that conversation into this thread. You even admit it was you. :mm:

And despite your whacked hysterics, you claimed Frank's bills caused the crash yet you still cannot point to a single bill of his that did.

And you claimed Mueller said he didn't write his report yet you still cannot produce a quote of him saying that.

Describing you as pathological barely scratches the surface.
Poor, unhinged boobtoob.

Dude, can't you even be original? Yawn.


It matters not who knew what you were talking about.
Of course it does, GoatShitferBrains, if no one here knew what I was referring to, then my use of the word "bill" meant NOTHING to them. And don't go running again from your other lie that I brought up Barney Frank here first. You lie so much you can't keep them all straight.

you claimed Frank's bills caused the crash yet you still cannot point to a single bill of his that did.
Already did, long ago fuckface. Already did, long ago fuckface. Already did, long ago fuckface. IN BIG BOLD RED ARROWS. How often can you keep repeating the same lies? And numerous links to articles in support of that. You're the one claiming he didn't, yet you still haven't shown a speck of data to counter that opinion! Damn, you are dull and boring.

Poor, unhinged boobtoob.

Dude, can't you even be original? Yawn.

View attachment 272113

It matters not who knew what you were talking about.
Of course it does, GoatShitferBrains, if no one here knew what I was referring to, then my use of the word "bill" meant NOTHING to them. And don't go running again from your other lie that I brought up Barney Frank here first. You lie so much you can't keep them all straight.

you claimed Frank's bills caused the crash yet you still cannot point to a single bill of his that did.
Already did, long ago fuckface. Already did, long ago fuckface. Already did, long ago fuckface. IN BIG BOLD RED ARROWS. How often can you keep repeating the same lies? And numerous links to articles in support of that. You're the one claiming he didn't, yet you still haven't shown a speck of data to counter that opinion! Damn, you are dull and boring.

View attachment 272114

Dumbfuck, you're still posting about things here even if no one else know what the fuck you're talking about.

Dayum, are you ever rightarded. :cuckoo:

"Already did, long ago fuckface. IN BIG BOLD RED ARROWS."

No, boobtoob, ya didn't. What you posted was...


Dumbfuck, neither H.R. 1427 nor H.R. 3915 caused the economy to crash.

You haven't named a single bill that did. And the reason you can't cite one is because no such bill exists.

And your links to various articles don't contain any such bills either. They talk about Frank's support of the GSE's and his failing to recognize problems within them. You know, during the time Republicans controlled Congress and did nothing about those problems.
Dayum, boobtoob, I had no idea how much I haunt your head.

You're a fucking idiot. I think you seriously believe your crap. We are clearly only having one conversation here now about how you've trolled two threads stalking me over a passing comment about Barney Frank making repeated ridiculous unsupported claims. Bills that exist that you say never existed. Bills that were posted that you say were never posted. Bill numbers you say were never posted that are clearly highlighted and arrowed. Saying you never said things that are in black and white. Then claiming it was all a matter of "context." I'm not the one whose pursued 50-60 posts about some stupid point of trivial that you cannot even prove wrong. A point written up in countless articles by financial experts. You're in MY head, asshole? You are one deeply disturbed, sick fuck with apparently nothing better to do. I guess that is why you continuously resort to crude, juvenile snickering name calling, LOLs, and laughing animations rather than any graphable proof of anything you ever claim. I've noticed all you pathetic leftards here use them as a substitute to tell yourself your winning arguments! You've done nothing here but show your real asshole nature and grade school mentality to 40,000 people. But then, most people here already know what an ass you really are. I'm still waiting for you to show the first grain of documentation about anything you claim. You can't, because if it existed, you already would have done so a long, long time ago.
"We are clearly only having one conversation here now about how you've trolled two threads stalking me over a passing comment about Barney Frank making repeated ridiculous unsupported claims."

You lied. You're the one who started talking about Frank and his bills in this thread. Do you ever accept personal responsibility? Ever??? As far as stalking you, seems you're stalking me. You were the one who started posting to me before I posted to you...

What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

"I'm not the one whose pursued 50-60 posts about some stupid point of trivial that you cannot even prove wrong."


Proven wrong by your inability to prove your idiotic claim. With all the links you posted, none cited a Frank bill with crashed the economy.

"You're in MY head, asshole?"

Yes, your unhinged posts prove it.

"I've noticed all you pathetic leftards here use them as a substitute to tell yourself your winning arguments!"

Enough of your crazed posts ... Mueller indicated trump obstructed justice. Try staying on topic and address the thread....

Then go ahead and try to charge and impeach him coward. Mueller failed and has NOTHING. Now run away and hide coward. Mueller didn't even write the report. Proof you say? He doesn't know what's in it. Proven when he got shredded under oath. Noting you are still a coward.
So you shouldnt have a problem citing the lie.

i cannot cite the lie(s), but apparently he lied to mueller, who testified that whatever little bit of info he did answer in the written statements he provided, (which is the same as being under oath) - he was generally untruthful. that's not counting the 30+ questions donny 'couldn't recall' the answers to, despite him claiming to have ' one of the great memories of all time'...

REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL): Director Mueller, isn't it fair to say that the President's written answers were not only inadequate and incomplete because he didn't answer many of your questions, but where he did, his answers showed that he wasn't always being truthful?

MUELLER: I would say generally.

DEMINGS: Generally. Director Mueller, it's one thing for the President to lie to the American people about your investigation, falsely claiming that you found no collusion and no obstruction, but it's something else altogether for him to get away with not answering your questions and lying about them. And as a former law enforcement officer of almost 30 years, I find that a disgrace to our criminal justice system. Thank you so much.

MUELLER: Thank you, ma'am.

DEMINGS: I yield back to the Chairman.

Mueller: Trump's Written Answers Showed He "Generally" Wasn't Always Being Truthful

And per every body language expert, MUELLER was lying and being dishonest. Poor baby. Trump has ZERO obligation to answer questions from a senile old man. No collusion, no obstruction, and Mueller shown to be an idiot.

^^^ :alcoholic: ^^^

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

Says a baby who cries when people demand an UNBIASED link backing up her bullshit.:21::290968001256257790-final::asshole:
Dayum, boobtoob, I had no idea how much I haunt your head.

You're a fucking idiot. I think you seriously believe your crap. We are clearly only having one conversation here now about how you've trolled two threads stalking me over a passing comment about Barney Frank making repeated ridiculous unsupported claims. Bills that exist that you say never existed. Bills that were posted that you say were never posted. Bill numbers you say were never posted that are clearly highlighted and arrowed. Saying you never said things that are in black and white. Then claiming it was all a matter of "context." I'm not the one whose pursued 50-60 posts about some stupid point of trivial that you cannot even prove wrong. A point written up in countless articles by financial experts. You're in MY head, asshole? You are one deeply disturbed, sick fuck with apparently nothing better to do. I guess that is why you continuously resort to crude, juvenile snickering name calling, LOLs, and laughing animations rather than any graphable proof of anything you ever claim. I've noticed all you pathetic leftards here use them as a substitute to tell yourself your winning arguments! You've done nothing here but show your real asshole nature and grade school mentality to 40,000 people. But then, most people here already know what an ass you really are. I'm still waiting for you to show the first grain of documentation about anything you claim. You can't, because if it existed, you already would have done so a long, long time ago.
"We are clearly only having one conversation here now about how you've trolled two threads stalking me over a passing comment about Barney Frank making repeated ridiculous unsupported claims."

You lied. You're the one who started talking about Frank and his bills in this thread. Do you ever accept personal responsibility? Ever??? As far as stalking you, seems you're stalking me. You were the one who started posting to me before I posted to you...

What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

"I'm not the one whose pursued 50-60 posts about some stupid point of trivial that you cannot even prove wrong."


Proven wrong by your inability to prove your idiotic claim. With all the links you posted, none cited a Frank bill with crashed the economy.

"You're in MY head, asshole?"

Yes, your unhinged posts prove it.

"I've noticed all you pathetic leftards here use them as a substitute to tell yourself your winning arguments!"

Enough of your crazed posts ... Mueller indicated trump obstructed justice. Try staying on topic and address the thread....

Then go ahead and try to charge and impeach him coward. Mueller failed and has NOTHING. Now run away and hide coward. Mueller didn't even write the report. Proof you say? He doesn't know what's in it. Proven when he got shredded under oath. Noting you are still a coward.
The House Judiciary committee is contemplating impeachment as we speak.
Dayum, boobtoob, I had no idea how much I haunt your head.

You're a fucking idiot. I think you seriously believe your crap. We are clearly only having one conversation here now about how you've trolled two threads stalking me over a passing comment about Barney Frank making repeated ridiculous unsupported claims. Bills that exist that you say never existed. Bills that were posted that you say were never posted. Bill numbers you say were never posted that are clearly highlighted and arrowed. Saying you never said things that are in black and white. Then claiming it was all a matter of "context." I'm not the one whose pursued 50-60 posts about some stupid point of trivial that you cannot even prove wrong. A point written up in countless articles by financial experts. You're in MY head, asshole? You are one deeply disturbed, sick fuck with apparently nothing better to do. I guess that is why you continuously resort to crude, juvenile snickering name calling, LOLs, and laughing animations rather than any graphable proof of anything you ever claim. I've noticed all you pathetic leftards here use them as a substitute to tell yourself your winning arguments! You've done nothing here but show your real asshole nature and grade school mentality to 40,000 people. But then, most people here already know what an ass you really are. I'm still waiting for you to show the first grain of documentation about anything you claim. You can't, because if it existed, you already would have done so a long, long time ago.
"We are clearly only having one conversation here now about how you've trolled two threads stalking me over a passing comment about Barney Frank making repeated ridiculous unsupported claims."

You lied. You're the one who started talking about Frank and his bills in this thread. Do you ever accept personal responsibility? Ever??? As far as stalking you, seems you're stalking me. You were the one who started posting to me before I posted to you...

What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

"I'm not the one whose pursued 50-60 posts about some stupid point of trivial that you cannot even prove wrong."


Proven wrong by your inability to prove your idiotic claim. With all the links you posted, none cited a Frank bill with crashed the economy.

"You're in MY head, asshole?"

Yes, your unhinged posts prove it.

"I've noticed all you pathetic leftards here use them as a substitute to tell yourself your winning arguments!"

Enough of your crazed posts ... Mueller indicated trump obstructed justice. Try staying on topic and address the thread....

Then go ahead and try to charge and impeach him coward. Mueller failed and has NOTHING. Now run away and hide coward. Mueller didn't even write the report. Proof you say? He doesn't know what's in it. Proven when he got shredded under oath. Noting you are still a coward.
The House Judiciary committee is contemplating impeachment as we speak.

Yet you still don't have an impeachable offense.
170 posts and not one of the usual crowd of liars has posted anything substantial. Liars all.
Key words MAY HAVE.

which is congress' job to take up since the OLC is the only thing preventing mueller from doing... otherwise YES.



according to mueller & 1000 current & former (D) AND (R) DOJ federal prosecutors.

DOJ Alumni Statement

May 6 · 4 min read

Opinions of former federal prosecutors mean nothing Mueller himself came back and said the OCL did not stop him in his testimony. Despite how badly you on the left want to think your wanting to believe something makes it true it doesn’t.

nobody said the OLC stopped him from testifying. try to actually comprehend what you read... the OLC policy states that a ' sitting prez cannot be indicted '( & therefore cannot be prosecuted whilst still in office) is what prevented mueller from going any further than his report.

Mueller said Trump could be indicted once he leaves office
One of the biggest moments from the Mueller hearing — and a Republican own goal.
By Zack Beauchamp@zackbeauchamp Jul 24, 2019, 11:19am EDT

During Robert Mueller’s testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) asked Mueller if he could indict the president on obstruction charges.

The former special counsel’s answer was simple: “Yes.

It was a rare striking moment in a hearing that has, so far, been largely unenlightening. Mueller’s position is that he didn’t consider indicting Trump solely because of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) ruling saying sitting presidents can’t be indicted. But Trump won’t be president forever, and Mueller’s view is that once Trump is out of office, prosecutors could charge him with obstruction if they believe the facts laid out in the report warrant it.

Mueller said Trump could be indicted once he leaves office
Yet he did not put out a sealed indictement to do so when Trump was out of office your TDS is showing.

he punted to congress to have them do the job they were elected to do.

Report doesn't exonerate Trump, Mueller testifies, and he could be charged after leaving office
Bybenjamin siegel, trish turner and elizabeth thomas
Jul 24, 2019, 4:02 PM ET

"Director Mueller, at your May 29, 2019, press conference, you explained that, quote, 'The opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,' end quote. That process, other than the criminal justice system for accusing a president of wrongdoing, is that impeachment?", Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, asked.

She was the last Democrat to ask a question.

"I'm not going to comment on that," Mueller answered.

"In your report, you also wrote that you did not want to, quote, 'potentially preempt constitutional processes for addressing presidential misconduct,' end quote. For the non-lawyers in the room, what did you mean by, quote, 'potentially preempt constitutional processes'?"

"I'm not going to try to explain that," Mueller responded.

"That actually is coming from page 1 of Volume II. In the footnote is the reference to this. What are those constitutional processes?" she pressed.

"I think I heard you mention at least one,"
Mueller answered.

Report doesn't exonerate Trump, could be charged after leaving office: Mueller

tic toc.

Insider trading is what opened the case.
They knew she was guilty but couldnt prove it so they nailed her for lying to the feds.
And she was still convicted of obstruction with no underlying conviction.

You cant lie to the feds,which she did.

& so did trump.

So you shouldnt have a problem citing the lie.

i cannot cite the lie(s), but apparently he lied to mueller, who testified that whatever little bit of info he did answer in the written statements he provided, (which is the same as being under oath) - he was generally untruthful. that's not counting the 30+ questions donny 'couldn't recall' the answers to, despite him claiming to have ' one of the great memories of all time'...

REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL): Director Mueller, isn't it fair to say that the President's written answers were not only inadequate and incomplete because he didn't answer many of your questions, but where he did, his answers showed that he wasn't always being truthful?

MUELLER: I would say generally.

DEMINGS: Generally. Director Mueller, it's one thing for the President to lie to the American people about your investigation, falsely claiming that you found no collusion and no obstruction, but it's something else altogether for him to get away with not answering your questions and lying about them. And as a former law enforcement officer of almost 30 years, I find that a disgrace to our criminal justice system. Thank you so much.

MUELLER: Thank you, ma'am.

DEMINGS: I yield back to the Chairman.

Mueller: Trump's Written Answers Showed He "Generally" Wasn't Always Being Truthful

She was not charged with insider trading. The only financial crime she was charged with was some idiocy about proclaiming her innocence was a fraud on investors in her company that the judge novel before he threw it out. There was no underlying crime.

Insider trading is what opened the case.
They knew she was guilty but couldnt prove it so they nailed her for lying to the feds.
And she was still convicted of obstruction with no underlying conviction.

You cant lie to the feds,which she did.
Yeah, that's obstruction of justice

You cant lie to the feds,which she did.

& so did trump.

So you shouldnt have a problem citing the lie.

i cannot cite the lie(s), but apparently he lied to mueller, who testified that whatever little bit of info he did answer in the written statements he provided, (which is the same as being under oath) - he was generally untruthful. that's not counting the 30+ questions donny 'couldn't recall' the answers to, despite him claiming to have ' one of the great memories of all time'...

REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL): Director Mueller, isn't it fair to say that the President's written answers were not only inadequate and incomplete because he didn't answer many of your questions, but where he did, his answers showed that he wasn't always being truthful?

MUELLER: I would say generally.

DEMINGS: Generally. Director Mueller, it's one thing for the President to lie to the American people about your investigation, falsely claiming that you found no collusion and no obstruction, but it's something else altogether for him to get away with not answering your questions and lying about them. And as a former law enforcement officer of almost 30 years, I find that a disgrace to our criminal justice system. Thank you so much.

MUELLER: Thank you, ma'am.

DEMINGS: I yield back to the Chairman.

Mueller: Trump's Written Answers Showed He "Generally" Wasn't Always Being Truthful

You got what Mewler has....NOTHING!:blahblah:

mueller testified under oath regarding that & the back up proof ( the Q&A ) trump signed as being truthful is part of the grand jury material. that will be available once congress gets it. & they will get it. :abgg2q.jpg:



IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?
You forgot to include the crimes of obstruction and campaign finance violations.
i cannot cite the lie(s), but apparently he lied to mueller, who testified that whatever little bit of info he did answer in the written statements he provided, (which is the same as being under oath) - he was generally untruthful. that's not counting the 30+ questions donny 'couldn't recall' the answers to, despite him claiming to have ' one of the great memories of all time'...

REP. VAL DEMINGS (D-FL): Director Mueller, isn't it fair to say that the President's written answers were not only inadequate and incomplete because he didn't answer many of your questions, but where he did, his answers showed that he wasn't always being truthful?

MUELLER: I would say generally.

DEMINGS: Generally. Director Mueller, it's one thing for the President to lie to the American people about your investigation, falsely claiming that you found no collusion and no obstruction, but it's something else altogether for him to get away with not answering your questions and lying about them. And as a former law enforcement officer of almost 30 years, I find that a disgrace to our criminal justice system. Thank you so much.

MUELLER: Thank you, ma'am.

DEMINGS: I yield back to the Chairman.

Mueller: Trump's Written Answers Showed He "Generally" Wasn't Always Being Truthful

And per every body language expert, MUELLER was lying and being dishonest. Poor baby. Trump has ZERO obligation to answer questions from a senile old man. No collusion, no obstruction, and Mueller shown to be an idiot.

^^^ :alcoholic: ^^^

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

Says a baby who cries when people demand an UNBIASED link backing up her bullshit.:21::290968001256257790-final::asshole:

i ALWAYS have back up. ALWAYS. that's why i have no problem backing you into a corner.

so cough one up, c'mon now. chop chop.
And per every body language expert, MUELLER was lying and being dishonest. Poor baby. Trump has ZERO obligation to answer questions from a senile old man. No collusion, no obstruction, and Mueller shown to be an idiot.

^^^ :alcoholic: ^^^

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

Says a baby who cries when people demand an UNBIASED link backing up her bullshit.:21::290968001256257790-final::asshole:

i ALWAYS have back up. ALWAYS. that's why i have no problem backing you into a corner.

so cough one up, c'mon now. chop chop.
Yeah, you'll back it up with hearsay media bullshit.

Use of emojis to hide her lack of counter argument. :290968001256257790-final:

^^^ lack of an unbiased credible link validates his lack of facts. :dig:

Says a baby who cries when people demand an UNBIASED link backing up her bullshit.:21::290968001256257790-final::asshole:

i ALWAYS have back up. ALWAYS. that's why i have no problem backing you into a corner.

so cough one up, c'mon now. chop chop.
Yeah, you'll back it up with hearsay media bullshit.

170 posts and not one of the usual crowd of liars has posted anything substantial. Liars all.

No troll, not one of you have posted anything usable as proof in a court of law. And you never will. You are all pitiful liars.

your pants are on fire.



DOJ Alumni Statement

May 6 · 4 min read


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