What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

What was Trumps basic crime he obstructed investigation of?

  • Defeating Hillary

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • Saying mean things about minority people

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • tax evasion

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • conspiracy with the Russians to steal the 2016 election

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • being un Presidential

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I dunno, but eventually we will find sumpin

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?
The left just wants to keep harping on negative claims up until the 2020 elections in the hope that if people keep hearing negative BS, that they'll vote for someone else. As for impeachment, to convict, it takes 2/3 of the senate to convict and they don't have 2/3 of the senate and thus, it's just another waste of time and taxpayer dollars, when they should be focusing on working with the administration to do positive things for the nation.
The sad thing is that they are George Soros puppets.

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.
He didn't write any of it, they just used his name to give their witch hunt credibility. Apparently they picked the wrong guy.
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller
By Will Rahn
July 23, 2019 / 6:56 PM / CBS News

10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of justice and witness tampering
Deanna Paul

Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of justice and witness tampering

If the latest report is true, which crimes might Trump have committed?

The two main perjury statutes are 18 USC § 1621, and § 1623. The first, Section 1621, criminalizes material false statements, under oath, in federal official proceedings. Section 1621 really contains two offenses, one for testimony, which requires an oath, and the other for written statements made under penalty of perjury.

The second perjury statute, Section 1623, prohibits material false statements under oath in federal court proceedings.

Subornation of perjury, as that crime is defined in the U.S. Code (18 USC § 1622), criminalizes "(procuring) another to commit any perjury." An underlying perjury is required to convict someone of suborning perjury, under federal law.
(don mcGahn & probably others)
If the latest report is true, which crimes might Trump have committed?

you're welcome.

Mueller stated under oath to Congress that neither President Trump nor his staff hindered his investigation.
Boobtoob, what part of, I used your link to find those figures is to complex for your feeble brain to comprehend?
Then apparently you either are using the new math from Dumbfuckistan where 2+2=5 or you referred to that part of the article that simply was never there. Why don't you bet me your figures are in my article?

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

The report is valid.
With Validity it said that neither Trump (or any American Citizen ) planned or participated with any Russian Entity.
And that there was no Valid proof of obstruction.
The left will not/cannot convict Trump of any crimes yet want to continue to hang their failed plot to drive him out of office around his neck by saying they have not exonerated him.

The audacity and hypocrisy of the left is incredible. They want to keep Trump in this nether world of not guilty but not innocent either. This only convinces many people in the middle that the democrats are morally bankrupt clowns
and they are not to be trusted with the country they want to turn into a dystopic socialist hell hole that is beholden to anti Semites and mentally disturbed trans activists.
The left will not/cannot convict Trump of any crimes yet want to continue to hang their failed plot to drive him out of office around his neck by saying they have not exonerated him.

The audacity and hypocrisy of the left is incredible. They want to keep Trump in this nether world of not guilty but not innocent either. This only convinces many people in the middle that the democrats are morally bankrupt clowns
and they are not to be trusted with the country they want to turn into a dystopic socialist hell hole that is beholden to anti Semites and mentally disturbed trans activists.[/QUO
that is not what it is about, in my opinion. from a political perspective, why waste political capital on something the Senate has no interest in.

he could simply be voted out of office.

Or, impeached and removed from office with a different "political landscape."[
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
"DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format!"


You're such a fucking imbecile.

Moron, I was using that format before you even joined this forum...
Translation: you still have no evidence Trump was wiretapped

Are you ever not stupid, boobtoob?


Last edited:
Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?

OK, I'm glad you are finally taking the bet. Did I tell you that Mueller also admitted that he didn't even write his little speech of a few weeks ago where he stood up and said he'd have nothing further to add and that he was retired and didn't want to testify? That someone else wrote that as well but he won't say who? So we are clear then, you are taking the bet that Mueller didn't say that he didn't write the Mueller Report and that I never cited any bills, not even one, and that if proven wrong, you'll be banned for six months.

Now prove to us that Mueller actually wrote the report or didn't say he didn't write the report. I'm waiting. I have the full hearing on my DVR, boy.


Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?

OK, I'm glad you are finally taking the bet. Did I tell you that Mueller also admitted that he didn't even write his little speech of a few weeks ago where he stood up and said he'd have nothing further to add and that he was retired and didn't want to testify? That someone else wrote that as well but he won't say who? So we are clear then, you are taking the bet that Mueller didn't say that he didn't write the Mueller Report and that I never cited any bills, not even one, and that if proven wrong, you'll be banned for six months.

Now prove to us that Mueller actually wrote the report or didn't say he didn't write the report. I'm waiting. I have the full hearing on my DVR, boy.

Does this mean you're taking the bet? If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months.
Sorry, dipshit, I don't fill orders for retarded trolls. You should have watched the hearings. Why don't you bet me he didn't say it?
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?

OK, I'm glad you are finally taking the bet. Did I tell you that Mueller also admitted that he didn't even write his little speech of a few weeks ago where he stood up and said he'd have nothing further to add and that he was retired and didn't want to testify? That someone else wrote that as well but he won't say who? So we are clear then, you are taking the bet that Mueller didn't say that he didn't write the Mueller Report and that I never cited any bills, not even one, and that if proven wrong, you'll be banned for six months.

Now prove to us that Mueller actually wrote the report or didn't say he didn't write the report. I'm waiting. I have the full hearing on my DVR, boy.

Does this mean you're taking the bet? If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months.

Toolbrain, I don't take bets, I MADE the bet. It is yours to take. This is getting boring. You do nothing but waste people's time. You've done nothing but derail this thread to hide from the fact that you're a shitfaced liar. You must be a democrat. I've grown tired of wasting words with you. You need to pay me for my time to keep it interesting. You don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong even when it is in black and white with you caught red handed with your pants around your ankles.
Translation: you're lying again.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?

OK, I'm glad you are finally taking the bet. Did I tell you that Mueller also admitted that he didn't even write his little speech of a few weeks ago where he stood up and said he'd have nothing further to add and that he was retired and didn't want to testify? That someone else wrote that as well but he won't say who? So we are clear then, you are taking the bet that Mueller didn't say that he didn't write the Mueller Report and that I never cited any bills, not even one, and that if proven wrong, you'll be banned for six months.

Now prove to us that Mueller actually wrote the report or didn't say he didn't write the report. I'm waiting. I have the full hearing on my DVR, boy.

Does this mean you're taking the bet? If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months.

Toolbrain, I don't take bets, I MADE the bet. It is yours to take. This is getting boring. You do nothing but waste people's time. You've done nothing but derail this thread to hide from the fact that you're a shitfaced liar. You must be a democrat. I've grown tired of wasting words with you. You need to pay me for my time to keep it interesting. You don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong even when it is in black and white with you caught red handed with your pants around your ankles.

It's not my bet to prove you right. That's your job. One which you failed miserably.

But thanks for confirming you were lying, just as I said.

DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?

OK, I'm glad you are finally taking the bet. Did I tell you that Mueller also admitted that he didn't even write his little speech of a few weeks ago where he stood up and said he'd have nothing further to add and that he was retired and didn't want to testify? That someone else wrote that as well but he won't say who? So we are clear then, you are taking the bet that Mueller didn't say that he didn't write the Mueller Report and that I never cited any bills, not even one, and that if proven wrong, you'll be banned for six months.

Now prove to us that Mueller actually wrote the report or didn't say he didn't write the report. I'm waiting. I have the full hearing on my DVR, boy.

Does this mean you're taking the bet? If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months.

Toolbrain, I don't take bets, I MADE the bet. It is yours to take. This is getting boring. You do nothing but waste people's time. You've done nothing but derail this thread to hide from the fact that you're a shitfaced liar. You must be a democrat. I've grown tired of wasting words with you. You need to pay me for my time to keep it interesting. You don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong even when it is in black and white with you caught red handed with your pants around your ankles.

It's not my bet to prove you right. That's your job. One which you failed miserably.

But thanks for confirming you were lying, just as I said.


Put up or shut up loser. Take this one coward. When Trump does NOT get indicted for obstruction, you NEVER AGAIN post here. Take or it shows you're a liar with no guts to back up your lies.
DAMN! You even steal my own lines and format! Prove I'm lying! I've now bet you THREE times you are wrong and you've backed out on all of them. What a gutless wonder you are.
Fine, I'll take this bet. If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months. Deal?

OK, I'm glad you are finally taking the bet. Did I tell you that Mueller also admitted that he didn't even write his little speech of a few weeks ago where he stood up and said he'd have nothing further to add and that he was retired and didn't want to testify? That someone else wrote that as well but he won't say who? So we are clear then, you are taking the bet that Mueller didn't say that he didn't write the Mueller Report and that I never cited any bills, not even one, and that if proven wrong, you'll be banned for six months.

Now prove to us that Mueller actually wrote the report or didn't say he didn't write the report. I'm waiting. I have the full hearing on my DVR, boy.

Does this mean you're taking the bet? If Mueller didn't say he didn't write the Mueller report during last Wednesday's hearing, then you can't post here for the next 6 months.

Toolbrain, I don't take bets, I MADE the bet. It is yours to take. This is getting boring. You do nothing but waste people's time. You've done nothing but derail this thread to hide from the fact that you're a shitfaced liar. You must be a democrat. I've grown tired of wasting words with you. You need to pay me for my time to keep it interesting. You don't even have the integrity to admit you were wrong even when it is in black and white with you caught red handed with your pants around your ankles.

It's not my bet to prove you right. That's your job. One which you failed miserably.

But thanks for confirming you were lying, just as I said.

That's right. It's not your bet. It was mine. Now prove me wrong. I've already proven you a liar. Prove I never cited any bill. Prove I never posted a bill number. Prove they didn't derail the economy. I've had better conversations with the village Moron.

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