What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

What was Trumps basic crime he obstructed investigation of?

  • Defeating Hillary

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • Saying mean things about minority people

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • tax evasion

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • conspiracy with the Russians to steal the 2016 election

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • being un Presidential

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I dunno, but eventually we will find sumpin

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?



(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

How does one obstruct or impede an investigation that was begun because of a phony dossier full of lies?

the timeline doesn't match your alternative facts that are being spewed by rwnj pundits & congress swamp dwellers. do try to educate yourself.

The Russia probe: A timeline from Moscow to Mueller

EARLY 2013: Carter Page, who years later would become an unpaid adviser to Trump’s campaign, shares information and research with a Russian national whom the FBI later accuses of being a Kremlin spy. According to the FBI, the spy is secretly recorded in April 2013 talking with another accused spy about efforts to “recruit” Page “as an intelligence source.” (Page cooperated with the investigation. He has since said his communications were innocent and has denied relaying any sensitive or private information to the accused spy.)

JUNE 2015: Donald Trump announces his candidacy for president.

SEPTEMBER 2015: Looking to boost one of the other Republicans running for the GOP nomination, the right-leaning Washington Free Beacon retains the Washington-based firm Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on Trump.

The Russia probe: A timeline from Moscow to Mueller
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?
Did anyone interfere with your investigation? Mueller...No.
More ironic stupidity, I see.

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?

Apparently you were. Mueller was by all accounts eviscerated by the Republicans, disemboweled, totally unprepared, he was red in the face with embarrassment at times, and the more the democrats shake the tree, the more of their own bad apples will only fall out.

10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller
Key words MAY HAVE.

which is congress' job to take up since the OLC is the only thing preventing mueller from doing... otherwise YES.



according to mueller & 1000 current & former (D) AND (R) DOJ federal prosecutors.

DOJ Alumni Statement

May 6 · 4 min read

Opinions of former federal prosecutors mean nothing Mueller himself came back and said the OCL did not stop him in his testimony. Despite how badly you on the left want to think your wanting to believe something makes it true it doesn’t.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller
By Will Rahn
July 23, 2019 / 6:56 PM / CBS News

10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of justice and witness tampering
Deanna Paul

Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of justice and witness tampering

If the latest report is true, which crimes might Trump have committed?

The two main perjury statutes are 18 USC § 1621, and § 1623. The first, Section 1621, criminalizes material false statements, under oath, in federal official proceedings. Section 1621 really contains two offenses, one for testimony, which requires an oath, and the other for written statements made under penalty of perjury.

The second perjury statute, Section 1623, prohibits material false statements under oath in federal court proceedings.

Subornation of perjury, as that crime is defined in the U.S. Code (18 USC § 1622), criminalizes "(procuring) another to commit any perjury." An underlying perjury is required to convict someone of suborning perjury, under federal law.
(don mcGahn & probably others)
If the latest report is true, which crimes might Trump have committed?

you're welcome.

... and still no Russian connection

in the bizarro world that you live in perhaps..... there have been well over 100 DOCUMENTED instances where members of trump's swamp had been in contact with the roooskies.

& uh... some are in jail, or pleaded guilty & are waiting to go to jail.
...and who is still sitting in the Oval Office? Lol
74% said his testimony either didn't sway their opinion or increased their support for impeachment. Compared to 26% who said his testimony decreased their support. Meaning overall, his testimony didn't change anything. You know, what you idiotically delude yourself as eviscerated and disemboweled. More saliently, the number of House Democrats in favor of impeachment has grown since Wednesday. Fortunately, it's still shy of a majority.

Hey Twerk, try to read at the high school level. I was referring to voters. Democrats, 8% said they are less likely to support impeachment. Republicans, 42% said they were less likely support impeachment. Independents, 29% saying less likely. Not a good look for Democrats.

I know this is not a source you ever read because it is called the Intelligencer:
Almost Half of House Democrats Now Support Impeachment

As to eviscerated, you think Mueller was red in the face with embarrassment because he had the upper hand? Don't take my word for it cupcake:

Robert Mueller’s testimony: Embarrassing and hard to watch, no matter which side you’re on | Christine Flowers

Ouch! Trey Gowdy on Mueller Testimony: "Well, He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come" (VIDEO)

Trey Gowdy on Mueller: He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come

Poor Prawn gets schooled again.
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?

Obstruction does not require a underlying crime. Martha Stewart spent time in jail even though there was no underlying crime.

Insider trading is a crime.
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?
In the future, we should avoid this dilemma by providing for DOJ special counsel to request a Congressional special counsel due to jurisdictional issues.
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?
Did anyone interfere with your investigation? Mueller...No.
More ironic stupidity, I see.

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?
Did anyone interfere with your investigation? Mueller...No.
More ironic stupidity, I see.

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?

Bob Mueller, turning beet red caught in more lies.


Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?

Bob Mueller, turning beet red caught in more lies.

My favorite part.
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?
Did anyone interfere with your investigation? Mueller...No.
More ironic stupidity, I see.

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.
74% said his testimony either didn't sway their opinion or increased their support for impeachment. Compared to 26% who said his testimony decreased their support. Meaning overall, his testimony didn't change anything. You know, what you idiotically delude yourself as eviscerated and disemboweled. More saliently, the number of House Democrats in favor of impeachment has grown since Wednesday. Fortunately, it's still shy of a majority.

Hey Twerk, try to read at the high school level. I was referring to voters. Democrats, 8% said they are less likely to support impeachment. Republicans, 42% said they were less likely support impeachment. Independents, 29% saying less likely. Not a good look for Democrats.

I know this is not a source you ever read because it is called the Intelligencer:
Almost Half of House Democrats Now Support Impeachment

As to eviscerated, you think Mueller was red in the face with embarrassment because he had the upper hand? Don't take my word for it cupcake:

Robert Mueller’s testimony: Embarrassing and hard to watch, no matter which side you’re on | Christine Flowers

Ouch! Trey Gowdy on Mueller Testimony: "Well, He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come" (VIDEO)

Trey Gowdy on Mueller: He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come

Poor Prawn gets schooled again.


Boobtoob.... I used your link to show only 26% expressed less support for Mueller than before. 74% didn't. To imbeciles like you, that's eviscerating and disemboweling.


Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out having Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.
Last edited:
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?
Running as a Republican..
74% said his testimony either didn't sway their opinion or increased their support for impeachment. Compared to 26% who said his testimony decreased their support. Meaning overall, his testimony didn't change anything. You know, what you idiotically delude yourself as eviscerated and disemboweled. More saliently, the number of House Democrats in favor of impeachment has grown since Wednesday. Fortunately, it's still shy of a majority.

Hey Twerk, try to read at the high school level. I was referring to voters. Democrats, 8% said they are less likely to support impeachment. Republicans, 42% said they were less likely support impeachment. Independents, 29% saying less likely. Not a good look for Democrats.

I know this is not a source you ever read because it is called the Intelligencer:
Almost Half of House Democrats Now Support Impeachment

As to eviscerated, you think Mueller was red in the face with embarrassment because he had the upper hand? Don't take my word for it cupcake:

Robert Mueller’s testimony: Embarrassing and hard to watch, no matter which side you’re on | Christine Flowers

Ouch! Trey Gowdy on Mueller Testimony: "Well, He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come" (VIDEO)

Trey Gowdy on Mueller: He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come

Poor Prawn gets schooled again.


Boobtoob.... I used your link to show only 26% expressed less support for Mueller than before. 74% didn't. To imbeciles like you, that's eviscerating and disemboweling.


What a total dumbass! My link spoke of VOTERS, moron. My comments about evisceration as codified above, spoke of House members at the HEARING.

Wow. Someone must have opened your head at birth and filled it with sheep dip. Do you even know what fucking day of the week it is?
Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
Were you in a drug induced coma last Wednesday?
I was wide awake and I saw a feeble, incompetent old man who didn't know what was in his own report. What did you see?
I don't expect he wrote the entire report. I have no doubt others on his team contributed. That in no way invalidates his report.

Hey tubesteak,

Thanks for admitting you don't know shit again about what you are talking about! As always, your mouth is about 12 hours ahead of your brain. Must be damned hard to get through life totally unaware of what a total asshat you embarrass yourself to be! Had you actually WATCHED the Mueller hearing, you would know that Mueller said he wrote none of it, he hardly even attended any of the interviews with witnesses. He was off stroking the taxpayer out have Kobe steak dinners somewhere until other people did all the work, then merely signed off on the report putting his name to it. That's why he kept telling the House members to read the report and that whatever it said, if their words matched whatever was in the report, then he agreed with it.

He spent half the day fumbling through the pages just trying to find what was said in it because HE DIDN'T KNOW.

That totally invalidates the report, and YOU.

Poor, deranged, boobtoob.

"Mueller said he wrote none of it,"

Quote Mueller saying he wrote none of the report....

74% said his testimony either didn't sway their opinion or increased their support for impeachment. Compared to 26% who said his testimony decreased their support. Meaning overall, his testimony didn't change anything. You know, what you idiotically delude yourself as eviscerated and disemboweled. More saliently, the number of House Democrats in favor of impeachment has grown since Wednesday. Fortunately, it's still shy of a majority.

Hey Twerk, try to read at the high school level. I was referring to voters. Democrats, 8% said they are less likely to support impeachment. Republicans, 42% said they were less likely support impeachment. Independents, 29% saying less likely. Not a good look for Democrats.

I know this is not a source you ever read because it is called the Intelligencer:
Almost Half of House Democrats Now Support Impeachment

As to eviscerated, you think Mueller was red in the face with embarrassment because he had the upper hand? Don't take my word for it cupcake:

Robert Mueller’s testimony: Embarrassing and hard to watch, no matter which side you’re on | Christine Flowers

Ouch! Trey Gowdy on Mueller Testimony: "Well, He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come" (VIDEO)

Trey Gowdy on Mueller: He Said He Didn't Want to Come and Now We Know Why He Didn't Want to Come

Poor Prawn gets schooled again.


Boobtoob.... I used your link to show only 26% expressed less support for Mueller than before. 74% didn't. To imbeciles like you, that's eviscerating and disemboweling.


What a total dumbass! My link spoke of VOTERS, moron. My comments about evisceration as codified above, spoke of House members at the HEARING.

Wow. Someone must have opened your head at birth and filled it with sheep dip. Do you even know what fucking day of the week it is?

Dayum, are you ever easily triggered. :badgrin:

Boobtoob, what part of, I used your link to find those figures is to complex for your feeble brain to comprehend?
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?



(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

None of that was done,

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