What Crime Exactly Is Trump Guilty of 4 Impeachment?

What was Trumps basic crime he obstructed investigation of?

  • Defeating Hillary

    Votes: 27 69.2%
  • Saying mean things about minority people

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • tax evasion

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • conspiracy with the Russians to steal the 2016 election

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • being un Presidential

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • I dunno, but eventually we will find sumpin

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters
It's all a big show to make the voters think he committed crimes going into 2020. If he had, and they had evidence of it, it would have been in Mueller's report (the one Mueller didn't write). They've got nothing, and everyone knows it.
A failed attempt is still an attempt
Not all attempts are equal or amount to anything worth noting. Robert Mueller said he wasn't impeded or hindered in his investigation.
I think his definitive statement easily disposes of your childish attempts to make something of what amounts to nothing.

nor is Mueller's investigation the only one.
It's the only one people know or care about.
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?
The only thing that I can find that he is doing illegal. He is smuggling plastic straws into California through the federal postal service.

Trump campaign selling branded plastic straws as alternative to 'liberal paper straws'

Plastic straws illegal unless requested under California bill — with up to a $1,000 fine attached
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?
Impeding, or even just trying to impede, in a federal investigation is the crime.
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?



(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
...and still no Russian connection
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller
By Will Rahn
July 23, 2019 / 6:56 PM / CBS News

10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of justice and witness tampering
Deanna Paul

Trump’s latest tweets cross clear lines, experts say: Obstruction of justice and witness tampering

If the latest report is true, which crimes might Trump have committed?

The two main perjury statutes are 18 USC § 1621, and § 1623. The first, Section 1621, criminalizes material false statements, under oath, in federal official proceedings. Section 1621 really contains two offenses, one for testimony, which requires an oath, and the other for written statements made under penalty of perjury.

The second perjury statute, Section 1623, prohibits material false statements under oath in federal court proceedings.

Subornation of perjury, as that crime is defined in the U.S. Code (18 USC § 1622), criminalizes "(procuring) another to commit any perjury." An underlying perjury is required to convict someone of suborning perjury, under federal law.
(don mcGahn & probably others)
If the latest report is true, which crimes might Trump have committed?

you're welcome.

... and still no Russian connection
It's all a big show to make the voters think he committed crimes going into 2020. If he had, and they had evidence of it, it would have been in Mueller's report (the one Mueller didn't write). They've got nothing, and everyone knows it.
When too many voters get their news from headline banners on social media pages saying ‘trump bad’, ‘trump collusion’, ‘trump racist’, ‘trump obstruction’, etc., while they’re telling everyone on their page about a neighbor dog shitting in their yard again and none of these voters bother investigating those headlines, the impact is negative for trump.
That’s the strategy.
Face it, lefties. Everything you had you put into the Mueller report. For two fucking years you kept saying Mueller was gonna hang Trump. He was gonna get the goods on him, he was gonna nail his ass to the cross. He was de man, if he couldn't do it, nobody could. You kept stressing how great a prosecutor he was, how brilliant he was, how thorough he was, and he was gonna be the guy who ended the Trump presidency for you.
Well guess what? Your "savior" couldn't deliver the goods for you, could he? Now what do you do? Instead of trying to beat Trump in 2020 with ideas, you double down on the insanity you've been forcing on the American people for two years. You dumb shits just don't know when to give it up, do you? You keep investigating as if you're gonna uncover something your A team couldn't find. You are all idiots.
You deserve to get the shit kicked out of you next year and I for one will be laughing my ass off when you idiots realize you fucking blew it AGAIN!!! You just don't know when you've met your match, do you?
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?



(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

How does one obstruct or impede an investigation that was begun because of a phony dossier full of lies?
IF Trump obstructed Justice, what crime was it that he was guilty of and is the basis for the obstruction charge?

If you do a fishing expedition to try to find just any crime, that does not warrant obstruction of justice charges as one has a right to not cooperate in their own lynching.

So what crime did Trump obstruct, or did he? And what specific act was it that was obstruction of the investigation of the crime he allegedly committed?

Obstruction does not require a underlying crime. Martha Stewart spent time in jail even though there was no underlying crime.
Jesus. After all this time and you still don't get it. Are you unable to use search engines?
Did anyone interfere with your investigation? Mueller...No.
More ironic stupidity, I see.

Mueller said:

- Trump "welcomed and encouraged" Russian interference, and lied about it to cover it up

- Trump instructed McGahn to create a false record of his order to fire Mueller

- Trump didn't answer his questions truthfully
Put that incompetent geriatric case on the stand, subject to cross-examination by Republicans and see how well he holds up. Without Mueller, you have nothing. And Mueller will be destroyed if he has to testify. You know it, we all know it. Do it, and seal your fate as a political party.
I pray that the Democrats are STUPID enough to try to impeach this President. They couldn't give the Republicans a better gift than that.

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