what crime - wheres the evidence

McConnell is digging his own political grave and he knows it for a fact. Why?

He is?

So after the November Election in 2020 if the Senate stays GOP and the House turn GOP and Trump win a second term can I laugh at you?

Let me guess you believe the blue wave is coming and if it does not happen you will believe Trump cheated, am I correct?
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McConnell is digging his own political grave and he knows it for a fact. Why?
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's flawed 'read the transcript' defense
So, we are to trust the strung-together accounts of people who listened to the call and are now trying to remember the content, verse the actual transcript?

It's like telling me to not trust my eyes and believe that the sky is pink.

Why is trump blocking witnesses?

Why was the whistle blower prevented from testifying? See, we can speculate all day long about motives, but the bottom line remains, we really can't say for certain why.

The House could force the testimony. Why haven't they?
If the senate reviews the evidence presented during the house's inquiry and finds it factually insufficient, the senate has no duty to proceed. Maybe the house should do a better job of making the case for removal BEFORE voting to impeach and sending it to the senate.

What a concept, right?

Trump blocked key witnesses. They need to testify.

Schiff blocked the whistleblower. He needs to testify. Schiff needs to testify about how has handled the WB.

The House could have forced the testimony. Why didn't they?
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demanding proof and evidence just morphed into sucking republican ass.

never fails - the longer and louder they whine about dems , the more lethal the blow karma shoves back up their butt.



You never fail to be a moron. Whining and crying cause you’re getting the same treatment Republicans got Fromm Schitt for brains and Nadless. Learn something. The Senate does not investigate. Schitt failed and wants somebody else to try to find something. Wrong. It’s doesn’t work that way. Seems like it’s YOU getting it blown back up your backside.

the senate just spits on the wall - question witnesses, NO WAY.

no longer interested in proof are ya sport.


It's not their job to investigate.

Witness to what?

Nadler and Shiffft called a bunch of non witnesses that witnessed no wronhdoing.

You've got no witness, no evidence, no victim. That means you have nothing except emotions, like jealousy and hatred.

Trump has the transcipt that exonerates him and Zelenski (the alleged victim) that re-exonerates him.
We take what Congresscritters say with a massive grain of salt, especially when reported through huffing and puffing. When It's actually referred, we pay attention.
well why her and not the leader?
Schiff blocked the whistleblower. He needs to testify. Schiff needs to testify about how has handled the WB.

The House could have forced the testimony. Why didn't they?
basically Schitt's confirmed Trump's statement about swamp creatures. anyone who violates constitutional law and is not charged with such is the example of how the creatures swim around.

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