What Dark-skinned People Prefer to be called...

There are times when it is appropriate to identify a person by his race. "Jackie Robinson was the first Negro to play in the Major Leagues." And if you had referred to him personally as "black," he would have been mightily offended.

And there you have it.
I disagree.

All that does is perpetuate racial bias.

Since my mother mixed race was I could say I'm Black even though I have light skin and hazel green eyes.

I can say I'm White even though I am 25% Black.

I come to a realization quite early in my life that skin color is completely irrelevant.

And there is only one race we should be concerned about.
You can say that but you've lived your life as a white person.

No everyone I knew growing up knew my mother was mixed race. I grew up in a shitty neighborhood that was overwhelmingly Black. After my mother died when I was 14 I wound up in foster care with a Black couple and he used to call me Whitey and the white kids at school would call me ******.

I lived my life as a kid who was too black to be white and too white to be black.

It's how I learned that skin color is completely irrelevant and people will always find some way to judge others.
Racism encompasses much more that that. You got prejudice and that's fucked up too.

Actually I'll bet I'm less prejudiced than you. I never identify anyone by race.

I have never once said" I have a black ( or white) friend named _______" or " I jammed with this really great Black or White musician"

It is unnecessary and irrelevant.

Idgaf what color anyone's skin is unlike you.
Stop lying and identifying people by race is neither prejudice or racism. Assuming superiority and building a system based on that superiority is.
Call 'em brotha, call 'em sista, call 'em nigga, call 'em African-American, call 'em black, call 'em Dog, call 'em whatever. Fact is, blacks themselves prefer their unique designations and to be set apart from the rest of us.
I'm glad you as a white man has such lived experience of being black that you know what we prefer to be called.
How about by their names?

Bob, or Peter, Mary or Elizabeth?
White people names, ya damn racist
Names don't belong to a race.

Then why does the left constantly call barry the first black president?
So does the right. Except those like you who thinks he is Kenyan.

Actually, there have been 7 black presidents in America- 4 of the them were Republicans.

No there haven't.
How about by their names?

Bob, or Peter, Mary or Elizabeth?
White people names, ya damn racist
Names don't belong to a race.

Then why does the left constantly call barry the first black president?
So does the right. Except those like you who thinks he is Kenyan.

But you were just bitching about using black as an identifier.
So which is it,bad or good?
Or does that depend on who's saying it?
My statement was about whites telling us what we call ourselves.
How about by their names?

Bob, or Peter, Mary or Elizabeth?
White people names, ya damn racist
Names don't belong to a race.

Then why does the left constantly call barry the first black president?
So does the right. Except those like you who thinks he is Kenyan.

But you were just bitching about using black as an identifier.
So which is it,bad or good?
Or does that depend on who's saying it?
My statement was about whites telling us what we call ourselves.

I dont give a shit what you call yourselves. But from what I've seen it's Ni&&er.
YOU have to make a decision on what YOU want the rest of us to call you because I'm damn sure not going to tiptoe around your fucking insecurities.
How about by their names?

Bob, or Peter, Mary or Elizabeth?
White people names, ya damn racist
Names don't belong to a race.

Then why does the left constantly call barry the first black president?
So does the right. Except those like you who thinks he is Kenyan.

Actually, there have been 7 black presidents in America- 4 of the them were Republicans.

No there haven't.

Sorry, there have been. This isn't "new" at all. I saw Tony Brown interview some dude who knew all about it on TV, and Mr. Brown never contradicted it.
So here's the contradiction: On the one hand, yinz are saying, "don't even refer to us according to a racial identifying term (e.g., Negro, Black, African American) because it is irrelevant." Then, out of the other side of your figurative mouths you say that Blacks are so different that no 'white person' could ever understand what it's like to be 'Black.'"

So which is it: Are you so different that your experience cannot possible be understood by anyone who is not Black, or are you just the same, and any attempt to categorize you racially is bogus.

Pick one. Both cannot be the case.
There are times when it is appropriate to identify a person by his race. "Jackie Robinson was the first Negro to play in the Major Leagues." And if you had referred to him personally as "black," he would have been mightily offended.

And there you have it.
I disagree.

All that does is perpetuate racial bias.

Since my mother mixed race was I could say I'm Black even though I have light skin and hazel green eyes.

I can say I'm White even though I am 25% Black.

I come to a realization quite early in my life that skin color is completely irrelevant.

And there is only one race we should be concerned about.
You can say that but you've lived your life as a white person.

No everyone I knew growing up knew my mother was mixed race. I grew up in a shitty neighborhood that was overwhelmingly Black. After my mother died when I was 14 I wound up in foster care with a Black couple and he used to call me Whitey and the white kids at school would call me ******.

I lived my life as a kid who was too black to be white and too white to be black.

It's how I learned that skin color is completely irrelevant and people will always find some way to judge others.
Racism encompasses much more that that. You got prejudice and that's fucked up too.

Actually I'll bet I'm less prejudiced than you. I never identify anyone by race.

I have never once said" I have a black ( or white) friend named _______" or " I jammed with this really great Black or White musician"

It is unnecessary and irrelevant.

Idgaf what color anyone's skin is unlike you.
Stop lying and identifying people by race is neither prejudice or racism. Assuming superiority and building a system based on that superiority is.

Which is why we need to stop identifying people by race then there can be no presumed superiority by one race or another

Here we have NATIONAL NEWS that Roger Stone, notorious friend of President Trump, had the audacity to use the term, "NEGRO[!]" in public while being interviewed. Pass the smelling salts.

The word is referred to as a "racial slur." GIMMEAFUKKINBREAK.

The word, "Negro," (Spanish for "black") is racially and semantically correct, and has been used for GENERATIONS to refer to such people - without objection.

What other group of people changes the words by which they are referred in conversation over time, and then deems terms that were previously acceptable - even polite - offensive to their contemporary sensitivities? Nobody.

One cannot fail to note that the largest and oldest organization representing the interests of Negroes is called, the "National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People." God forbid any caucasian from using THAT unfortunate expression.

By holding sensitivities like this, the African American community trivializes what it claims to be serious social and political issues. A pox on any Black person who objects to being referred to as a "Negro." There is nothing disparaging or insulting about the term; it's all in your head.
How about we stop using skin color as a descriptive adjective for any person?

For example,

Don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black rock and blues guitarist of all time. Say Jimi was the greatest rock and blues guitarist of all time.

Don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest White rock and blues guitarist of all time. Say Clapton is the second best rock and blues guitarist of all time.

It's easy.
So true.

...but you do have to admit that Johnny Winter was the whitest rock guitarist of all time.

Here we have NATIONAL NEWS that Roger Stone, notorious friend of President Trump, had the audacity to use the term, "NEGRO[!]" in public while being interviewed. Pass the smelling salts.

The word is referred to as a "racial slur." GIMMEAFUKKINBREAK.

The word, "Negro," (Spanish for "black") is racially and semantically correct, and has been used for GENERATIONS to refer to such people - without objection.

What other group of people changes the words by which they are referred in conversation over time, and then deems terms that were previously acceptable - even polite - offensive to their contemporary sensitivities? Nobody.

One cannot fail to note that the largest and oldest organization representing the interests of Negroes is called, the "National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People." God forbid any caucasian from using THAT unfortunate expression.

By holding sensitivities like this, the African American community trivializes what it claims to be serious social and political issues. A pox on any Black person who objects to being referred to as a "Negro." There is nothing disparaging or insulting about the term; it's all in your head.
How about we stop using skin color as a descriptive adjective for any person?

For example,

Don't say Jimi Hendrix was the greatest Black rock and blues guitarist of all time. Say Jimi was the greatest rock and blues guitarist of all time.

Don't say Eric Clapton is the greatest White rock and blues guitarist of all time. Say Clapton is the second best rock and blues guitarist of all time.

It's easy.
So true.

...but you do have to admit that Johnny Winter was the whitest rock guitarist of all time.
Good one
And speaking of darker skinned people... I worked with Blacks all my life, and no question about it, light skinned Blacks are prejudice towards dark skinned Blacks. I personally witnessed this on multiple occasions.

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