What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

And I'm guessing you would prefer that America be handed over to the Globalist with a new set of International Laws. Biden is literally whittling away at America's sovereignty and independence. He's an embarrassment and cares more about countries, abroad, than he does America. I remember making less money than I am now under Trump yet having more buying power. In other words, my quality of life was much better under Trump than it is under Biden. That's a fact.
Ahh the globalists...

So you want to be isolationist... Lets get started, firsty pick up that computer you are using and put it in the bin, where do you think the microchips come from... You might want to get rid of all the technology in the house and burn the car while you are at it...

Probably have to throw out all of your clothes too...

Then we can talk how serious of an isolationist you are... Don't want you to be a hypocrite....

BTW, Trump was the most pro-China president in the US history... He pulled out of TPP and that was a huge gift to China... Just a huge gift..
What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Video: You're FIRED

McCarthy is out and all is well. Refuting ignorant leftist talking points about the ousting of Speaker McCarthy.

OP COMMENT: I like this guy. Democracy is supposed to be a little messy. Democrats are use to the Nazi Iron Fist of Nancy Pelosi and they thinks thats how the House should run. It is not.

McCarthy was fired by the Democrats. If they saw any advantage to it, they’d reinstall him in a heartbeat.
SO you're saying you should be afraid of Democratic Power in the House? Interesting thought.

That's not what I said -
I said that 4% of the Republicans went against their party and used the Democrats to pull off a coup.

(though it is true that in a perfect world Democrats should never be in charge of anything)
The only look here is that Republicans can't govern. Most of us already knew this. Unfortunately, a lot of districts won't have any choice next year when it comes to not sending these clowns back to Washington. But, as many Republicans as possible need to be shown the exit next year.

It's the only way this country will ever move forward...with anything.
Democrats are great at governing us right into financial collapse.
I don't think you get it... Democrats don't give a fuck as long as you can pass a budget that is acceptable to the other branches...

If ye want to kill each other... Who fucking cares... That is a popcorn moment for the Democrats...

Democrats could have save Kevin and they went fuck him... He went on Sunday shows critising them... Bye bye...

Democrats will wait until a number of Republican Congress members in swing districts have said enough and they will deal with them... It might happen, we will see but this shit show is all GOP... Gaetz is loving the limelight...
And we're back to a shutdown. These clowns can't pass a kidney stone. They had the opportunity to use a CR to set funding limits below 23, and they fucked up even that .... because GASUS and Jordan have egos.

And the gop is not going to benefit when the Senate has already passed a House budget and has one of their own waiting.
The conundrum facing Republicans is that without raising taxes the math doesn't work, and they can't raise taxes or they'd get primaried.

So the best the GOP reps can do is make a token cut to the Budget and say they are saving the US from those irresponsible democrats.

With a $2T deficit looming, a "band-aid solution" is false hope. I'm afraid that the DC clowns will be riding the US dollar all the way down:

You just can't imagine government ever cutting anything, can you?

The budget can easily be balanced simply by not increasing spending every year.
No. How about we start with a working budget? That a cool compromise?
Republicans can't even put that forward.

I'm not sure actual policy wonk issues would translate to bumper stickers. Not catchy enough for the intelligence level of most right hand aisle voters. :)
Democrats will never vote for a working budget. They will only vote for insane spending increases.
Ahh the globalists...

So you want to be isolationist... Lets get started, firsty pick up that computer you are using and put it in the bin, where do you think the microchips come from... You might want to get rid of all the technology in the house and burn the car while you are at it...

Probably have to throw out all of your clothes too...

Then we can talk how serious of an isolationist you are... Don't want you to be a hypocrite....

BTW, Trump was the most pro-China president in the US history... He pulled out of TPP and that was a huge gift to China... Just a huge gift..
I like belonging to a sovereign nation with a fair and balanced Constitution. I also like eating beef instead of Klaus Schwab style insect stew.
The Republican Party is split into MAGAts and what you call RINOS (anyone who doesn't buy into your MAGAt insanity) Why don't you losers get your own political party?
95% of Republicans are Trump supporters, moron.
I disagree, I think there's a lot of people in there right now that want to represent their constituents.

That's largely what the ousting of McCarthy was about.

This fat young guy doesn't know what I know, and there's been massive brawls in Congress and shootings before.

There are elected Democrats in Congress that want to do the right thing by Americans.

The DNC may not like that so much. However..that's not how everybody is.
Bingo! Leadership has RIGGED and concentrated the power into the hands of a few. Representatives are threatened with retribution if they refuse to do as they are told vs representing their local constituents.

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