What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Real democracy is messy. Just look at Robert Kennedy, look at the majority of dems who say Biden is too old, look at the "sanctuary cities" that are now crying "uncle" and no one hears them, look at the lawless cities, the homeless, the migrants, the 75% "wrong track" number before saying the Republicans are dysfunctional.
It took fifteen votes to get McCarthy installed and he had to sell his soul to get that.

What now…
The cult is your team Son. Sorry but that's the fact. YOu guys keep trying to twist that around but you aren't gonna succeed.

Everyone outside of your Cult knows who you are.
A lot like everyone outside of the Catholic Church Cult knew that the Priests were abusing kids, but the Cult didn't care.
Unfortunately, McCarthy is only a tiny tip of the Swamp Iceberg. There's another 500 or more corrupt members of Congress just itching to grab the gavel while maintaining the status quo corruption. The Uni-Party (Republicrats & Demicans) don't give two hoots who is calling the shots as long as he/she doesn't rock the boat.
Great... Set up your own party called 'Do Fuckin Nothing Party'

Bitch and complain about everyone else... No Problem...
/----/ Reagan tried that, and the drunken sot SOH Tip BELCH O'Neill double-crossed the Gipper. Tax hikes with no spending cuts. So fool me once...
The LAW needs to be written with tax hikes AND spending cuts at the same time or no deal.

We are headed for the cliff, its now or never. There is no other solution. "No action" means the dollar collapses.
It took fifteen votes to get McCarthy installed and he had to sell his soul to get that.

What now…
Scalese has blood cancer, so I would not put that added stress on him.

My pick is Jim Jordan. He has the heart of a lion, as seen from his national wrestling championship.
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I don't think you get it... Democrats don't give a fuck as long as you can pass a budget that is acceptable to the other branches...

If ye want to kill each other... Who fucking cares... That is a popcorn moment for the Democrats...

Democrats could have save Kevin and they went fuck him... He went on Sunday shows critising them... Bye bye...

Democrats will wait until a number of Republican Congress members in swing districts have said enough and they will deal with them... It might happen, we will see but this shit show is all GOP... Gaetz is loving the limelight...
gaetz is seeing himself in the mirror as the new speaker's running mate, but "trump gaetz 2024" would be the "beevis and butthead world tour."
The LAW needs to be written with tax hikes AND spending cuts at the same time or no deal.

We are headed for the cliff, its now or never. There is no other solution. "No action" means the dollar collapses.
"now or never" was 40 years ago. repubs "two santa claus" strategy has suceeded.
Based upon this forum, I'd say that there is really only one thing in the world Democrats DO understand........

that they're democrats.
Great... Set up your own party called 'Do Fuckin Nothing Party'

Bitch and complain about everyone else... No Problem...
It is pretty simple really. Just get in the way of the Prog bullies. Instead, they helped the Progs by giving them their lunch money. In most areas of employment no one forced all of us to go into a specific one.
"now or never" was 40 years ago. repubs "Two Santa Claus" strategy has succeeded.
Not True. Trump's interest on the Debt in 2021 was "only" $400b.

I do agree that the GOP tax cut was a disaster, as is "Helicopter Joe's" disaster of a presidency.

New taxes and the "Penny Solution" or "Two Cent Solution" can still get the US to a Balanced Budget.

Here are the new taxes I support, along with a "penny solution" cutting the Federal Budget by 1% a year for 10-years.

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt
"Dude, I'm a Democrat". In other words, you're a:
  • Baby killer
  • Sodomy promoter
  • Promoter of mutilating childrens genitals and transgenderism
  • Support of open borders
  • A socialist
  • A border-line Marxist
  • Destroyer of our military

Did I leave anything out?

That's not all inclusive, but pretty good.
Great... Set up your own party called 'Do Fuckin Nothing Party'

Bitch and complain about everyone else... No Problem...
It's not my Party. I'm conservative/independent. But I'm thinking a "do nothing" Party is better than a "Destroy America" Party like the Demwits are.

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