What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

No serious person is promoting the idea of President Trump.

I can only imagine. :laughing0301:

Bingo. The tax structure and tax %'s have needed to be looked at for almost two decades now. No Republican will budge on it.

"Irresponsible Democrats??"...please. By my estimation, Republicans are equally responsible for the debt and deficit. There is nothing
"conservative" about the Republican party. They spend just as much if not more than Democrats do. And at least every Democrat I've
seen wants to balance that spending with tax increases.
Agreed that the Debt and Deficit are the fault of BOTH parties. There are no good guys in the Budget debacle.

The key word in your post is "spending".
Democrats always want to "tax and spend", and end up borrowing more, Republicans always want to cut taxes and borrow more.
Joe Manchin is the only pol in DC who proposed a "fix", he said remove the cap on SS, which is a good start, but Republicans probably wouldn't approve it without serious spending cuts, which democrats scream about.
He's fighting cancer so I don't know.....

Bob Good (R-VA-5) would be a fine choice....We need a common sense (non-lawyer) Virginian at the helm.....Right-leaning Virginian leadership is good for the country.
I also like Jim Jordan, but I don't know if any Republican could do the math and realize that we need to raise taxes to balance the Budget.
We need to be clear democrats control the Uni-Party. How many times was it mentioned by those supporting McCarthy that republicans don't control the Senate and WH so there's not much we can do. I hope people haven't forgot but these same republicans used this excuse when republicans controlled the Senate and WH saying there's little we can do when democrats control the House.

They used the same excuse when the Repubs controlled the House, the Senate and the White House
The McCarthy ouster is so typical of Republicans and a reason why Democrats prevail so often. How can anyone support a party that is so dysfunctional?
Uni-party is a fun catch-phrase for disgruntled people, but its actually bullshit.

The reality is the the democrat party are now mostly Marxists, and the Republican Party is a combination of good conservatives and corrupt RINO's.

That is a far more accurate description
True. The only problem is there are a lot more weak RINOs than there are real Conservative Republicans. The RINOs join with the Democrats to be the Party of Big Government.
I also like Jim Jordan, but I don't know if any Republican could do the math and realize that we need to raise taxes to balance the Budget.
/———/. Raising taxes only gives these politicians more money to squander. Tax hikes never go to paying down the debt.
The McCarthy ouster is so typical of Republicans and a reason why Democrats prevail so often. How can anyone support a party that is so dysfunctional?
Democrats are the scum of this country. The fight within the Republican Party is a fight between real Conservatives and RINOs. RINOs are almost as much scumbags as the Democrats.
What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Video: You're FIRED

McCarthy is out and all is well. Refuting ignorant leftist talking points about the ousting of Speaker McCarthy.

OP COMMENT: I like this guy. Democracy is supposed to be a little messy. Democrats are use to the Nazi Iron Fist of Nancy Pelosi and they thinks thats how the House should run. It is not.

Kevin was kicked to the curb because his word could not be trusted........by anyone on either side, because he was an ineffectual leader, because he was Trump's sock puppet, because he stabbed Dems in the back, and because it was always a fait accompli as soon as he agreed to let a single House member introduce a motion to vacate the position.
True. The only problem is there are a lot more weak RINOs than there are real Conservative Republicans. The RINOs join with the Democrats to be the Party of Big Government.
A good point. There are very few fiscal Conservatives in congress.
Kevin was kicked to the curb because his word could not be trusted........by anyone on either side, because he was an ineffectual leader, because he was Trump's sock puppet, because he stabbed Dems in the back, and because it was always a fait accompli as soon as he agreed to let a single House member introduce a motion to vacate the position.
You idiot Moon Bats that suffer from the mental illness of TDS can't do anything without somehow or another blaming it on Trump. You are sick in the head. Go get some professional mental help sicko.
If all the recent events don't convince even rabid supporters of the "Democratic" and "Republican" parties that partisanship counts over country, it is impossible to image what would.
The duopoly is in it for the duopoly and its constituents (which are other than the majority of citizens). For the Republic to survive, we have to transcend the present impasse and re-invigorate our democracy.
Yet, you all elected them? So they must be what the majority of what Republican voters want, no?
I didn't vote for any Republican so please get your facts straight before making an accusation like this.
The McCarthy ouster is so typical of Republicans and a reason why Democrats prevail so often. How can anyone support a party that is so dysfunctional?
IMO, this isn't dysfuntion, this is re-function.

I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.
Democracy is supposed to be a little messy.

It's a sure sign of who gets it and who is reaching for political spin when we see the abandonment of the clear fact that our nation is a republic not a democracy.

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