What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Why, because I asked a simple question?

You call a guy fat, you accuse him of saying something, then you admit that you dont know if what you said it true, you falsely accuse me of being someone I am not, and now I am weird?

Further discourse with you is pointless. Try thinking before you shoot your mouth off in the future. Just a suggestion.
Go fuck yourself with a cactus then. :p

I was trying to be nice, but I can be not nice.

I can even be wayyyyy not nicer, guy. You need to dial it back a notch.
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And now, back to the topic

What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Video: You're FIRED

McCarthy is out and all is well. Refuting ignorant leftist talking points about the ousting of Speaker McCarthy.

OP COMMENT: I like this guy. Democracy is supposed to be a little messy. Democrats are use to the Nazi Iron Fist of Nancy Pelosi and they thinks thats how the House should run. It is not.

And now, back to the topic
I am so not gonna bust down on this. For now.

What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Video: You're FIRED

McCarthy is out and all is well. Refuting ignorant leftist talking points about the ousting of Speaker McCarthy.

OP COMMENT: I like this guy. Democracy is supposed to be a little messy. Democrats are use to the Nazi Iron Fist of Nancy Pelosi and they thinks thats how the House should run. It is not.

The only look here is that Republicans can't govern. Most of us already knew this. Unfortunately, a lot of districts won't have any choice next year when it comes to not sending these clowns back to Washington. But, as many Republicans as possible need to be shown the exit next year.

It's the only way this country will ever move forward...with anything.
The only look here is that Republicans can't govern. Most of us already knew this. Unfortunately, a lot of districts won't have any choice next year when it comes to not sending these clowns back to Washington. But, as many Republicans as possible need to be shown the exit next year.

It's the only way this country will ever move forward...with anything.
Move forward to what?
Yeah, he's like..#2.
They want Jim Jordan. I shit you not, I was listening to Matt Gaetz and a couple other reps last night.
I like Jim Jordan as well as Scalese, but NOT TRUMP.
Trump doesn't know how congress works, besides he's up to his ass in court for the next year.
I like Jim Jordan as well as Scalese, but NOT TRUMP.
Trump doesn't know how congress works, besides he's up to his ass in court for the next year.
I was kidding about Trump for speaker. :abgg2q.jpg:
So, you’re just throwing out bumper sticker slogans, and don’t know?
No. How about we start with a working budget? That a cool compromise?
Republicans can't even put that forward.

I'm not sure actual policy wonk issues would translate to bumper stickers. Not catchy enough for the intelligence level of most right hand aisle voters. :)
No. How about we start with a working budget? That a cool compromise?
Republicans can't even put that forward.

I'm not sure actual policy wonk issues would translate to bumper stickers. Not catchy enough for the intelligence level of most right hand aisle voters. :)
That will come, perhaps a bit tardy, but it will be much better for you..and me..than if McCarthy was in there.

Oh, and you're a fuckin' shithead.
That will come, perhaps a bit tardy, but it will be much better for you..and me..than if McCarthy was in there.
I doubt it. The only choices moving forward are more hard line and farther right. Jordan (who I don't think wants the job), Scalise, Comer. I think Gaetz fancies himself in the seat but I don't think he has the votes. Either way, I thought when Republicans took the House back they would be in chaos and get absolutely nothing done. So far, it's all playing out that way. :)
No. How about we start with a working budget? That a cool compromise?
Republicans can't even put that forward.
I agree…who’s fault specifically would you say is standing in the way of that?
I'm not sure actual policy wonk issues would translate to bumper stickers. Not catchy enough for the intelligence level of most right hand aisle voters. :)
Regardless of what YOUR opinion of ideological opponents are, they are voted in by their districts. So, in that lays your problem.
No. How about we start with a working budget? That a cool compromise? Republicans can't even put that forward.
I'm not sure actual policy wonk issues would translate to bumper stickers. Not catchy enough for the intelligence level of most right hand aisle voters. :)
The conundrum facing Republicans is that without raising taxes the math doesn't work, and they can't raise taxes or they'd get primaried.

So the best the GOP reps can do is make a token cut to the Budget and say they are saving the US from those irresponsible democrats.

With a $2T deficit looming, a "band-aid solution" is false hope. I'm afraid that the DC clowns will be riding the US dollar all the way down:


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