What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

Not True. Trump's interest on the Debt in 2021 was "only" $400b.

I do agree that the GOP tax cut was a disaster, as is "Helicopter Joe's" disaster of a presidency.

New taxes and the "Penny Solution" or "Two Cent Solution" can still get the US to a Balanced Budget.

Here are the new taxes I support, along with a "penny solution" cutting the Federal Budget by 1% a year for 10-years.

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt
i'm, with you until you get to medicare. i think bernie has figured a lot more from that financial transaction tax (i'll check. he may postulate a higher rate (but still fractional %), but that seems like a no brainer. he also likes raising the contribution cap, which would at least be adjusted for inflation.
"Dude, I'm a Democrat". In other words, you're a:
  • Baby killer
  • Sodomy promoter
  • Promoter of mutilating childrens genitals and transgenderism
  • Support of open borders
  • A socialist
  • A border-line Marxist
  • Destroyer of our military

Did I leave anything out?

i am a democrat and none of these things, which should not be troubling your little mind anyway.
I don't think you get it... Democrats don't give a fuck as long as you can pass a budget that is acceptable to the other branches...

If ye want to kill each other... Who fucking cares... That is a popcorn moment for the Democrats...

Democrats could have save Kevin and they went fuck him... He went on Sunday shows critising them... Bye bye...

Democrats will wait until a number of Republican Congress members in swing districts have said enough and they will deal with them... It might happen, we will see but this shit show is all GOP... Gaetz is loving the limelight...
It is bizarre isn’t it? Like Ray Epps. They keep threatening to investigate and jail Ray Epps as if any liberal on the planet cares if Ray Epps is arrested. Hell, arrest him twice for all I care.

Same with McCarthy....he’s a conservative ass-hat who wanted to be speaker so bad that he essentially mortally wounded himself taking the hill. So? Next!

I’m happy the GOP is shooting their own.
It's not my Party. I'm conservative/independent. But I'm thinking a "do nothing" Party is better than a "Destroy America" Party like the Demwits are.
So borrow money but don't pay it back...

Destroy the Military, Education, Policing, Healthcare...

Great, that is what ye are about... Populistic shit with no fucking clue how to pay for it...
I don't think you get it... Democrats don't give a fuck as long as you can pass a budget that is acceptable to the other branches...

If ye want to kill each other... Who fucking cares... That is a popcorn moment for the Democrats...

Democrats could have save Kevin and they went fuck him... He went on Sunday shows critising them... Bye bye...

Democrats will wait until a number of Republican Congress members in swing districts have said enough and they will deal with them... It might happen, we will see but this shit show is all GOP... Gaetz is loving the limelight...
Cowboy Ted, after the 2023 elections, if Trump supporters still retain their comparative power within the Republican Party and/or our nation, there will be no significant improvement of our lives or our nation. To extents USA voters swing the other way, our nation and the world will be somewhat better; (unless or until the dire predicted consequences of climate begin to occur). Respectfully, Supposn
Meanwhile back in reality the numbers of the alleged “RINOS” grows every day. One of your fellow Confederates is now accusing Trump’s lawyers of being deep state plants.
Still looking for a job in the Deep State... Must be great, no one quits, no bullying or harassment...
There is millions working in the Deep State and never hear a bad word from them... Office Parties must be legendary..

The RW posters here a really awful here... Not one of them are willing to put a good word in for me considering how well they know them...
Still looking for a job in the Deep State... Must be great, no one quits, no bullying or harassment...
There is millions working in the Deep State and never hear a bad word from them... Office Parties must be legendary..

The RW posters here a really awful here... Not one of them are willing to put a good word in for me considering how well they know them...
Its a construct of their imagination to trot out when they don’t want to criticize their blob for failing.
Yep, 8 people thought Kevin wasn't divisive enought to be speaker

GOP are showing they couldn't run a piss up in a brewery
The reason why we know that he is a RINO and worthless is because a majority of Democrats agreed with his funding proposals earlier this year.

If the Democrat filth likes what you have then you are a worthless RINO and you need to go.

Democrats are the scum of this country and any RINO that goes along with their agenda of destruction needs to be outed.
So borrow money but don't pay it back...

Destroy the Military, Education, Policing, Healthcare...

Great, that is what ye are about... Populistic shit with no fucking clue how to pay for it...
And I'm guessing you would prefer that America be handed over to the GlobalistS with a new set of International Laws. Biden is literally whittling away at America's sovereignty and independence. He's an embarrassment and cares more about countries, abroad, than he does America. I remember making less money than I am now under Trump yet having more buying power. In other words, my quality of life was much better under Trump than it is under Biden. That's a fact.
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I don't think you get it... Democrats don't give a fuck as long as you can pass a budget that is acceptable to the other branches...

If ye want to kill each other... Who fucking cares... That is a popcorn moment for the Democrats...

Democrats could have save Kevin and they went fuck him... He went on Sunday shows critising them... Bye bye...

Democrats will wait until a number of Republican Congress members in swing districts have said enough and they will deal with them... It might happen, we will see but this shit show is all GOP... Gaetz is loving the limelight...
We don’t need a budget acceptable to the government swamp creatures.

We need a budget acceptable to the American people.
Cowboy Ted, after the 2023 elections, if Trump supporters still retain their comparative power within the Republican Party and/or our nation, there will be no significant improvement of our lives or our nation. To extents USA voters swing the other way, our nation and the world will be somewhat better; (unless or until the dire predicted consequences of climate begin to occur). Respectfully, Supposn
Need to put this fucking thing to bed... Keep on beating them until the GOP put the angry man back in the attic for another generation...

Problem GOP has, they created this monster instead of trying to gain the middle ground (moderates)...

The moderate GOP would be better pushing for clean up of the News Media (like equal access) and preference multi seat districts...
Accept that it was foolhardy and reset the system and allow the Right & Left wings be just that wings.. Have the center run the country..
The reason why we know that he is a RINO and worthless is because a majority of Democrats agreed with his funding proposals earlier this year.

If the Democrat filth likes what you have then you are a worthless RINO and you need to go.

Democrats are the scum of this country and any RINO that goes along with their agenda of destruction needs to be outed.
So you have equate Democrats as evil...

Any one dealing with Democrats are evil..

So you are saying that anyone Democrats (50% of US) and any one dealing with them half of GOP (25% of US) are evil...

So lets get it 75% of the people in America are evil.. So you have no wish for America to be run by a democracy.. You need to have the 25% telliing the 'evil' America what to do and how they can live.

Am I right so far...
So you have equate Democrats as evil...

Any one dealing with Democrats are evil..

So you are saying that anyone Democrats (50% of US) and any one dealing with them half of GOP (25% of US) are evil...

So lets get it 75% of the people in America are evil.. So you have no wish for America to be run by a democracy.. You need to have the 25% telliing the 'evil' America what to do and how they can live.

Am I right so far...
Would you let your child walk the streets of an inner city alone at night?

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