What Democrats Don't Understand about McCarthy's Ousting

The Republican Party is split into MAGAts and what you call RINOS (anyone who doesn't buy into your MAGAt insanity) Why don't you losers get your own political party?
Better yet ... why not have the RINOs leave the Party and join the Demwits since they vote with them on many occasions. GOP stands for Grand Old Party. It should stand for "old fashioned" values both fiscally and socially. It has lost its way since the Globalist Bush boys infiltrated it and "Socialized" it.
Nope. We need to cut spending. No tax increase ever reduced the deficit.
Agreed we need to cut spending, but...
McCarthy already admitted that you can't cut spending that much. Interest on the Debt is approaching $2T a year.
Here is my recommended path to fiscal sanity, start with the 1% or "penny solution" for 10-years along with these:

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt
Agreed we need to cut spending, but...
McCarthy already admitted that you can't cut spending that much. Interest on the Debt is approaching $2T a year.
Here is my recommended path to fiscal sanity, start with the 1% or "penny solution" for 10-years along with these:

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt
Democrats will simply spend every dime of any tax increase and then 3 more.
Democrats are great at governing us right into financial collapse.
Bullshit. After the last three Republican presidents were done making a mess of our economy and world standing, a DEMOCRAT had to come in to fix the mess they left behind.
Agreed we need to cut spending, but...
McCarthy already admitted that you can't cut spending that much. Interest on the Debt is approaching $2T a year.
Here is my recommended path to fiscal sanity, start with the 1% or "penny solution" for 10-years along with these:

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.1%? financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 777b/yr)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$150b/yr, see below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
6. Add a co-pay for Medicaid
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the $1T Budget Deficit would become a $350b surplus to start paying down the $32T Debt
I'm not sure of your numbers, and I'm not sure we should burden the lowest earners (INCLUDING MAGA) with a sales tax on foods and clothing, not to mention "personal services" like Dr. visits ... but

I wouldn't object to paying a consumption tax of some sort, and raising the soc sec cap is a no-brainer. I'd happily trade some tax hike along those lines for some spending cuts to things like agricultural assistance to ADM. If we could just spend no more than we take in ...... the deficit would effectively fall over time.
Democrats will simply spend every dime of any tax increase and then 3 more.
Not if the LAW is written that spending cannot increase when the tax increase is in effect.

A "1% solution" means ALL government spending DECREASES by 1% every year for 10-years. (including DEFENSE)

We need to take the credit card off BOTH (tax cut) Republicans, and big spending democrats.

There is no other solution. If you have one, list it.
I'm not sure of your numbers, and I'm not sure we should burden the lowest earners (INCLUDING MAGA) with a sales tax on foods and clothing, not to mention "personal services" like Dr. visits ... but

I wouldn't object to paying a consumption tax of some sort, and raising the soc sec cap is a no-brainer. I'd happily trade some tax hike along those lines for some spending cuts to things like agricultural assistance to ADM. If we could just spend no more than we take in ...... the deficit would effectively fall over time.
You will never get both, moron. You'll get the tax, but none of the spending cuts. Dims intended to never never never cut spending. You have to be a fool not to understand that.
I'm not sure of your numbers, and I'm not sure we should burden the lowest earners (INCLUDING MAGA) with a sales tax on foods and clothing, not to mention "personal services" like Dr. visits ... but

I wouldn't object to paying a consumption tax of some sort, and raising the soc sec cap is a no-brainer. I'd happily trade some tax hike along those lines for some spending cuts to things like agricultural assistance to ADM. If we could just spend no more than we take in ...... the deficit would effectively fall over time.
We are arguing over things like social security because we were told that it was supposed to last until the 2070's easily when massive tax increases were force on citizens in the 1980's. Progs promised us. Ask Tip O'Neill. Let us create reanimating technology to ring him to life to torture him for eternity.
Biden just spent $3T more than we pulled in revenue, turd.
Trump spent more than 2T, fuckstick. And signed a bill giving a sweetheart tax cut that deprived the country of more revenue.
Gawd, your memory is short. :)
Not if the LAW is written that spending cannot increase when the tax increase is in effect.

We need to take the credit card off BOTH (tax cut) Republicans, and big spending democrats.
No such law will ever be enforced.

Dims are the big spenders. Only a dishonest douchebag claims Republicans are equally responsible.
I'm not sure of your numbers, and I'm not sure we should burden the lowest earners (INCLUDING MAGA) with a sales tax on foods and clothing, not to mention "personal services" like Dr. visits ... but

I wouldn't object to paying a consumption tax of some sort, and raising the soc sec cap is a no-brainer. I'd happily trade some tax hike along those lines for some spending cuts to things like agricultural assistance to ADM. If we could just spend no more than we take in ...... the deficit would effectively fall over time.
Actually if we eliminated ALL tax deductions, that would help a lot too. We need another "Great Compromise" on Taxes & Budgets.
Trump spent more than 2T, fuckstick. And signed a bill giving a sweetheart tax cut that deprived the country of more revenue.
Gawd, your memory is short. :)
Horseshit. What's a "sweetheart tax deal?" Everyone got their taxes cut. Only someone sucking off the government tit would be so fond of tax increases.
Horseshit. What's a "sweetheart tax deal?" Everyone got their taxes cut. Only someone sucking off the government tit would be so fond of tax increases.
No..they didn't, son. Most of the "tax cut" went to corporations to bring their international money home to buy back stock...sheesh...:)
No such law will ever be enforced.
Dims are the big spenders. Only a dishonest douchebag claims Republicans are equally responsible.
LOL!! Tax cuts do NOT pay for themselves. Just look at the increase to the Debt after Trump's moronic tax cut.

You have NOT put up a solution to a $2T budget deficit. Whining about taxes is no solution. Waiting...
LOL!! Tax cuts do NOT pay for themselves. Just look at the increase to the Debt after Trump's moronic tax cut.
That isn't a claim I have ever made, douchebag. However, it's a demonstratable fact that no tax increase ever reduced the deficit.

You have NOT put up a solution to a $2T budget deficit. Whining about taxes is no solution. Waiting...
Yes I have put up a solution: simply hold spending constant, and the deficit will disappear.
That isn't a claim I have ever made, douchebag. However, it's a demonstrable fact that no tax increase ever reduced the deficit.

Yes I have put up a solution: simply hold spending constant, and the deficit will disappear.
1. Ok, so you oppose tax cuts. Good.
2. Your math is WRONG!!!!!!!!!
We borrow $2T a year now, keeping spending constant means we will ALWAYS borrow $2T compounded, so $3T. $4T, and on and on until the dollar collapses.

To stop borrowing we need to increase REVENUE by at least $2T a year, AND cut spending about 1% a year

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