What did Obama mean by “fundamentally change” America?

Did he mean that he was going to use open borders to replace Anglo Voters with uneducated third world illegal alien Voters and “fundamentally change” America a third world country?

Or, did Obammy mean that he would replace our constitutional representative democracy and “fundamentally change” America into a third world banana republic left wing dictatorship?

What do you think that he meant?
Just campaign sloganing. Just like MAGA. Everyone opposing the incumbent runs on "change".
Obama did not run on 'change'...words matter.
Sure he did. It's right there in the title. I took it to mean ending the stupid Bush wars and getting us out of the second republican great depression. Took him far too long on both counts, IMHO.

We never got out of the wars. What are you talking about?
What did Obama mean by “fundamentally change” America?

Did he mean that he was going to use open borders to replace Anglo Voters with uneducated third world illegal alien Voters and “fundamentally change” America a third world country?

Or, did Obammy mean that he would replace our constitutional representative democracy and “fundamentally change” America into a third world banana republic left wing dictatorship?

What do you think that he meant?
Just campaign sloganing. Just like MAGA. Everyone opposing the incumbent runs on "change".
Obama did not run on 'change'...words matter.
Sure he did. It's right there in the title. I took it to mean ending the stupid Bush wars and getting us out of the second republican great depression. Took him far too long on both counts, IMHO.
Clinton handed Bush a recession, and the Great Recession was caused by Democrat mortgage policies.
Still dodging I see. That's what Liberals do, focus on a technicality because that's so much easier than stating your position on an issue.
And how do morons post? Certainly with little understanding. I may attack people, force them to respond, for my reasons. But I definitely know who I am attacking when I attack. Like, do you have your foot in your mouth while your head is up your ass?

Click on the link, moron!

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
I would say he meant..."decades of broken politics in Washington and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush"..."on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street." .... "policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed."

Typical political stump stuff. Unless you fixate on a few words and twist them into a spooky false narrative that he is was a foreign born saboteur, sent by his gay Muslim handlers to destroy the American way of life.

Here’s Obama’s original statement, in an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Mo:

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."
Thank you for providing the needed context. Seems the trolling OP is incapable of such.
Reagan wasn't an anti-Semitic Socialist. The Socialist Democrats seek pure socialist, anti-Semitic-embracibg, pro-post-birth a portion, pro-Antifa Leftist Extremists who are targeting and attemptng to primary those not like them in their own party OUT of the Party. 'Democrats' are targeted endangered spe is in the party they helped create / keep alive.
Did he mean that he was going to use open borders to replace Anglo Voters with uneducated third world illegal alien Voters and “fundamentally change” America a third world country?

Or, did Obammy mean that he would replace our constitutional representative democracy and “fundamentally change” America into a third world banana republic left wing dictatorship?

What do you think that he meant?
Just campaign sloganing. Just like MAGA. Everyone opposing the incumbent runs on "change".
Obama did not run on 'change'...words matter.
Sure he did. It's right there in the title. I took it to mean ending the stupid Bush wars and getting us out of the second republican great depression. Took him far too long on both counts, IMHO.
Obama set a new administration record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act...was responsible for the 1st Credit Rating Downgrade in US history...had the 1st administration Cabinet Member to be Censured (for Perjury) in US history...became the 1st Nobel Peace Peace Winner to lead their nation into w wars after winning the award - both to help terrorists.

Barry was held in Contempt of Court got violating Judge's orders twice, was found in violation of the Cobstitution at least twice, and violated US law numerous times ... and was never held accountable because he owned the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....the Directors of those agencies were all found to have committed crimes - mostly perjury - at one time or another and were protected, like Hillary, from accountability.

Barry was proven to have illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...and now newly elected Presidents....he used the IRS to target citizens who legally opposed his re-election...

....he armed, financed, trained, defended, protected, militarily aided, and abetted terrorists for I years, to include helping the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day take over their own country...

...He gave Russians uranium, Crimea, & 2 years of in-challenged interference in the US...

...and that isn't even all...

All of this, and more, was not 'Change'...it was 'FUNDAMENTAL Change'.
Still dodging I see. That's what Liberals do, focus on a technicality because that's so much easier than stating your position on an issue.
And how do morons post? Certainly with little understanding. I may attack people, force them to respond, for my reasons. But I definitely know who I am attacking when I attack. Like, do you have your foot in your mouth while your head is up your ass?

Click on the link, moron!

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
I can see you are struggling, so let me help you out. You see, when someone opens a thread with a question such as "What did Obama mean by fundamentally changing America", that is your opportunity to share what you believe Obama meant by that statement. I'll give you an example response: I think Obama was dedicated to diminishing America and wanted to shift the power from the people to the State, which is why he used every trick in the book to jam the ACA down our throats.
Now do you see how that works?
I can see you are struggling, so let me help you out. You see, when someone opens a thread with a question such as "What did Obama mean by fundamentally changing America", that is your opportunity to share what you believe Obama meant by that statement. I'll give you an example response: I think Obama was dedicated to diminishing America and wanted to shift the power from the people to the State, which is why he used every trick in the book to jam the ACA down our throats.
Now do you see how that works?
So, if that is how it works, why did you not answer the question as you dictated I should. You are what we call, the Message Board Police. A total asshat.

Further, you made assumptions of who I was, which is pretty sad if you are a Republican. Cause that would make you an example of a bigot. To call me liberal, that is pure bigotry on your part.

So how about man-ing up, and doing as you dictate, and answer the fucking question, and get off my back. I at least, addressed the OP, you have not.

You are exactly what, Republicans do not need.

Dictating what I should do when you did not do it. Your should join the DemoRAT party if you are not a demoRAT already.
Did he mean that he was going to use open borders to replace Anglo Voters with uneducated third world illegal alien Voters and “fundamentally change” America a third world country?

Or, did Obammy mean that he would replace our constitutional representative democracy and “fundamentally change” America into a third world banana republic left wing dictatorship?

What do you think that he meant?
Just campaign sloganing. Just like MAGA. Everyone opposing the incumbent runs on "change".
Obama did not run on 'change'...words matter.

Hope and Change.
In Obamababble "fundamentally transform" = "punish America for its sins that were repaired generations ago."

Has anyone noticed that now he's no longer the president-like thing, he's been giving speeches in other countries spewing a hundredfold more hatred at the American public than he used to? For the past few years everything that crab-infested, $2-whore-conceived pond life has said about America is 100% insulting and degrading, never any positive to say about the country that gave him the spoiled-brat luxury ride that carpet-headed anal cyst has had.
Obama had 0 interest rates unlike Trump, and yet Trump still blew Obama's economy away
he emboldened blacks to not comply/say FU to cops/etc
he emboldened illegals/criminals

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