What did President Trump do to the Dems?

Btw, if I might ask a follow-up question,... Why do Dems blame Trump for everything, but never blame Biden?
Btw, if I might ask a follow-up question,... Why do Dems blame Trump for everything, but never blame Biden?

He hasn't been in office long enough to create the problem he's dealing with. EVERYTHING, including supply side issues and inflation, are the results of Trump policies. High food prices - closing the border to migrant farm workers drove up the price of food.
Lie, cheat, steal, and fail to do the job of keeping American safe from all enemies - foreign and DOMESTIC.

He didn't do the job he was elected to do.
He didn't lie, cheat or steal, douchebag. And he did a lot better job of keeping us safe than President Shizzhizpants
He hasn't been in office long enough to create the problem he's dealing with. EVERYTHING, including supply side issues and inflation, are the results of Trump policies. High food prices - closing the border to migrant farm workers drove up the price of food.
You're delusional. It's a marvel the way your mind doesn't work.
He hasn't been in office long enough to create the problem he's dealing with. EVERYTHING, including supply side issues and inflation, are the results of Trump policies. High food prices - closing the border to migrant farm workers drove up the price of food.

Oh? Well shows how much you know,.. AKA nothing. bripat9643's right,.. you're delusional and you're at a very unhealthy level of TDS.
What did President Trump do to the Democrats to make them hate him so much?

That one is simple-------------->after Obama was elected and Trump was the nominee at the end of Obama's term, they knew there was no way in hell Hillary was going to lose. They just KNEW that the USA would now become a one party state being run by the Democrats, and they had a perfect foil in DJT to insure this happened. If you remember, the media actually PROMOTED DJT through the primary, because he was seen as the easiest person to defeat. Their plan so carefully conceived, did not work, which shocked them, and every other political pundit also.

But, that is NOT the end of the story, and this part will probably be seen by many as controversial----------->

The Democrats do NOT fear DJT running again as many people think, or at least not as much as many people believe. What the establishment in Washington fears is another plain speaking billionaire running for either party, and derailing their plans. As of now, I believe Yang is running 3rd party, but Cuban has also talked about running as a Democrat along with a few others.

So what you are seeing is not just these people messing with Trump, but also a warning to other people with massive means that do not need much party funding from either side, to just FORGET ABOUT IT, or suffer the same fate as Trump. We will do everything in our power to bring you, your family, and your wealth, down on its knees if you dare; that is the message being sent. Add to that, any politicians or people in government that support the supposed interlopers giving them credibility, will be harshly punished also.

Ask yourself this question, and I am talking about BOTH sides of the aisle, and forget that Joe Biden is the President of the United States. QUESTION is----------> Not how did Joe Biden win the Presidency, but rather, how did Joe Biden win the Democratic nomination! After you are done with that one, ask yourself---------->how did Obama win his Democratic nomination with such unstellar performance in the Senate! And finally, when done with that one-------->ask yourself how Obama managed to win his senate seat in the 1st place, because if not for that, he would NEVER have been a candidate for President! (and this is all common knowledge, easy to access on the internet, and in Obama's senate run at the very least, the accusations were all proven to be illegally obtained, and in the end, proven false, sound familiar?)

Point is--------->The people in Washington want someone they can control, a figurehead, not a leader. Someone who will take the heat for what they WANT to do, for the glory of being a President. Think DJT fit that description? Think any plain speaking billionaire running for either party is going to go along with being controlled outside of what can be done legislatively, legally, and constitutionally from preventing them from keeping their promises?

Now I am in no way a Bernie fan, but don't you wonder how they screwed him twice? Doesn't it make you scratch your head trying to figure out how the person MOST like Bernie in the race for Democratic nominee, was convinced to stay in the race(Pochahantas) so as Biden would have a much easier path to the nomination, while all others were convinced to drop out that were more like Joe?

Unelected Washington heads of departments are the ones actually running this country, deciding which path we are going on. They need a figurehead, not a billionaire who is running for the people from either party, with popular ideas. And when/if said billionaire from either party says we need to remove protection against these people from being FIRED, you know that billionaires goose is cooked. And, with them still seething over being outflanked by Trump, meaning they do not like him very much; they enjoy using him as the example to keep others in their place, from daring to diminish their power, without asking them for permission. Remember, they do not have to run for re-election to keep running the country, all they have to do is insure they can't be fired, and keep someone they can control in the Whitehouse!

Today, as I write this, there is little to no doubt that-------------> The FBI, CIA, State Department, and Pentagon are running this country. Now to BOTH Republicans and Democrats.............come November of 22 or 24, how many can YOU vote out? You can't, and that is the point! Without a decently strong leader, they will continue to run this country, no matter who/whom you vote in, and trust me, they like it that way! The real question is, do you like the thought of people running your country, imposing their will behind the scenes, that you can NOT vote in or out?!?!?!?!?
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