What did President Trump do to the Dems?

This is the song that will be blasting from the heavens when Jesus returns,.. and when Biden and Harris leave office.
And he shall reign forever and ever. That sounds suspiciously like the Mormon Tabernacle choir.
Many on the Left seem obsessed with attacking religion and its followers. Why is that? Where is that tolerance and inclusiveness? What about diversity?

Religion provided a moral foundation for America, making all of our institutions stronger because of fundamental right and wrong, and our freedom more precious because Thomas Jefferson said its a divine right. Not a government privilege, but a God given right that preceeds government existence.
The Left hates Christians and Christianity because they live decent moral lives and they profess to others about living moral and decent lives…..Morality and decency is kryptonite to the Left….they hate the idea of living in a society with such a value system. They are purveyors of filth and they are only happy when injecting their indecency and perversions in society.
How? Get off your ass and show me, magaturd. You're light on evidence here, genius.
You will discount this, but it's true:

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

The god of this world has blinded you and you have scales on your mind.
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The Left hates Christians and Christianity because they live decent moral lives and they profess to others about living moral and decent lives…..Morality and decency is kryptonite to the Left….they hate the idea of living in a society with such a value system. They are purveyors of filth and they are only happy when injecting their indecency and perversions in society.
No doubt, there's truth to that. We see it in who they condemn or disregard and those they choose to promote.
You will discount this, but it's true:

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

The god of this world has blinded you and you have scales on your ,ind.
I have zero interest in this, correct.
I actually do, but also know when it's a losing battle. So stay belligerent. That's your thing.
Been 'my thing' for 30+ years. But you believe you got some new nugget of info I haven't previously heard/broken down/flat out debunked 10,000 times before. Go on. It's in your programming.
You will discount this, but it's true:

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

The god of this world has blinded you and you have scales on your mind.
youre quoting the bible to show us how democrats cheated in the election?
The Left hates Christians and Christianity because they live decent moral lives and they profess to others about living moral and decent lives…..Morality and decency is kryptonite to the Left….they hate the idea of living in a society with such a value system. They are purveyors of filth and they are only happy when injecting their indecency and perversions in society.
Dude there’s nothing Christian about your hatred and bigotry
If you people don't understand by now you never will. In any case I'm pretty sure you'd rather remain ignorant just the way He likes you.

I agree. Fact is Trump rubs the dirty world establishment the wrong way. Democrats are dependent followers, so they're easily manipulated by the establishment's dirty media and the politicians bent over for them.
So, who is the last president that DIDN'T lie to you?
Fair point but at least I can choose to support the one who lies least. How many lies did Trump tell in the 2016 primaries (Cruz' dad killing JFK was my favorite) and the GOP voters still backed him?

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