What did Trump do for Ukraine while President?

Putin has just invaded Ukraine.

While all other living presidents condemned historic Russian agression Trump's response has been....to complement Putin and suggest that we need to use these tactics on our neighbors.


You really can't see that this clown is still kissing Vlad's ring to this day?

Putin has just invaded Ukraine.

I know. He's an evil commie. He also invaded Georgia and Crimea.
Attacked Chechnya. Assassinated dissidents around the world.
He blew up apartment buildings in Moscow. He. Is. Evil.

You really can't see that this clown is still kissing Vlad's ring to this day?

Pointing out that Putin is smarter than Biden isn't much of a kiss.
Idiot you have no fn clue what they were discussing or what diplomatic strategy Obama was pursuing.

But you do. DURR.

You heard some tibbit over hot mike and then assumed whatever the hell you want to about it.

He was being tough. Obviously. Just like in Chicago. In the bathhouse.
Because we have testimony that the public announcement was necessary.

This comes from Sondland and Volker.

They even went so far as to draft the statement for them.

You know there was a whole series of hearings and a trial about this? Didn’t you pay attention?
What "testimony?" Where and when? Who the fuck are Sondland and Volker?
Trumpism and Trumpists are the same as Putinism and Putinists. Braindead followers motivated by fear.
Sad, sorry humans.
ROFL! Dims push fear every minute. Right this minute you are trying to push fear that the Jan 6 protest was an inssurection.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Are inability to recognize that both party's have made plenty of mistakes, focus only on the things we believe that the other party has done wrong, never admitting mistakes and distorting the truth plus out right lies Our country is torn in a very bad way.
Dims have made 95% of all the mistakes. Every Dim program is a mistake.
Trumpism and Trumpists are the same as Putinism and Putinists. Braindead followers motivated by fear.
Sad, sorry humans.
But you followers of the demented Brandon are all just as brain dead. So clearly, you have no clue what the fuck you’re babbling about, ElmoDudd.
Trump held back 365 million dollars of military aid to Ukraine. You cannot make Trump look good when it comes to Ukraine and Putin.
Give it up. You look like a fool. I am sure you are a fool.
You of course either did not know or are attempting to deceive others about the fact that Trumo’s hold on the funds was TEMPORARY.

Trump administration backs off hold on Ukraine military aid

Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was president...end of discussion....
Putin didn't start a war within that narrow 4 year window and I also didnt get bitten by a dog.

Praise Jesus Trump our lord and savior.

Putin didn't start a war within that narrow 4 year window and I also didnt get bitten by a dog.

Praise Jesus Trump our lord and savior.

Putin has openly wanted to go into the Ukraine since 2016 but knew Trump would make sure it was his last order as the Russian leader.....

Joe provided the money for Putin to go into the Ukraine by removing sanctions on the Nord stream 2 pipeline that bypasses the Ukraine without concern for the existing pipeline being blown up that runs through the Ukraine....

In other words Biden made this war possible and stubbornly will not pivot and do what's obviously the right thing to do....
While innocent people men women and children die every hour by Russian bombs....

Shame on him and shame on you....
Putin has openly wanted to go into the Ukraine since 2016 but knew Trump would make sure it was his last order as the Russian leader.....

That is a ridiculous fantasy.

1. Trump was a long shot in the 2016 Nov election. He only became president in 2017. He NEVER advocated troops on the ground in Ukraine.

2. Trump ran on REMOVING ALL 2014 SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA. He advocated giving up Syrian situation to Russians. Said nothing but nice things about Putin and went so far as to publicly defend Putin murdering opposition and jounalists on cable shows.

Trump was also trying hard to make a deal with Russians to build Trump tower in Moscow untill summer of 2016.

3. Putin himself was trying to get Trump in office over Clinton.

How fucked in the head do you have to be suggest that the reason Putin didn't invade in 2016 was because he was scared of Trump?
That is a ridiculous, insane fantasy.

1. Trump was a long shot in the 2016 Nov election. He only became president in 2017.


He advocated giving up Syrian situation to Russians .

Said nothing but nice things about Putin and went so far as to publicly defend Putin murdering opposition and jounalists on cable shows.

Was trying hard to make a deal with Russians to build Trump tower in Moscow untill summer of 2016.

3, Putin himself was trying to get Trump in office over Clinton.

How fucked in the head do you have to be suggest that the reason Putin didn't invade in 2016 was because he was scared on Trump?

Let me answer that for you - HARD. You have to be fucked in the head real hard to belive such crazy tripe.
Trump was elected in 2016....that told Putin his desires to overtake his neighboring country were to be placed on hold....and then he began to help Hillary spill dirt on Trump...wake up man....
Trump was elected in 2016....that told Putin his desires to overtake his neighboring country were to be placed on hold....and then he began to help Hillary spill dirt on Trump...wake up man....
Sure, ignore everything I've said and keep repeating same stupid drivel. Why not.

There was ZERO reason for Putin to consider Trump more hawkish than Clinton and you are clearly full of shit.

And btw in 2016 Russia was still in a self-inflicted recession from their 2014 Ukrainian adventures when Obama put a boot up their ass with international sancitons.

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