What Did You Do In The War On Terror, Daddy

I posted the link

Damn how thsoe pesky facts keep getting in your way MM

no...you posted a link to a poll about congressional approval ratings. I asked you for the latest polling data that differentiated between democrats and republicans in congress. and democrats in congress versus the president.

No link of yours has provided such a poll.

I'll wait.
no...you posted a link to a poll about congressional approval ratings. I asked you for the latest polling data that differentiated between democrats and republicans in congress. and democrats in congress versus the president.

No link of yours has provided such a poll.

I'll wait.

Dems are lower in the polls thenPres Bush

My how that must piss you off

Makes my day!!
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 15-16, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"If you were a member of Congress, which one of the following proposals on Iraq would you vote for? Setting a specific deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. Setting benchmarks for Iraq to meet to receive continued help from the U.S., but without a deadline for withdrawal. Giving the troop surge time to work before setting any benchmarks or deadlines."

Specific Deadline 39
Benchmarks 32
Give Surge Time to Work 24
Unsure 6

how do you spin this, by the way?
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 15-16, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"If you were a member of Congress, which one of the following proposals on Iraq would you vote for? Setting a specific deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. Setting benchmarks for Iraq to meet to receive continued help from the U.S., but without a deadline for withdrawal. Giving the troop surge time to work before setting any benchmarks or deadlines."

Specific Deadline 39
Benchmarks 32
Give Surge Time to Work 24
Unsure 6

how do you spin this, by the way?

Surrender got 39% of the vote

Your point is?

Bush has a higher number then the Dems

I see you left that one out of your post
Surrender got 39% of the vote

Your piint is?

less than one in four want to even wait to give the surge time to work. YOUR point is?

7 out of 10 Americans want deadlines or mandatory benchmarks.....no more open ended...when they stand up we'll stand down bullshit.
You "miss" any facts that go against your talking points

no...I just don't fall for your spin. If you had anything that showed DEMOCRATS in congress with a lower approval rating than Bush you would have paraded it by now. As it is, you run away from the Harris Poll...you run away from the quinnipiac poll... you run away from the rasmussen poll and you cannot produce a single poll that backs up your claim that DEMOCRATS poll lower than Bush.
less than one in four want to even wait to give the surge time to work. YOUR point is?

7 out of 10 Americans want deadlines or mandatory benchmarks.....no more open ended...when they stand up we'll stand down bullshit.

39% want surrender (and who says Fox polls do not inculde Dems?)

61% want something other then surrender - they want to win the war
39% want surrender (and who says Fox polls do not inculde Dems?)

61% want something other then surrender - they want to win the war

39% want deadlines for troop withdrawal. YOu cannot extrapolate from that the the other 61% want to "win the war".... that is clearly not the case....hell of that 61%, less than half of THAT group wants to wait for the surge to work!
39% want deadlines for troop withdrawal. YOu cannot extrapolate from that the the other 61% want to "win the war".... that is clearly not the case....hell of that 61%, less than half of THAT group wants to wait for the surge to work!

If they do not want to surrender they want to win

I understand being a surrender guy you will not grasp that fact
you keep spinning the same old shit.

explain why 57% of Americans supported the democrat's funding bill.

They supported a funding bill not the surrender bill

You keep running around in circles MM much like your party
They supported a funding bill not the surrender bill

You keep running around in circles MM much like your party

no. 57% of Americans supported the democrat's funding bill that included withdrawal deadlines...it is the bill you like to inaccuratelycall the "surrender bill". 57% supported it and were PISSED that Bush vetoed it. How do you explain that?
no. 57% of Americans supported the democrat's funding bill that included withdrawal deadlines...it is the bill you like to inaccuratelycall the "surrender bill". 57% supported it and were PISSED that Bush vetoed it. How do you explain that?

Then why are Dems numbers tanking if they are doing what the people want?

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