===what did you do today?===


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2011
I slept in ,play scabble and hearts at club pogo and watched t.v, i have not had a day off like this in a long while , i kind of feel a little guilty ---------well mybe not , lol lol
Wrote out the slide narratives for a presentation I'm giving tomorrow a.m.
Up at 6:30 with whopping hangover. In a meeting from 7:15 to 9:00. Back to hotel. Pack/check out.
Back to meetings/lunch until 2:00. Then 2-1/2 drive home through tornado infested weather.
I'm ready for the weekend! :D
i'm sick with a cold do i plan on spending my eveining watching tv movies and playing spider solitare in pogo.

i play SCRABBLE and hearts in pogo

I like Srabble but don't know what pogo is. I've got the Scrabble app on my iPod if'n you want a game pm me for username. :thup:

Uh... today. Wake up with hangover. Take time getting to work. Home for lunch.
Drive 1/2 hr. to do repairs on my commercial building for new tennant.
Tonight, going to see local H.S. in area-wide speech competition.
woke up at 7:30 am,got the the kids to school,got gas, took my daughter to the airport in New York,went grocery shopping,gardened for a few hours, got sunburn from said gardening, made Jambalaya for dinner(my tongue is still burning) I'm chillin while I'm watching the evening news right now, will clean the house,play farmville,read,watch TV and go to bed around 12 am.

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